
Posts tagged with “wisdom”

How to Stop Prioritizing Everyone and Everything Else at Your Own Expense

“Agreeing to things just to keep the peace is actually a trauma response. When you do this you’re disrespecting your boundaries. No more making yourself uncomfortable for others to feel comfortable. You have control now. You run your life. Take up space and use your voice.” ~Dj Love Light

I read the text from my stepmother inviting everyone to the holiday dinner at her house, and my stomach began to churn. I did not want to attend, but I was instantly flooded with guilt at the thought of saying no.

“How to kindly decline an invite” I typed and hit …

Trust That You Will Make It

It Isn’t About You

You’re Doing a Hell of a Good Job

No Adult Child Ever Wanted to End Contact with a Parent

Not Everyone Is Against You

To Make a Relationship Last

Stand Up for Your Child

There Is No Greater Satisfaction Than

In the Middle of Our Happy Moments

Not Welcome

You Can Release Your Love

A Child That Is Treated with Respect

If You Haven’t Found Your Purpose: How to Feel Good Anyway

“The person who lives life fully, glowing with life’s energy, is the person who lives a successful life.” ~Daisaku Ikeda

We’ve all heard the phrase “find your life purpose.” It gets thrown around so much nowadays. Many of us have been in what feels like an eternal quest to find it, especially if we’ve been feeling stuck, lost, and out of alignment. Finding our purpose then becomes an almost obsessive search for the solution that will solve all our problems.

We’ve been led to believe that a life purpose is a single thing, a calling that we’ll be passionate about

If You Feel Off Track

You Are Worthy Now

The Real Luxuries in Life

How to Start Saying No When You’re Afraid of Disapproval

“Sometimes what you’re most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.” ~Robert Tew

When I say that my need for people to like me has been one of the hidden rulers of my life, I’m not kidding!

Ever since I was a kid, I wanted everyone to like me, and I had significant anxiety if they didn’t. My fear of the disapproval of others quietly lurked beneath the surface like a shadow under my skin, dictating my behavior and my mood.

I was so afraid of the disapproval of others that I would ruminate over

We Never Know What’s Waiting for Us Tomorrow

The Thing About Having Love in Your Heart