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July 31, 2017 at 11:46 pm #161518
ParticipantI have a best friend of 4 years, he is a very good friend of me. I am also currently going through a very difficult and life changing break up. My family and friends have been very supportive throughout this break up, including this best friend of mine. After the break up – I became very stressed out and depressed. I am not in a very good place right now to put it simply.
Lately, this best friend of mine have been hinting that he likes me more than as friends. I got upset and confronted one of our mutual friend, basically confirming my assumption was true. I feel very much disappointed. Out of all people, he should be the one that knows how deeply I loved my ex boyfriend, how crushed I was when we broke up, and how I am still attached to my ex. In this hard period of my life, I need all the support that I can get. I feel betrayed and mad. There is a part of me that is mad because I feel like him liking me is him trying to replace my ex boyfriends place that I am not ready to give to anyone yet.
I want to grief, I want to only have or do simple things after the break up. I do not want any kind of “love” drama in my life. I want time for myself, to just relax and surround myself with all the person that love me. Not to mention that him liking me gave a negative affect on my progress in moving on. Instead of making me move forward, I clutch on more tightly to my ex boyfriend. I dont want to let go even more because of him. I dont have any romantic feelings towards him, and I will probably never have any kind of feelings for him in the future too.
I appreciate him as a friend and I do not want to lose this friendship but I am dying here. I am still trying to put myself back together, trying to put my ex boyfriend in a position that I am comfortable with, trying to figure out how I can be happy – but how dare someone put me in another tricky and hard situation? I feel more mad than ever. I will find a new love when I am ready with another person that I will love, but that person isn’t him.
Please give me advices x thanks all
August 1, 2017 at 6:23 am #161528Inky
ParticipantHi Mina,
I’ve been in a similar situation, so I totally get it. Him making his confession NOW actually minimizes your whole past relationship. A friend liking you that you felt no initial spark for is actually a BURDEN. Not only are we trying to heal our emotional state, but now we feel we have to somehow protect their feelings because we know we’re going to reject them?? No thanks!
Ask him why he’s making his confession NOW. Why NOW? Does it have to be… NOW?
How dare he. No, little buddy, you don’t just get to pick a girlfriend like it’s musical chairs. No, little buddy, my feelings are more important right now. No, little buddy, and it wouldn’t be you. The heart doesn’t work that way.
I advise you saying, “This is a joke, right?” and laughing it off. Then take a friendship break in that you’re on vacation, busy, not available for a while.
August 1, 2017 at 7:23 am #161536Mina
ParticipantHi Inky,
Thank you very much for replying. You describes everything perfectly regarding my situation. Him liking me … is definitely a burden for me. I rejected him softly yesterday – I can tell that he is hurt from the rejection but I do not feel sorry for him whatsoever because I am not in any situation to feel sorry for anyone.
But I do feel a bit awful for breaking his heart, because I know how awful it feels to have mine broken by my ex but unfortunately I cannot help it. I need to survive first. Thanks again for the amazing advices, I think you are absolutely right about everything.
By the way, you wrote : “Him making his confession NOW actually minimizes your whole past relationship.” will you care to explain more about this? Thanks so much.
August 1, 2017 at 8:14 am #161545PearceHawk
Inky has some very clear and solid points sleazy to understand. I hope that Inky’s words give you strength.
The friend reminds me of the villain hiding in the shadows waiting to find it’s victim vulnerable, and one of the consequences of breaking up is feeling vulnerable. You have said what you need, support. He may be trying to present himself in such a way that makes him look like the knight rescuing the damsel in distress. He knows you need support and to him this is his answer. His effort sound a little imposing, not to mention disrespectful. You said, “I appreciate him as a friend and I do not want to lose this friendship…”. Herein lies a test for him. If you haven’t done so already, tell him that you appreciate his “support” but you are going to define and maintain the space that you need. I wouldn’t say something like ‘I need my space’ or ‘I want my space.’ NEVER EVER ask for that permission. But in so many words tell him your space needed to think things over is private. Tell him thank you for being there for you and if you need his advice you will call on him. If he insists on pushing for the relationship that he wants and you don’t need, then his “friendship” takes on a whole new meaning. If, on the other hand, he respects what you are going to have, them his friendship will have greater meaning.
Wishing you love, peace, and happiness.
August 1, 2017 at 8:30 am #161551Anonymous
GuestDear Mina:
Your friend who expressed, following your breakup, that he likes you may very well be a decent fellow with bad timing, that is all. He may not have any bad intentions whatsoever. Maybe he has been liking you that way for a long time and finally thought he could express it.
You wrote: “how dare someone put me in another tricky and hard situation?”- he may not have meant at all to put you in a difficult situation and simply was not aware of your state of mind, of the difficult situation that his expression will cause you.
If his interest is that you will like him too, as I assume it is (since he likes you), he probably didn’t intend to antagonize you with his statement of liking you, and so, he didn’t perceive that his statement will cause you distress.
It is not time for you to focus on his feelings, I understand that. If you explained it to him, I hope he understood and withdrew any future attempts.
August 1, 2017 at 10:10 am #161571Mina
ParticipantDear Pearce,
Thank you for your reply, I really appreciate it. I had never think about it before you mentioned it here, that he is probably doing this on purpose and wait for the opportunity (the break up obviously) t0 finally express his feelings by taking advantage of my emotional state. If that is what he is doing right now, I really do feel sorry for him. He clearly miscalculated a lot of things here. Especially regarding my relationship with my ex boyfriend.
I (fortunately) still have a very good relationship and is receiving support from my ex boyfriend throughout this tough break up. I can afford to lose a friend that does not appreciate or support me during this break up. I am not begging for any kind of support from him. My friend is clearly not in his right mind to assume that he can somehow be with me, a month after my break up. I find it very odd that he even thinks about it. I think he is taking relationships and love in general as toys. In my opinion, no one is able to actually sincerely love someone when the person that they love is still struggling with a break up. Why? Because if you really love someone, you will wait.
Tell me your opinion, Pearce. Thank you very much x
August 1, 2017 at 10:38 am #161587Mina
ParticipantDear Anita,
I completely understand where you are coming from, Anita. I really do, because I know that I cannot control his feelings for me. Maybe he has been silently loving me from a long time ago, like you said and finally only had the courage (or opportunity) to expressed it now.
I won’t react this harshly if he had expressed this before this whole break up thing had happened. I would just politely reject him and move on. My friend must have known how bad my mental situation right now since I still have a big and very fresh wound from my break up. I expressed this almost every day since it is a constant struggle for me.
He knows all of this – so why? you said that he might be a good person with a bad timing, but he chooses his own timing. He could just support me as a good friend until I get over this break up completely but why did he had choose to expressed it now? It was his own choice. He is just being selfish, he does not care about me or my feelings – he just wants to his feelings to be heard by me. If he does not realise how expressing his “love” has became a “burden” to me – he clearly does not love me. He has been acting very childish, insulting my ex partner and making rude remarks about him. If I can be completely honest, my ex had never once insulted my best friend and has always respected my friendship with this guy.
I do think that my best friend is a good person, but as a partner – he lacks a lot of things. Again I have to mention that my mental state isn’t very good after the break up, so it is natural for me to compare him with my ex partner. Even if he really is a better partner for me, I still won’t accept his feelings because he is being very insensitive to my situation. That is the main problem to me. His feelings isn’t a big deal for me, I had rejected guys before, it is his lack of thoughts and foolishness that really bothers me.
I would love to hear your feedback or opinion or advice, as usual. Thank you very much.
August 1, 2017 at 11:59 am #161595Anonymous
GuestDear Mina:
You are welcome. I do hope you feel better soon.
You referred to this friend as “best friend” – at least he was, in your mind. So you know him, over time and you know all the circumstances of this latest occurrence. You know what he said, to whom, how he said it and so forth. I don’t have those details. If you clearly expressed to him how heartbroken you are over this breakup, that it is still fresh, that you are processing it, and he expressed his feelings for you to you (or was it to a third person who happened to tell you about it?) then indeed he chose this bad timing and should have known better.
This is time for you to process this breakup, to come to some peace of mind, some emotional stability, following the turmoil. During this turmoil, you do need stability in other areas of your life, one of which is that a friend should stay a friend. It is not time to cause further shaking in your life by redefining other relationships.
August 1, 2017 at 1:08 pm #161603Inky
ParticipantHi Again,
Unfortunately, a lot of men seek out women when they are vulnerable. Even my own daughter got together with her BF because of this. Why? He kept hanging out in her dorm, “just stopping by”. Then when she went with the ski team on break (and she wasn’t even on the team) HE happened to (out of 80,000 other kids at the University) ALSO follow the ski team. Now, he would be labelled as a stalker if my DD looked at it a certain way. But, when she got injured on the slopes, HE was the one that took care of her … and they got together!!!
I hope it is just horrible timing, Mina, but it could also be him rubbing his hands with glee going, “Now’s my chance!” (thus minimizing the whole past relationship, making it all about HIM).
Another parallel: God forbid, if my DH dies, I would be all levels of pissed if our guy friends started hanging out with me, making confessions, etc. before the body is cold, for example.
August 1, 2017 at 2:39 pm #161635PearceHawk
It seems to me that his gestures as you describe are predatory at best. You are absolutely correct when you said, “a lot of men seek out women when they are vulnerable.” Being like that is very weak, very shallow. I believe that when a guy tries to smother a woman thinking he is helping her through her breakup his efforts have quite the opposite effect of what his expectations are, in this case, his fantasy. I think a good approach is to say to him that you prefer to work through this by yourself (which may or may not be true) and that his gestures are not compatible to how you are handling it, or, his way of helping is not helping. Something like that. If I was a guy who did that, one thing for sure that would make me step back some, would be the girl saying, in a strong, decisive voice, ” I am handling this well so there is no need to think that how I am handling it won’t work. What I am doing, works.”
August 1, 2017 at 11:13 pm #161680Mina
ParticipantHi Inky,
You made such a perfect example. I have been trying to express this concern to my mutual friends, by using the exact same expression (if your DH dies and your guy friends are approaching you already before you can properly grief) – this describes what I am feeling perfectly.
I am intrigued to hear how your DD got together with this particular boyfriend of hers. Are they still together? and is your DD in love with this guy sincerely, considering she got together with him in the middle of her break up?
Thank you very much, Inky. I would love to hear from you, again.
August 1, 2017 at 11:15 pm #161682Mina
ParticipantHi Pearce,
Thank you very much for another feedback. I appreciate it very very much. Thank you, once again. I will keep what you have said in mind.
August 1, 2017 at 11:17 pm #161684Mina
ParticipantHi Anita,
Thank you for the lovely feedback. I really appreciate it.
You wrote : “During this turmoil, you do need stability in other areas of your life, one of which is that a friend should stay a friend. It is not time to cause further shaking in your life by redefining other relationships.”
I absolutely agree with this statement of yours x