
Chronic Pain

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    Have you tried seeing a doctor about your symptoms? What were you wearing in Washington, DC train station? Could that have precipitated the attack? Maybe you ate red meat? Or drink alcohol? Maybe your smell?

    I am sorry. Did not mean that. Just to show you not to blame the victim. You weren’t to blame for being attacked. And the other person in the other thread was not to blame for being attack by the dog. They may sound like innocent questions but not to the victim. It makes it sound like the victim did something wrong. To make the bad thing to happen. That is the last thing they need to hear. Luckily that was a very old thread and I doubt she has returned to see your response.

    You were in the train station and attacked. I am very sorry to hear that. Hope you caught the person and got some measure of justice. I also hope you are getting better. Yeah, I am a son of a B…. Angry and stupid and all that good stuff. I am not afraid to speak up. But, I do apologize for being rude. I guess I wanted to shock you into realizing what you say and how it feels with the tables turned on you.

    Okay, nice to see a new face here. Welcome. Helcat and Anita are two of the nicest people on here. They have helped many who come here for a word of kindness or advice. If you want to help or want help they can be the best people to talk to. They are nice not like me. Well, see you around the forum.


    Hi Meriaten Tasherit

    I’m sorry to hear that you have severe chronic pain that feels like needles and fire. 5 years is a long time to be living with a condition like that. It must be difficult. Have you found any ways to cope with the pain?

    I’m sorry to hear that you were assaulted at a train station and as a result even your eyebrows hurt.

    Love and best wishes! ❤️🙏

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