
Posts tagged with “video”

Color Your World with Kindness

This is not only an adorable video with a great message, it’s also for a good cause.

When this video reaches 1,000,000 views on YouTube, The Better Worldians will fund surgeries allowing ten children to walk for the first time.

This campaign is part of their mission to build a caring, positive community of people that work to change the world—the BetterWorldians Community.

Their partner in this “Color with Kindness” campaign, CURE International, is a nonprofit organization that operates hospitals and programs in 29 countries worldwide. They have seen over 2.1 million patients, provided over 150,000 life-changing …

Fireflies: An Inspiring Short Film by The Jubilee Project

Since I have a chronically bleeding heart dripping down my sleeve, it’s not hard to get me teary eyed, but this video by The Jubilee Project really moved me. It’s both a touching short film, and a project with a great cause: building autism awareness.

From the YouTube Page:

“Fireflies” is a simple reminder that we each have beauty and can connect with others in unique ways. It is the passing glance of a stranger, the earnest offering of a flower, and the knowing smile of a shared secret. In “Fireflies,” a young boy and his new autistic friend …

You May Have a Super Power You Never Knew You Had

Not sure you have a gift or anything special to offer humanity? After watching this you may have a whole new perspective on how you make a difference.

Inspiring Video About What We Can Do: Are You a Hummingbird?

I feel happy just looking at this woman, with her bright yellow attire and joyful face, but it’s her message that compelled me to share this. Watch it and ask yourself: Are you a hummingbird?

Kindness Keeps the World Afloat

Kindness is contagious, as the beautiful video from Life Vest Inside illustrates. How can you start a chain reaction?

Touching Flash Mob for a Retiring Principal

The students of Hingham Middle School showed their appreciation for their retiring principal, Roger Boddie, in a touching, highly unconventional way. I’m not sure what I enjoyed more–seeing their joy and gratitude, or his reaction. He clearly made an impact, and seeing it made an impact on me.

Ode to Failure: An Inspiring Video for Those Who Have Fallen

If you’ve ever felt like your failures define you, then you need to take ten minutes to watch this inspiring, uplifting video, written, illustrated, and produced by Tamara Levitt. I’m grateful that she shared this with me through Facebook, and excited to share it with you!

Finding Love: A Video About Seeing What We Look For

After moving to the beach, Filmmaker Hailey Bartholomew decided to search for heart-shaped rocks in the sand and water to prove that “what we see mainly depends on what we look for.” Over a three-week period, she and her loved ones found more than 350 of them–the rocks being a metaphor for beauty in the world around us.

What are you looking for? And where have you found it lately?

Two Strangers in a Sandbox: Lessons for Life

Soul Pancake, one of my favorite sites, built a sandbox with the sole purpose of connecting strangers and enabling them to share life lessons. Though it certainly makes it more fun, you don’t need a slide to ask yourself: what do you wish you knew as a child?

A Powerful Video About Giving

Beautiful, moving, powerful, and worth the few minutes to watch it.

The Man in the Red Bandana: The Inspiring Story of a 9/11 Hero

You likely saw “Never forget” in various places today, on 9/11. When you remember, remember Welles Crowther. Strength. Honor. Courage. That’s everything he was. He was a true hero.

Make the Homeless Smile

It’s the little things we do in this world that make a big difference. What if we made kindness a trend?

Fitting in Cardboard: A Short Film About Being Yourself

If you’ve ever tried to fit in based on what you thought you’re supposed to be, you know how exhausting it is. But there’s another reason it doesn’t “work.” Even though there’s a thing called “fitting in”…

Music and Life, by Alan Watts

Have you ever stopped and asked yourself what it is you’re chasing, and if it will really feel like success when you get there? If you feel like you’re missing everything, take a few minutes to hear what Alan Watts has to say on music and life.

Draw My Life: Michelle Phan

She’s a YouTube sensation, with popular make-up tutorials that have received millions of hits. But what I’m most fascinated by is her personal story, and the empowering message she shares in her engaging “Draw My Life” video. We all have a story to tell, and we are part of something beautiful…

Landfill Harmonic: Beautiful Music Made with Trash and Passion

Most of us know we should open our eyes and appreciate what’s around us, but sometimes it may seem like there’s nothing of value there. That’s when we need to open our eyes further and ask ourselves, “How can I use this to make something beautiful?”

Inspiring Graduation Speech from a Sixth Grade Boy with Autism

In his sixth grade graduation speech, Eli Rosenberg shares what he’s learned about overcoming obstacles and making a difference, and offers a challenge that every one of us can meet. What a beautiful and inspiring message!


You wouldn’t think a song that repeatedly references our fragility could be uplifting, but I find myself returning to Breakable, and this video in particular, again and again.

Maybe it’s the clever use of evocative images. Maybe it’s the innocence behind those joyful smiles. Or maybe it’s that even the broken images seem somehow beautiful.

We are fragile. We are vulnerable. Every one of us. Every now and then, we all fall into broken hopes, broken dreams, and broken hearts. And while it’s hard and sometimes painful, we push ourselves again and again, willing to hurt, heal, and repeat.

It’s …

50-Year-Old Paraplegic Woman Surfs with Her Sons

Pascale Honore has lived without the use of her legs for the last eighteen years, but that hasn’t stopped her from taking risks and trying new things.

After commenting that she wished she could join her sons surfing, a family friend offered an interesting solution: duct taping her to his back so she could ride the waves with him. And though others thought the idea was crazy, Pascale agreed–after, of course, the friend trained with a forty-five-pound backpack.

Where there’s a will, there’s a way, and seeing the sheer joy and exhilaration on her face, it’s clear it was well …

The Time You Have (in Jelly Beans)

The average life spans 28,835 days. It’s easy to go from one to the next without thinking of how you’re spending them. Artist Ze Frank broke it all down–in candy–to put things in perspective. What if you had just one left? How would you want to use it?