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  • #438972

    Hi Nik

    I’m sorry to hear that you are going through this situation. I think that the obvious thing is to look for a new job asap.

    Have long have you been dating this engineer for? 2 months?

    This whole situation is messed up and I think you know that you need to get out of it.

    You are lucky that you aren’t pregnant yet. These things can happen very quickly. All it really takes is once. If you have a baby with this man and you think that your life is bad now, it will get exponentially worse. He is BSing you and trying to trap you. I just had a baby in my early 30s, no IVF, it is increasingly common for people to wait before children. Your time is not running out. You are still young.

    My suggestion is crazy for not having sex with him now until you find a new job. Lie to him and come out as a lesbian. Say that you think he’s an amazing guy, but you’ve been confused and struggling with these feelings for a while. Apologise for “hurting him” and say that you really thought that things might work because he’s amazing, but if they can’t work out with him they can’t work out with any man. Lay it on thick about much you have been struggling with your feelings.

    If you’re not ready to have that conversation right now, start laying some ground work.

    Think it over.

    Are you tracking your fertility? If not, you should. Look it up online it’s called the rhythm method or natural family planning. It involves taking your temperature every morning and logging your periods in an app and checking the consistency of your mucus down there. If it is clear and runnier that is a sign of a high fertility day. A higher temperature is a sign of a high fertility day. Make sure not to have sex on these days. There is still a chance of getting pregnant on low fertility days. But since you currently have no birth control method, it is better than nothing.

    In the future, do not have sex with anyone without a condom. Bring condoms yourself. Men are awful about using condoms because sex doesn’t feel as pleasurable for them when they use them. They do learn to adapt their technique in time, so they can feel pleasure while using one. You have to be quite assertive to get them to use one. You could say “Do you have a condom?” when you are in the moment and then if they say no you can say that you do and either give it to them or put it on them. Carry an XL incase someone says that condoms don’t fit. The only reason that is acceptable is a genuine latex allergy because latex free condoms tear apparently. My friend has a latex allergy. I’d ask to see something medical stating the allergy lol. Probably not a good idea to date someone with a latex allergy though considering your own health issues with contraceptives.

    Love and best wishes! ❤️🙏


    My husband thought he saw our missing cat. I hope that this is a good sign and she will come back home soon.

    I’m glad that things are going better with my husband. Instead of expressing my insecurities I told him I missed him and asked to chat for a bit. We talked and cuddled.

    It really helped because I was in my head before and by not expressing my fears and instead expressing my needs it allowed us to have some positive communication. It made me feel a lot better and put my fears at ease without having to talk about them or ask for reassurance.

    I had a nice day today.


    Hi Laven

    I’m sorry to hear about your difficulties. I encourage you to seek professional mental health support since you expressed feeling suicidal recently.

    Love and best wishes! ❤️🙏


    Hi Anita

    That is great news that you had a good nights sleep.

    I’m not good at singing either, I’m actually pretty bad at it but I have always enjoyed singing, so I do it anyway. I think that anyone who loves to sing should sing. 😊

    That is fine. I’m quite happy for you to do what you are comfortable with.

    Love and best wishes! ❤️🙏


    Hi Anita

    I’m glad to hear that you often fall back asleep. I’m sorry that there are other days that doesn’t happen though and you feel really tired.

    I thought it was a beautiful song! I like how tranquil it is. A very unique style.

    You don’t have to not bring things up for my comfort. It is good to be uncomfortable and work through things sometimes. It just takes me time to process. I can understand though if you want to do that for your own comfort.

    Thank you for your kindness Anita. Especially for saying that you think I’m good enough. It means a lot to me. You are a very special person.

    The feelings come and go for me. On the whole it was good to have a week where we only had one minor disagreement. My nervous system recovered a little and I do feel a bit calmer. I do hope that things continue to improve.

    Love and best wishes, always! ❤️🙏


    Hi Anita

    You mentioned that you think about bad things happening with other people and then visualise things working out for them when you are having difficulty sleeping. The first part sounds quite stressful and the visualising things working out sounds relaxing. Do you tend to wake up feeling stressed when you have difficulty sleeping or is that something that happens when you can’t get back to sleep when you try?

    I haven’t heard Sade’s music but I will listen to the song tomorrow morning. I think the lyrics sound really nice. It is apt! 😊

    You are right, he could not silence the narrative but he did help me to understand for the first time that it wasn’t true.

    It is true that I can overreact sometimes and so can he. I have been trying my hardest not to overreact because there is no room for two people to overreact in the relationship. It would just be over. I tend to go quiet to calm down to make sure I don’t add to the situation.

    It is hard for me to talk about these things and think about them sometimes. It makes me feel self-punishing. It isn’t your fault that it is hard for me though.

    Thank you for a helpful strategy for handling these situations. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with kindness and compassion. I really appreciate it! Thank you for wishing my friend well too! He has improved a little but isn’t out of the woods yet. ❤️

    My husband and I only argued once this week and it was a minor argument. Things are improving.

    I feel bad after counselling. I just feel really anxious. My husband is trying to make things better. But I don’t trust it yet. It has only been a week. Consistency is important to me.

    I’m also afraid that I’m not good enough. When things were okay between us I had fears that he would one day find me too much and regret being with me. It feels like that fear has come to pass. No longer a silly fear, no longer not true and just an old story. It feels like reality.

    Love and best wishes, always! ❤️🙏


    Hi Manjot

    I’m sorry to hear about your break up and that your ex has started dating and you see her in class. That must be really hard for you.

    It sounds like she was your first love? The early ones are always the hardest because it involves learning about the dating process. Going into things with an open heart, expecting things to work out is how you get hurt. Sadly, reality often doesn’t work out that way. It is a hard lesson to learn but it will get easier in time. Next time, you will not expect so much because now you know that sometimes things don’t work out and this will help you to protect your heart. The pain will pass in time. I promise! Please take extra care of yourself during this difficult time.

    In the future, be careful not to threaten to hurt yourself when you have a break up.

    Love and best wishes! ❤️🙏



    Sleep well Anita! ❤️🙏


    Hi Anita

    I just wanted to send you a quick message letting you know that I’m not upset and I really appreciate your support. I really did just start falling asleep writing a message to you.

    I never figured out how to stop the editing problems after copy and pasting and I really don’t like seeing those errors. You might be able to tell me how to avoid that? So I didn’t want to lose what I had written so far and just posted it.

    I had difficulty sleeping because I was worrying about being too hard on my husband and so I checked back here and I thought I would let you know that everything is okay. I do have to try and get back to sleep, so I will reply properly tomorrow.

    Love and best wishes, always! ❤️🙏


    Hi Anita

    I’m very aware of the past being present with the difficulties with my husband. I’ve been having flashbacks to when I was a child because of the arguments.

    I think that the change in my husband did happen during the pregnancy. But it was not just the stress. He struggled with the idea of being a father for a while. He worried that he would be like his father. He opened up a lot then and worked on his fears during the pregnancy. He is an excellent father, as I knew he would be. I think that it was a big change for him and he found himself caring for our son more than he could have ever imagined. I think the idea of being a father made him feel vulnerable in a way that he had never felt before.

    He has been through a lot in his life, lost a lot of people and his family impressed upon him a lot of unhealthy messages. Everyone will leave him, the people you care about most will betray you. You should leave people before they leave you. These kinds of things.

    I think having a son, especially internationally and the idea of things not working out is very scary to him. I had a friend who was in this situation and they sent the child backwards and forwards between countries for half a year at a time.

    I think the change in relationship and communication dynamics with a child has been hard for him. Taking breaks during disagreements to calm things down was something that he didn’t want but I forced it to happen because of our son. A lot of the changes in communication I have forced to happen for our son. It has taken him a while to get on board with this. I think he feels quite badly about this.

    As things got worse, I lost my patience with him and started walking away from him whenever he started acting out.

    He has expressed feeling a loss of control in the relationship and feeling like he is being controlled and treat like a child.

    I told him that I don’t want to do this, but we have a son and until he is ready to take responsibility for his own behaviour I will do that for him.

    I’m going to have to finish writing the rest of my reply to you tomorrow. I’m falling asleep.

    Love and best wishes, always! ❤️🙏


    Hi Anita

    I’m glad to hear that you got some sleep, but it is a shame that it was not as much as you needed. Is there anything on your mind that you would like to talk about?

    I thought your point about people communicating in a way that reflects worthiness and lovability being essential was very insightful.

    I do agree. Some things try and discredit the impact of others on our happiness and suggest that we need to take responsibility for our own happiness. Whilst needing to take responsibility of our own self-care is a good idea and very healthy, it doesn’t change the fact that close relationships (romantic or not) impact happiness very strongly.

    It is difficult because we are trying to work on things. I can’t try to work on things whilst grieving. I have to let go of fear of the future and anger of how things got to this point.

    You are right though about trust in his love. It is going to take time for things to work out, one way or the other.

    I think that love is a choice especially when things are hard. It has to be chosen over and over again.

    Don’t worry. Now that the vet visits have calmed down I am back to the baby classes. We do visit friends and my sister. So I do talk to some adults.

    We just got some bad news. One of our friends is in hospital. Our thoughts and prayers are with him and his family.

    Thank you so much for your kindness and support. Your acrostic is very touching! I hope you don’t mind, I made one for you too.






    Love and best wishes, always! ❤️🙏


    Also, I feel like I have been worrying a lot about losing my husband. What will happen if things don’t work out. That has been painful too. I have made some peace with that he is his own person. We just borrow each other. I appreciate everything that he has done for me, but if he doesn’t want to be with me anymore that is his choice and I wish him the best.


    Hi Anita

    Thank you always for your boundless compassion and understanding! I’m glad that you had a good time socialising. I’m sorry to hear about your continued sleep difficulties. I think that you really truly deserve peaceful rest. All you do is try your best to help others. I’m sorry that sleep isn’t working out for you. ❤️

    You are right, a low stress environment is really important for me to manage my health. I did a lot of work before to build up my tolerance to stress and to remove unnecessary stress from my life. The baby dysregulated my nervous system, particularly to do with the hormones (cortisol levels get progressively higher throughout pregnancy) and partially due to stressful circumstances. I haven’t recovered from that yet. I’m not able to cope with stress at the moment. Because of the baby, I’m not really able to do much self-care either. Just busy looking after him really.

    I do agree that blame is harmful. It is difficult because sometimes communicating problems and feedback is needed. Upon reflecting, I think that communicating these things with love is important.

    I have been thinking and learning about things. I think why this has all hurt so much has been because I have struggled with self-love. My husband was the person who taught me to love myself. I know it is maladaptive, but I based this around his feelings for me.

    It is a childish logic, but for someone who hadn’t  experienced much love in life because I always lacked it, I felt unworthy of it. I blamed myself as the cause instead of seeing that some people are unable. When he loved me, he saw me as worthy. I felt like I was good enough for the first time because he told me I was.

    Having these relationship difficulties, feeling the loss of love. It makes me feel unworthy and unlovable. Logically, I know that this isn’t true. But logic doesn’t dictate emotions sometimes. It takes a while for them to catch up.

    On top of the relationship difficulties, my whole life has changed as a result of having a baby. A coping method I used to reassure myself was proving my worthiness to myself. I worked hard and tried my best to help people etc. Now my life is mostly just helping my family.

    For a long time, I suffered with disliking myself for the difficulties I experienced in life. I felt like I wasn’t good enough. I worked hard to change myself into someone that I could be proud of.

    I am still that same person. I just can’t prove it to myself anymore. I think I need to work on loving and accepting myself as I am.

    Love and best wishes, always! ❤️🙏


    Hi Dave

    I’m sorry to hear about the break up. Perhaps the depth of the relationship at 4 months led to the break up? Sometimes these things moving so quickly means that a decision needs to be made because if a decision isn’t made it means that you are leading the other person on. For whatever reason, she was not ready to continue the relationship. Perhaps she was trying to be kind by letting you down now, as opposed to later. Perhaps she was being honest in that it was nothing that you did. Perhaps she was just acting on her own feelings?

    Love and best wishes! ❤️🙏


    Hi Anita

    That is a very uplifting message! Thank you for sharing it with me. ❤️ It’s very thoughtful. You are an angel. 😇

    I think that for me, the first couple of months were not that bad. I was mostly very tired and had to be careful not to do too much because I would get abdominal cramps. Also, I was very lucky in that I didn’t get any morning sickness.

    Pregnancy hormones have lots of natural painkillers and muscle relaxants. I had to come off my medication before I got pregnant due to some nasty side effects, so I had already adjusted somewhat to not being on the medication. It was very hard not being able to do acupuncture because of being pregnant. But the TCM doctor was able to give me some herbal medicine that is okay for pregnant people to help during the flare ups. I took as little as possible.

    As the baby grew, that’s when things got worse. I had pelvic pain even before the baby, so the last trimester was agony. I could barely walk and the last month I couldn’t.

    Thank you for your continued support and understanding!

    My thoughts are that none of us choose how we feel. It sounds like my husband has been struggling with his own issues too. For a while, I blamed him for blaming me. That isn’t very helpful either.

    There is something else that is important to know about him. He has a very good memory. Something that he struggles with is that he doesn’t forget arguments. I am lucky in that my memory is fairly poor. I remember fragments for a time then forget. And I vaguely remember an overarching theme for important stuff.

    I think that must be hard for him.

    I can honestly understand that. The world can be hostile at times and challenging. The idea of adopting has always been nice to me too. It sounds like you had a good understanding of what being pregnant would be like and made decisions that were right for you. ❤️

    I am wondering how you are doing? Are you sleeping any better?

    Love and best wishes, always! ❤️🙏

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