
Dealing with a break up

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    Hi everyone

    I really need some advice and a little tlc. My fb if 7 years has decided we need a break, we are he says in limbo with no moving forward. I’m devastated and lying awake just wanting him to hold me close. We got together under difficult cervunstances and have not had the easiest of relationships but I always believed we would be together forever.

    I’m finding this really difficult, I can’t eat or sleep, he is constantly on my mind. He has broken up so kindly I could scream, it’s as if he thought being the nice guy,” we can be friends, I hope we can get back together etc” would make this easier when I wish he’d just dropped me and walked away

    please help anyone, I need to know how to deal with this pain and sense of loss


    Hey Debido,

    I understand what you are going through. My partner who I thought I was going to be with forever broke up with me last year, after telling me he wanted to get married and I should start looking for engagement rings.

    Everyone’s experience and feelings are different but I thought I would share some things that helped me along my journey.

    Let yourself feel the pain. Embrace it, cry, sob and howl for as long as you need. There will be so many questions you will have for him, why this and why that. It won’t make you feel better knowing all the details. I am a hopeless romantic, who believes in soul mates and everything happens for a reason so I would say this guy doesn’t deserve you and your love. It doesn’t sound like it was meant to be. You cannot make anyone do or feel something they are not capable of or really want to. Do not wait for him. The things that are meant to be for us should never pass us.

    If you have a sibling or a close friend who will be there for you, call them. We can sometimes never go through these things on our own. My sister looked after me whilst I cried for 24 hours straight. But after a couple of days, I stood up and brushed myself off and told myself to pull it together and time to move on to bigger and better things. We are still good friends, and we talk every now and then on the phone. Its brutal mourning the loss of the plans you had together, places you wanted to go, trips to take etc. But what’s even more exciting is planning new things for yourself and what you want to do on your own. Start planning 🙂

    Starting a journal is another tool that really helped my journey. I started writing things down like questions I had for myself or him and the answers would come to me. Ask yourself what you are truly grateful for out of the whole experience. What did you learn about yourself in the meantime of your relationship or your break up? Did your relationship bring you closer to anyone or anything?

    Never deny your body and soul to feel effects of the pain.

    You are loved and the person who truly deserves you will be around soon <3


    Thank you for your story, I can’t cry I’m just in a state of denial. I have re read his last txt which talks of desperation because he feels our lives in limbo but the future will be there again for us. I just can’t get my head around it all. We have had some really difficult times but stuck together yet I feel even though he professes To love me so much love he feels he can just be on a break

    I’m rambling I know, I wish he’d been cruel and blunt rather than filling me with hope and uncertainty. I think I would deal with that better

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by Debido.

    I’m sorry for the typos, I’m on my phone xx


    Dear Debido:

    I read your thread from a year ago, about this  very  relationship that  has  just ended. In this thread you asked for advice and tlc, that is tender, love  and care.

    You are experiencing  emotional pain, understandably, following a long  term relationship ending. It will probably  be  helpful if you could attend a support group, people coming together to talk about their breakups, a place where you can talk about yours, about how you feel and listen to others being empathetic to you.

    Forming a daily routine at this time, a routine that includes aerobic exercise such as a  long brisk walk outdoors every day, can also help. Comforting distractions such as listening  to music, hot baths, drawing (if you are so  inclined) and so forth, can also help. A whole lot.



    Hi Debido,

    He may very well be conflicted. He may very well come back to you. BUT! You moving forward, actually moving forward, filled with hope and optimism, will be irresistible to him.

    In my own experience, whenever I would catch a glimpse of my ex, and see him happily living his life (not pining for me), it would drive me CRAZY! On the flip side, there are ex’s who wouldn’t leave me alone for long (yes, even the same guy) because they would see me living the good life, (oblivious to my own supposed heart ache!).

    My advice to you is to reconnect with family and friends, travel to new places and start new hobbies and projects. Assume in the deepest part of your being that of course he’ll come back (if only to see how you “are”)!

    But be warned: He is most likely to come back when you are the happiest doing other things with someone else!



    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by Inky.

    Hi Debido,

    My advice is going to be a little different than others have given you. I believe if you love someone, believe in love, you still see a future with him..then fight for him. Don’t let him take the cowards way out. “I feel we are on limbo and not able to move forward” is just a fleeting thought. You wouldn’t have been together for seven years of things were not moving forward. I would let the dust settle a bit, then talk to him. Ask him for clarification of what his definition of “limbo” is. Don’t let him off the hook with a so silly remark like that. That is almost as cowardly as “it’s not you, it’s me” what does that mean?..again..someone unable to tell the truth and take the lame way out. Talk to him. There is something hidden in that statement that he wants from you, and he is not getting in the relationship. Ask him what is is. If he is having unrealistic expectations, then, let him go, but it may be something simple that you both can work through and not toss a 7 year relationship out the window.


    Thank you everyone for your kind words of support. Anita, I see you’ve read my previous post so you’ll see the flaws in our relationship because he wouldn’t let his ex out of his life so one issue is my lack of trust and I won’t move in with him which is a concern for him.

    I am trying to be strong and keep myself busy, I’ve a good support network and whilst I want him and want to fight for him I want him to want me for the right reasons

    much love to you all


    it’s never an easy thing to go through.  The last person described everything so perfectly. Let yourself go through the pain and welcome it into your life, you have to accept it.

    I also had a relationship that lasted three years and last year when she broke up with me I was devastated and couldn’t understand why? I asked my self what did I do? how did this happen?  because we were living together I was suddenly homeless.. Before that, I was staying with some family friends and they basically decided to kick me out so I lived in my car for a few weeks. I started having panic attacks, and health anxiety. The best analogy I have is I built this house and suddenly an earthquake happened it brought everything I built down (I live in San Francisco). It was all unexpected. Because I am a man I hate to admit but I cried a lot, it hurt me, and I suffered a lot. I felt degraded and angry living in my car. Life will kick you hard, but you have to move on.

    Anyway, so I came realize I never loved her. I mean, I loved her but was never IN love with her.  I loved the connection we had because it was so easy to be with her and we always had fun. 7 months later I realized this, and am glad she ended it. The only issue was that like you boyfriend she wanted a break and to have space. In retrospect, I wish she would have ended it there what she did was cruel to me and had me thinking for two months if we were going to get back.

    What I want to tell you is this, Do you really love him? or do you think you love him? Do you guys have anything in common other than life circumstances that brought you two together? And ask yourself deep down how you feel. At one point I began to think that I could possibly marry my ex but deep down I knew that I would be unhappy. From my experience, I think it’s cruel to be in a break and  I will recommend you just end the relationship there. Break off clean, find ways to distract yourself, like the other person mentioned, write, write, write it helps a lot. And please try not to overthink take it day by day. If he decides to come back then he will come back. My first few months like I said were rough, but today I am so happy that relationship ended. I am also grateful for that challenging time because I learned so much more about my self in 3 months than the 26 years I have been alive.

    One other thing while you go through this go meditate, run and do Yoga it helped me a lot

    I hope I made sense and that from my experience it helped. I felt like I rambled on

    Best to you,





    What you’ve said says sense !!

    I love him, my goodness that’s not up for debate but I need to be strong and learn to be alone, I do yoga, I have started a diary this year but it is so easy to be in a low place.

    My friends have been to cheer me today, give me an hour I’ll be sobbing

    namaste x


    Hi Debido,

    I know you’re going through a really tough time and I’m so sorry you’re in so much pain. I’m going through a recent breakup myself, and have found solace in reading about the situations of others who have gone through similar pain. It has helped me to always keep my situation in perspective; your pain is unique to you, and it just as valid and painful as anyone else’s, but many people have gone through their own pain and have come out stronger than they ever thought possible, and you will too! It may take time, and you may have to live in the pain for some time, but it will pass.

    I’ve also found that podcasts are a great distraction, especially in those times when I feel so alone that I just need the sound of another person’s voice.

    Best wishes in this hard time,



    Dear  Debido:

    You are welcome. The good thing about a relationship ending is that the painful parts experienced in that relationship are  over, and that  is a relief, isn’t  it?



    Thank you everyone, I’ve downloaded some podcasts, signed up for more gym classes and began an online mediation course to try clear my head. I am so thankful for this site, i was previously married for 19 years and we separated amicably with children, so that break wasn’t too bad as we talked a lot about the situation and we have remained friends. I’m hurting like hell but seeing how others have come out the other side gives me hope.

    I hope everyone here has found peace and love  in there lives





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