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August 7, 2016 at 7:42 pm #111808
ParticipantMy best friend (35/m) and I (35/f) have been thick as thieves for the past three years. We met at work and formed this incredible bond that I’ve never experienced before. Everything was completely platonic, and we were content to just be what we were; best friends. He was my cheerleader in my few dating ventures, and I was his. There was always an issue with the women he was dating and my presence, though. Even if they never met me, they disliked me.
“You two spend too much time together” and “There’s just something about you two” were just some of the complaints he received.
I was seeing someone during this cycle of women, and he would constantly try to reassure them that I wasn’t a threat. That I wasn’t trying to get into his pants. And I swear it’s true…I wasn’t.
Enter his most recent girlfriend (38/f). She started temping at our company and was immediately disliked by the majority of the staff. Her personality was off-putting, her work ethic was poor, she constantly complained. My friend saw something in her though and started chatting her up. They went out on one date and BOOM…they were a couple. It happened so fast, and he even admitted to me that it was maybe too fast. Problems started happening quickly after that. He was having a hard time listening to all the trash talk about her from other co-workers. He was also having difficulty with her, as she kept pressuring him to ‘come out’ as a couple. He confided in me that he didn’t want to, as he was embarrassed to admit to our peers that he was dating someone everyone was calling “The Dummy”.
I listened and offered my advice as I had for numerous girls before her. I stayed neutral, but felt this relationship…this person, was not healthy for him. My friend and I work closely in the same department at times, and she would come in and ‘assert’ her dominance. Placing an arm around him while looking me dead in the eye one day made me angry. I wasn’t after him! I was the least of her worries! Or so I thought.
Things came to a head at work, and she was demoted and basically kept around as just a body. It was then that my friend convinced her to quit. She didn’t want to go because she didn’t want to leave the ability to watch over him while at work. She made comments about how there were all these girls around, and how they all wanted him. Eventually, he won out and she left. Once she left, there was turmoil with her roommate, and her roommate wanted her out. My friend felt guilty, as she had no job because of him and he believed that he caused strife with her roommate. He offered her a place to stay until she got on her feet. Well, once she was in…she dug in. She had no plans of leaving.
I felt ill about this. I saw her manipulate him, I saw him manipulate her. It was toxic. I watched my friend become quick to anger, withdrawn, and just EXHAUSTED. He said she was constantly asking him who he was texting. Monitoring his time in the bathroom. When he would leave the house, even if it was just to go to the library she would be sending him texts about how she can’t get out of bed, and how she just wanted to kill herself. He had to lie about having coffee with me and about me carpooling him home (we live a few blocks away from each other), as she didn’t want him to have any contact with me. It had become exhausting for both of us, and I was beginning to feel cheated out of the wonderful friendship we once had.
He came over to my apartment one night to call a friend. She gave him a hard time about talking to his friends who reside in other states, so I offered my place to him for the privacy. When he was done we sat and watched some Netflix. We kissed that night. We did everything that night. We hated ourselves in the morning. We swore it wouldn’t happen again. It did. He was the primary aggressor but after small protest, I gave in. It felt amazing to have the connection we had and to have this new facet to add. I know…I’m a terrible person. I make no excuses, no matter how much I want to. It was wrong. We were wrong.
He ended up breaking up with her a few weeks later. He forced her out of his apartment. He did not tell her what happened between us.
We fell into being a couple as easily as we had fallen into friendship. It was beautiful and I wanted to spend my life with my best friend. Now I actually could. There were no more walls…it was like a veil had been lifted. “Oh…so this is what was missing.”
A month ago, I saw his phone open on his desk. There were texts to and from the toxic ex. Emotional, flirty texts… She didn’t know we were together, and I didn’t know he had slept with her one month after we got together. You know, a month after he cheated on her with me. Karma…heh.
I demanded he tell her the truth, and he did. She finally knew that he had cheated on her with me. He told her he still loves her, and that he is in love with me also. He also told both of us that he doesn’t deserve to be with either of us right now, and wants to keep both of us as friends if we will have him. She wants him back and wants me out of the picture. He told her that I’m not going anywhere.
He told me that he wishes we had started off differently. That if we had he would be on his knees begging for my forgiveness. I think the guilt is too much for him, and lack of closure on their relationship is also holding him back. I asked if there was a possibility that we could ever try us again. He said he would love that, but right now it would be a disaster. He’s right. It would be.
So now, I’m trying to come to terms with being in love with my best friend while trying to go back and grasp at what we once had. It’s not the same, and I feel like his guilt is making him push me away. I can’t imagine life without him in it. And I told him that I never want to lose him as a friend. Even if a relationship with him isn’t possible anymore, I still want us to be what we always were. I messed up. I know it…I’m being torn apart on the inside. Seeing him every day isn’t helping. Pretending things are normal is killing me. Did we destroy our friendship completely? Did we destroy any opportunity for a relationship in the future? How do I get through this without doing any further damage?
Sorry for babbling, but thank you for taking the time to read.
August 8, 2016 at 5:59 am #111837Simon Osborn
ParticipantHi Pipercub,
I’m going to say something that may be hard to come to terms with.That fantastic relationship you had before, is not going to come back. Those extras you both had with each other, using your own words, unveiled those parts of your relationship that made it what it was. The parts you didn’t feel, the parts you didn’t know, the parts you had were the right combination and made it the strong friendship it was.
Your relationship has now changed forever. You are going to need to start realizing it for what it is, with a great deal of work you will start accepting it for the new relationship it is becoming. The future will be different for you both, I am sure his feelings towards you have changed and am also quite sure he wishes that you hadn’t slept together also.
In terms of having a relationship with him, I doubt now it would even feel the same as the spiritual, physical and emotional parts of it have all changed.
For now I would try to analyse the situation for what it is.
I had a rather large argument with a friend of mine who I’d known since I was 6 years old, I am 29 now. The past 4 years of our friendship has been almost non-existent due to this argument. Very sad indeed but it was all that was needed to change our thoughts of each other. We occasionally talk and have arranged to have a few beers with the third musketeer in a few weeks. I am looking forward to it though now in my mind I am meeting an old friend, not my best friend.
I realize this post is not very helpful though I want it to resonate with you, I feel reading this now will possibly give you an easier ride.
All the best, Si.
August 8, 2016 at 10:08 am #111858Anonymous
GuestDear Pipercub:
What a story….
My first significant thought at the beginning of your post is about most everyone disliking the woman at work, referring to her as “The Dummy”- it is this kind of disrespect and ganging up against someone that produces sickness. My empathy for your best-friend-turned-boyfriend’s other girlfriend for having been bullied at the workplace.
My other thoughts: I suppose his past girlfriends, including the latest were correct all along when they felt threatened by your relationship with him. Your story strengthens in my mind that a friendship of a man with a woman while being in a physical relationship with another is a valid concern to the latter.
As to your question if you and him ruined your best friendship status: only future claims that there hasn’t been and couldn’t be a physical relationship between the two of you. Otherwise, potentially, there could be any kind of relationship between the two of you.
Hope you post again with your thoughts and new developments. Your story is definitely interesting.
August 8, 2016 at 4:36 pm #111928Jenna
ParticipantSi, your words were definitely a bitter pill to swallow, but I do think you’re right. Things won’t ever be the same, and I think that’s where I’m having the most of my issues. I can’t compartmentalize what was and what is. I can’t transition BACK because it no longer exists. This unfamiliar and painful growing stage of a new OLD relationship is uncharted territory for me. I’m terrified that I’m going to lose everything in the process because I have no idea how to navigate it. I do know that I’m doing poorly at the moment, though. I hope things will get easier, but I fear it will go the way of your friendship, and he will become just an old friend…
Anita, we have a very unprofessional work environment. It’s extremely frustrating at times. I myself, was victim to bullying though it was by a supervisor and not my peers so I don’t think it was as ostracizing as what she experienced. I never partook in the abuse and tried my best to remain neutral if anything because she was in fact, his girlfriend at the time. I’ve always had a difficult time forming friendships with women, and since high school, the majority of my friends have been male. That being said, I never had the bond that I have with my friend now. I was NEVER afraid I was going to fall in love with them or wreck a relationship. Your reply made me smile and made me sad. The story goes so much deeper, and I hope it will continue.
Again, thank you both so very much for your wisdom.
August 8, 2016 at 7:11 pm #111943Anonymous
GuestDear pipercub:
You are welcome. From what you shared the ex best friend, your co worker and recent short term boyfriend is not well and his relationship with the other woman is not healthy. So it is better for you to not be involved with him as a bf/gf even if he was available. If I was you I would let him know that my relationship with him is now only that of co workers, be pleasant but nothing else.
I hope as co workers, after a time of co workers only pleasantry, things at work will no longer be awkward. Hope you post again.
August 9, 2016 at 8:48 am #111990Simon Osborn
ParticipantI hope the words were not hurtful, I’ve learn’t through experience that if news is going to hurt, it’s best being told fully at the earliest possible time. With time you will begin to see things differently, how that will go for you I honestly do not know, however there is always light at the end of the tunnel. This is not the end of everything, merely the start of something new, though I can understand that it is very difficult to see it as such, almost impossible.
It is indeed sad when relationships break down or are changed. I do often think about him and wonder what it would be like if we were still best of friends, though this does not help me, it is what it is, we are both upset with the fact that it happened and how we now feel about each other. That was one of life’s lessons for us.
I understand that you’re unsure on how to manage the situation, it may be that this is a situation is not one that you can manage, maybe it is one that will unfold in front of you. The key is to accept whatever happens next, change what you can and most importantly do not take anything personally as this is a stage in life. It has not been planned.
How do you feel today? Have you heard from him or have you tried to make contact? Have any unsuspecting doors opened?
All the best, Si.
August 9, 2016 at 4:03 pm #112008Jenna
ParticipantSi, the words were not hurtful at all and were very much appreciated. Your recent comments brought some peace to my tumultuous mind, but I still hope to keep things somewhat the way they were. I hope we’re strong enough, and if we’re not…I hope I’m strong enough to walk away or be able to transition into the new ‘us’. I’m not sure I can be that strong, to be honest. Today has been difficult, as are most days. We see each other daily at work. We carpool home…The fact that I can’t separate myself from him sometimes is painful, but we still laugh together, work civilly, and are trying to get somewhere with something. He kissed my cheek today when I dropped him off and has been texting me periodically throughout the evening. I’m not sure what’s happening, and I’m not being optimistic. Well, at least I can try and convince myself I’m not. Some days he pushes me away, and others it’s almost as if he’s afraid to actually touch or kiss me the way he wants. It’s sad and exhausting, and I don’t want our relationship to deteriorate into that abyss. I can’t walk away though…