
Posts tagged with “wisdom”

One of the Best Lessons You Can Learn in Life

Don’t Personalize or Internalize Other People’s Behavior

Sometimes Everything Hits You All at Once

The Most Beautiful Things in Life

The World Would Be a Happier, More Peaceful Place

Tomorrow Is Not Promised

How Long Something You Say Can Stay in Someone’s Mind

Stay in the Moment

The Beautiful Thing About Life

Either Way, You Win

Don’t Apologize For…

It Does Not Matter How Fast You Are Going

Sometimes Being Human Means That…

If We Truly Want to Break a Cycle and Heal

It Will All Pass

Your People

It’s Unfair to Punish Yourself

How to Tend to the Garden Within and Help Create a More Peaceful World

“Until we transform ourselves, we are like mobs of angry people screaming for peace. In order to move the world, we must be able to stand still in it.” ~Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche

It only happens about every ten years or so. The primal scream. It gets unleashed when things feel like too much.

But it happened recently, to the dismay of my husband who was enjoying a rare moment of quiet in the house. I had just dropped our son off to basketball practice. The soup I’d picked up for dinner spilled in the car, and the lid to the …

The Person You’ve Become

Allow Yourself to Be Proud of Yourself