
Confidence to succeed in life…or lack of…

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  • #71594
    Pablo Sadlo

    I’ve been suffering with a long battle of anxiety which has always stemmed from the lack of belief in which i have of myself to go out there and succeed. I’ve been faced with this from being a young teen which in turn seriously effected my education, resulting in little academic qualifications.

    I always play the safe card, and find the inertia of changing monotonous routine almost impossible to break. I’m now 30 and find myself no better of from when i was 18 and find it incredibly difficult to create new options for myself.

    I have a beautiful baby boy who turned one not long ago, which to most people would be the reason to go out there and find stability and comfort but unfortunately this has intensified the battle i have with myself which subsequently heightened my anxiety.

    As a result i am now being treated for depression, reluctantly being prescribed SSRI (sertraline) in a bid to reduce my everyday angst and low mood sets and awaiting a number of sessions of CBT.

    I guess i’m putting this in the open via this forum as the only people who know of my issues is my partner and i’m eager to see if anyone out there has been in a similar position. What you did to overcome it, or just any general advice or feedback really.

    Thank you for finding the time to read!


    Hey Pablo,
    I’m sure if you put your mind to it you can definitely succeed. It’s just really about not being afraid to fail, taking baby steps and listing out what you need to do in order of priority. You have your whole life ahead of you! Congrats on your baby boy, that’s amazing.

    I think the first thing you need to realize is stopping the negative self talk. Do you mentally beat yourself up? If so, stop. Try transforming those bad thoughts into positive ones, don’t let that hold you back. Try this as a first step.

    I’ve actually been thinking about blogging about this exact topic, helping people overcome their fears and try something new whether it’s a new job, business, etc. would that interest you? If so, what are you looking for in terms of actionable advice?

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