
close friend acting as stranger

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    I am mother of two kids  and working women, I am some what introvert person, I have a best friends and friends.

    This incident happened to me an year ago, I had a close friend at work since six years or little longer, initially  she was one of the good friends.  we both carried our journey of moving on to same location/place for twice as coincidence,

    As years passed i became very attached to her and felt she had the same feeling, we used to share lot of stuff about colleagues,  personal life.

    She used to tell me about many at work , home and gossip at work. Though we worked together in same team for long,  I never used to get such a insider perspective about anyone , as she used to get, I felt she was educating me and she was intelligent. I used to keep all the communication and relation with anyone at work strictly to work place and never built any network.

    Once it happened that when we moved to different team, I was first one to move and she moved later than me, That year I was expecting an appraisal and all in blues she got it, I felt sad initially but felt she deserves it but when I spoke to my supervisor for  what should i improve on he told me that I do not approach people for solutions more on team work etc then i struggle myself until i get clarity and because of this i lose time. This is something that reflects my personality.

    As years passed i moved to another location and in little while she moved too in span of six months, Our friendship continued, Me and my husband tried setting her new house in this country, I wanted to treat her as family friend and made more family visits.  that point of time I had one son and I got pregnant with my second. after while when i got pregnant  I slowly observed a difference, All in blues she stopped talking to me since then, How many times I call her for coffee, She rejects, She avoids any contact with me, I tried asking her couple of time if there was reason that she is hurt of, She barely told me any but one point she told me that she hates people being very self centered and I am , Reason being I tried telling her that I feel very bad about our relation and it is hurting me more than anything, She said I am thinking about myself and not her, again she called back saying it was gap misunderstanding and talked for while, again after little while she went back to same. she would avoid, but talk as a colleague in meetings etc ,

    For sometime she did not even reply to work emails and little later when she needed help she pinged me at work and since then we speak as colleagues when we see each other, She wouldn’t attend to any of my family events .She does not have kids,

    My son used to like the couple and i felt they reciprocated too,  One day  my son told me he miss them. I did tell him that they were out of town but I could not help but cry.

    She makes friends with others at work, I have a same circle too, We both behave as two disjoint entities, I am not sure what I can do in this situation, How to console myself, I feel extremely bad when we constantly come in touch. sometime I feel my lack of social life which I barely had after kids, Lack of success( I am playing neutral at work and having no major success but not bad to sustain my family because of my commitments. I am steady) makes me a bad friend.

    Lately I do not have good friends too, My husband has no social life almost big zero and I am unable to give time or make new friends, My elder kid also spends most of free time at home, We dont go out much,  My younger kid is still an infant. I tried speaking about this to my husband He says i am overacting  and should take it easy as it does not care about me any longer.

    I am troubled with two things , one is why did i invite such an experience, How to get peace and stop reacting inward due to my friend. This  experience really hurts, infact i cannot run way but live with it, I cannot change my job sooner  because obligations. How do I make new friends, I am doubting myself I lost confidence.

    Please help



    Sometimes we don’t get to know why someone we cared about moves on without us. (Sometime we must give to ourselves what we hope to have be given by others) It hurts. Not only do we mourn the loss of the friend we mourn the loss of the imagined future. For what ever reason often it’s the loss of the imagined future that hurts the most… perhaps because it leaves us uncertain about the future.  Of course, the future is never certain the first step is the practice of letting go and returning to the present.

    Another step to moving forward is in accepting doubt. Doubt is to Faith as Fear is to Courage. It is in times of doubt that we discover and exercise our Faith (even if we are unsure of our Faith (what we lean on in times of doubt)

    Doubt does not have to end in a loss of confidence. There is a time for all things even doubt. This may be a time for doubt, for you not to know, a time to sit in the wound and wonder (The etymology of the word “wound” comes for the Germanic word, “wunde”.  A direct derivative of this word is “wunder”.  And in English, that word is translated as “wonder” – it is often during moments of pain when we discover how to be alive and that is a wonder) In other words don’t fight what your feeling, feel it and see what it has to tell you. As you become more connected to your self, like will attract like and you will find the friends you hope for. You will find your tribe

    The following book might be helpful – The Five Longings, What We’ve Always Wanted and Already Have

    “There are five longings deep within us. They are for love, meaning, freedom, happiness, growth. Each of these five reveals us to ourselves, showing us what we want, what our life is for, what keeps us going, what keeps us looking. Longings are mysterious. We often can’t quite name or explain them. Nor can they ever be perfectly, fully, or finally gratified. We shyly or loudly bring our longings to others. Sometimes we find more than we hoped for, sometimes less. Our healthy practice is a radical one: We notice and ask for some fulfillment of our longings from those we trust. We give up expecting all or perfect satisfaction. We notice that we have longings for the lasting in a world that is always changing. We can take that as a clue to the presence of something transcendent in us. With such spiritual consciousness we finally discover that all five longings reflect qualities in our true nature. We are seeking what we are.”

    Thuy Dung

    be strong ! i don’t know who you are but i think you are quite sensitive and vulnerable. Many things occured in our life as a way we can’t understand, we always ask ” why? ” although we know nobody will answer, i used to have a close friend, we share everything with each other, every thinng about life, love, work, stresses, happiness, sorrow,.. I thought she was one of the most important people in my lif. But recently, we haven’t been close-knit, we don’t talk any more, rarely we talk, everything about her life is no longer known by me, because she doesn’t confide in me. i can’t understand why. I try to talk to her but she ignores me, and cares me not very much, When i’m tired of everything, i want to have a friend to share with, but there is no one. i feel desolate and really upset. but my bro told me to be optimistic. there are many thing in life that is more wonderful than friendship , such as family. I think you should care more about your children, your husband, and yourself, try going picnic, having a nice trip, .. i believe someday you will happy again with your family, your job and your life. You will have a friend, or maybe your old friend will realize she needs you and you will become good friend as in the past <3


    Thanks Peter for your voice, I quite want my feeling to pass but at times they leave me overwhelmed.

    As you brought out about connecting with yourself, I truly do not understand what it means  , How it is, Please share some knowledge and good references.

    I will go through “The Five Longings”

    Once again I see great depth in your words and thoughts.. Thanks for your help




    Thanks Thuy Dung, For connecting to my thoughts.

    Your words are absolutely true, people who know me to this very extent would tell me what you said but I am not sure why my wiring is like this, or it is a problem. I end up many times being a victim or targeted.




    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by chil.
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