
2 paths

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    I am at a turning point in my life. I am 35 and have just traveled to 25 countries while working. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity. Now that I have been back for four months, the idea of being a slave to the 9-5, or in my case 7:30-3:30 does not excite me at all. I am lucky enough to collect unemployment as I was not wrongfully let go from my last job and was given a severance package. It’s been a job looking for a job, but I honestly think I want to continue to travel.

    My new idea is to travel the Pan America Hwy from Ca to the Southern tip of South America. If I choose this route, I will have to give up my place that I rent for dirt cheap and find storage for my belongings. There is no stability in it, but the adventures and memories would be worth more. The other path is taking the job offer I’ve been given and return tot he mundane work routine, but with stability.

    I’ve asked friends for advice and most responses are the grown up one, take the job and stability. My head listens to that, but my heart and happiness lie in the adventure and exploration and not being tied down. I want to work to live not live to work. I have a month to decide. I am scared to take to leap, but don’t think I’ll be at this intersection again. Help.


    Dear Sassypants:

    The correct path for a sassy (definition: “lively, bold, and full of spirit”) person is the lively, bold and full of spirit path, and that is, of the two, the travel from Canada to South America. The other path, being “a slave to the… 7:30-3:30” job while living in your cheap rent apartment… that is not sassy at all.




    Maybe it doesn’t have to be one or the other. Maybe there is a compromise in there (ie you can travel for half the time you want while while looking for a perfect job you can be happy working in). There’s lot’s of possibilities.

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