
Posts tagged with “inspiring”

Do What You Love

Source: Jamie Fingal Designs

Buddha Doodles: Reflect Love

Source: Buddha Doodles

Touching Flash Mob for a Retiring Principal

The students of Hingham Middle School showed their appreciation for their retiring principal, Roger Boddie, in a touching, highly unconventional way. I’m not sure what I enjoyed more–seeing their joy and gratitude, or his reaction. He clearly made an impact, and seeing it made an impact on me.

How You See


AJ’s Art Journal: Paint Your Future

Source: AJ’s Art Journal

From Tiny Buddha contributor Dr. Amy Johnson’s upcoming book Being Human

Book Giveaway: Guide to Loving Yourself and In the Garden of Thoughts

UPDATE: The winners for this giveaway have already been chosen. They are:

  • Vanessa Fisher
  • ljchern
  • kbennett10486
  • Jon

Today I’m excited to run a giveaway for two books that I believe complement each other nicely—the site’s latest collaborative project, Tiny Buddha’s Guide to Loving Yourself and In the Garden of Thoughts, a New York Times bestselling inspirational book, written by my new friend Dodinsky.

About In the Garden of Thoughts

I was fortunate to connect with Dodinsky on Facebook, where he runs a popular page called “Positive Outlooks” that’s followed by over two million people.

Though his heartening images and …

Ode to Failure: An Inspiring Video for Those Who Have Fallen

If you’ve ever felt like your failures define you, then you need to take ten minutes to watch this inspiring, uplifting video, written, illustrated, and produced by Tamara Levitt. I’m grateful that she shared this with me through Facebook, and excited to share it with you!

Buddha Doodles: Great Risk

Source: Buddha Doodles

Good Thoughts Shine

Source: Chibird

Are You Happy?


Finding Love: A Video About Seeing What We Look For

After moving to the beach, Filmmaker Hailey Bartholomew decided to search for heart-shaped rocks in the sand and water to prove that “what we see mainly depends on what we look for.” Over a three-week period, she and her loved ones found more than 350 of them–the rocks being a metaphor for beauty in the world around us.

What are you looking for? And where have you found it lately?

Don’t Give Up

Source: Lupytha Hermin

Buddha Doodles: Nurture the Garden

Source: Buddha Doodles

Don’t Give Up


Two Strangers in a Sandbox: Lessons for Life

Soul Pancake, one of my favorite sites, built a sandbox with the sole purpose of connecting strangers and enabling them to share life lessons. Though it certainly makes it more fun, you don’t need a slide to ask yourself: what do you wish you knew as a child?

Dharma Comics: Thinkaholic


Buddha Doodles: Be Reborn

Source: Buddha Doodles

Unnecessary Sadness


Let Go


The Adventures We Can Have
