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    Dear lucylou:

    There is no post above…?


    LUCYLOU: This is a new post, and I am learning how to post. There is so much goodness in these forums but I have not seen advice for my situation. I married a man exactly what I was looking for years ago, but I assumed he would continue to grow and he did not. He is exactly like when I met him, and when getting married you simply can not predict every possible future scenario and how it will unfold. So, we grew apart. There many things lacking in the marriage, and my plan has been to live him when my children are grown. Several years ago I entered an affair. This went on for 3-4 years. He was an empty nester with full grown kids living out of state with their spouses and children. Although I told him repeatedly what my plan was (divorce when my kids are 18) I had a lot of trouble with him staying married as an empty nester and his reason for staying married was always ‘family’. He was ‘caught’ several times going on a few excursions/trips with her and always had a ‘valid’ reason why. Then finally he confided in me that she was a lesbian — supposedly. I am not against gays by no means. This reason, a few trips and him going home alone to her finally caused me so much agony I broke off the relationship. I worked with him. I have never loved or cared for someone as deeply as him yet the last 6 months I didn’t know what the truth was. After the breakup, 3-4 months later he announces he is getting a divorce, and now I began to have hope that it will eventually work out. I was 1 year away from my goal of getting a divorce. He was undergoing a lot of turmoil thru this divorce and I truly thought he was in a very dark place and I provided as much love, support, need and intimacy that he wanted. He asked for space and was spiraling out of control. I had no reason not to believe what he was telling me was true, his despair so obvious. I never lied to him about my situation and he always said he never lied to me, until the inevitable. He put his 2 week notice in at work, and I was shocked. The second to his last day, we were at a work function, and he was clearly flirting, asking for a goodbye kiss, telling me we would have along distance relationship, and later that day called for me for a ‘hook up’, which didn’t occur that day , but sex was a big part of this relationship. The morning of his last day a goodbye luncheon was planned and he called me in a panic to tell me a co-worker invited his Girl friend. Turns out, he met someone, then likely filed for divorce, and during the divorce period lived with her, all unknown to me. I was shocked, and went into shock. Its been 8 months and the betrayal I feel is tremendous. I feel cheated on, used, betrayed and actually sexually exploited or raped. I have not been intimate with my husband for years. I supported this man in every way, and obviously he was getting similar support from someone else. I found out all of this on the very last day, he moved out of state. My feelings for my husband have not changed — I feel the same for him before I met this man and after, I will still leave my husband, i feel i have been cheated on and betrayed, but officially i have done the same to my husband but rationalize it because i haven’t loved my husband or had an emotion attachment to him in years. I am physically and emotionally sick from this using anti depressents and sleeping pills to survive. The thought of him coming across sincerely to me and lieing so well to me repeatedly with no remorse has consumed me. Literally. We have been in touch, and i literally texted him daily for 3-4 months to get out my anger because for obvious reasons i can not tell anyone else about my anguish. we have talked, he apologized and asked for forgiveness. I can not forgive, i know i have read multitudes of posts that you must forgive but i can not. The thought of him exploiting me emotionally, and sexually, and then going home to someone else that he is living with and doing that very same thing has made me vomit more than i can recall. I can not forget him because i work in the same very environment we spent 4-5 years in, and I see countless other things/places/events that we shared that i attach a memory to that i cant let go, i cant hide and forget. he is out of state so its easy for him to move on, plus the fact he has his new GF to tend to. She, myself and ex-wife are still in the original state and he is gone, but confirmed he is still with the new GF. She knows nothing about me, i know who and where she is. When he told me about her, i said i was going to tell her, and he threatened me. He was going to keep us both i think, but wanted to salvage the one, which he has done. She, like me believes his sob story and anguish and has no knowledge he was cheating on her with me (althought i was GF/mistress #1) for 6-9 months (I’m starting to put pieces together) but most definitely was seeing her, and having sex with both of us, at the same time, and maybe in the same day. Once, i was in her shoes and the ‘other women’ called me and told me, and i was forever grateful. that was some 20 years ago, and i broke it off with that idiot. And now i am thinking of doing the same. Should I? I think she should know, but wonder if she would believe me, plus it would comprimose my position/secret as i am still married. Every day now I feel like i have been raped, i would of never, ever engaged in an intimate activity had i known he had someone else much less living with her. I have so much healing yet to do, i have never ever been so devastated, its been 8 months and i am still sick — probably because i relive it in my environment with the reminders. Quiting my job is not an option. As ironic as it sounds i will never trust anyone ever again, or ever let a man touch me again. I was honest and open with him, and then this. i never expected him, of all people to be so deceitful and hateful from where we came form together. He has other bad issues going for him, his wife stalked me, he left a pile of work for me to deal with, his grown children abandoned him and took the side of his mother (not understanding this, because grown adults should let their parents be grown adults), his ex hacked his phone (supposedly), recently i found out he was arrested at the airport for having a gun, yes a gun in his suitcase — pleaded not guilty he ‘forgot’ the media said. Really??? he does have weapons, all registered and a concealed weapon permit but who forgets that they have a gun in the suitcase at the airport?? So my logical side/my daytime side says forget and move on, but at night i am tormented about his lies, and abuse, and taking advantage of my good nature and trying to help him thru this divorce. I feel so used. i have lost almost a year of my life now, just trying to survive each day ‘under cover’ since this whole thing is an affair in my married life, so that part is exhausting. I need to get well, so i can move forward in the future plans that i still plan on sticking with but are simply to weak emotionally now to think about that. I am resentful that i waited years for him to make a change, and gave up when i didn’t see progress, then soon as i break up with him he does what i wanted, divorce, and finds someone. He is seeing her ‘long distance’. He told me in conversations since that ‘he needed someone to help his divorce’ and that i was ‘mean to him’. yes, i was mean, or more frustrated when i broke it off because he in my mind had no reason to stay married as an empty nester with grown children and families of their own out of state


    Dear lucylou:

    It’s a terrible thing, isn’t it, to love someone, to truly love someone, like you loved that man, to trust him, to trust the words he said, the emotions exchanged, to give all that you are and all that you have to someone, to reach out with trust and hope, and then hit with betrayal. It hurts when it happens, as it often does, when a child so innocently and naturally trusting, looking up to the parent with nothing but love, and then slapped again and again, literally, figuratively, doesn’t matter- it all hurts. Trust betrayed hurts, and badly.

    And so, when it happens, you seek justice. You get hurt and then you get angry. You naturally want to hurt back, or you want to let everyone know: Hey! Something wrong happened here! This is not right! This can’t be!

    I support you in doing what you can to get justice, reasonably, that is, justice in ways that will not hurt you further, justice in ways that will not hurt others who may be innocent.

    I also support you in looking for the justice you can affect in your own life, justice you can make happen in your life with the people you live with. Your children, they naturally trusted you from the very beginning. Do you do right by them, or is there anything that they are likely to find later that will shatter them, that will hurt them like you are hurt now?

    Your husband, does he trust you now, in some ways? Will he be shattered if and when he finds out something he is likely to find out?

    And maybe your children and your husband are already hurting, maybe their trust in you has already shattered?

    Look for justice not only in the situation with the man who betrayed you, but in the situation in your own home.

    Trust betrayed hurts. And bad. So make justice happen starting at home, then expand it.

    Please do post again:



    Hi Lucylou,

    I appreciate you sharing. I also agree with Anita’s last line “Trust betrayed hurts….”

    If I may share, what comes to mind when I read your post…… If you want snow peas, don’t plant pumpkin seeds.

    I sense you are beginning to see within yourself, and realising that you can not create a foundation of trust, honesty, loyalty, and openness if you are not living that reality within yourself. There are far better options in your personal home situation than creating what is currently. Open marriage? Separation under the same roof? Best friends living and raising children together?

    Be the person you want to find…….. Authenticity is amongst the greatest traits a human being can be.




    Hi lucylou,

    I read your whole post, and for all the very real drama and heartache, I couldn’t help wonder: Does your husband exist??? This reminds me of a story where a wife had not one, but two lovers. The husband was oblivious. It got so bad between the lovers that one murdered the other! Only in court did the husband realize that his wife was living in a whole other Realm!!

    It is so easy to get caught up in our own Universe. Some people have many Worlds. I bet your husband might have his own that you know nothing about. Would you consider that a betrayal?

    Also: Sadly some men target married friends to get involved with because they are “safe”. He knows you won’t tell anyone, so that means he gets to have many other Lives and Adventures … and you can’t get mad!

    If you want petty revenge, sure, you could let his GF know. But I bet this guy WOULD tell your husband.

    And yes, Family is what keeps most people together. Even empty nesters with grown children living out of state. After you are divorced and are single for real, no longer believe in that tired “When the kids are grown” line. (Some men never leave because they like the whole Family Legacy/Patriarch thing. As well as not having to go through an expensive divorce to get rid of a wife that’s not half as bad as you’ve been led to believe!) Stick with other single people.





    • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by Inky.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by Inky.

    Messed up editing!!! Sorry for the two Best Inky’s!!


    thank you all for responding. I do need tough advice to move on from this mess. I cant believe that I even went down this road, but it did happen. never in my life did I think that I could be deceitful.

    To start, being involved with this man has not changed my feelings about my marriage whatsoever. Sad but true. I ‘shut down” probably 5-6 years ago, when I saw that it will be nothing more than it is and will never be what I really want. we are different people. he is 7 years older but act 12-15 years older and is not fighting age but moreso, using age as an excuse to not try anything new, or be energetic. Or try to keep his appearance up for me. He could sit in a dark room after work and watch TV for hours. I see that there is a world out there, and have more in common with friends, co-workers, etc than him. That I admit was part of the attraction with this outside man, but a hundred other men could still attract me more than my husband. Sad. It is a double standard, and I’m sad that I can not embrace the feeling of guilt that I did this to him, I supposed because I just don’t love him so I don’t feel I’m cheating. stupid I know. the hurt from the lover is deep, since we sort of planned a future, and I took a real chance on him cheating, and believing. But the ground rules of affairs are ‘if you play, you pay’. I am now paying the price. I am so astounded that we entered this affair, both married that we obviously agreed to secrecy and truthfulness to each other with such high stake, and he broke that trust. I really believed this man, above all other people in the world to be a kind a trustful person. This fact alone has changed the way I see the universe. I will never trust or love again. no chance. I will wait it out and divorce at the correct time, due to children, but I want a life that gives back to me. As a good example of how my life will stay the same occurred yesterday. I gave the husband the opportunity to plan a family vacation anywhere in the U.S. that had a beach — any beach — since we have not had a family vacation in a few years. He booked a place that we have been to 10 times. Out of the entire Universe as you say, he picked the same thing. I just saw my life just fastforward and end. Also, as a side note I have found some incriminating things on my husbands side that is suspect. It actually doesn’t bother me but reaffirms that we have to start talking. I don’t want counseling to fix, I want counseling to mediate an adult conversation where both parties are talking truthfully about what they want for themselves. thanks to all.


    Hi Lucylou,

    Your honesty is appreciated. This is certainly the beginning of change!

    If I may note a few points to consider……

    Children are like sponges and learn from parents what to look for and expect in a relationship when they are of age. Perhaps you may not have the comfortable living situation you have presently, but I would seriously consider what you are ‘demonstrating’ to your children with regards to love, honesty, integrity, respect, relating to the opposite sex, honouring of another etc….. I ask you to contemplate whether this toxic relationship is harming or helping yourself, and your children.

    Regarding yourself, what if misfortune struck and you had fewer years to live….. Knowing this, what would your choices be now? Life is not about waiting around, to see what you get back. Life is to be lived, experienced, cherished, shared, and finally let go of lovingly and gracefully.

    As a child, I could not imagine planning to put my life on hold for a better day….. this is learned belief/behaviour somewhere in your past, and is not a self loving act. I implore you to look within, as I hear a regret in your tone about your decision.

    Best wishes to you.



    Dear lucylou:

    Probably would be a better idea to get a divorce than continue such a loveless, miserable marriage. You clearly strongly dislike the man, more than dislike, you dislike him intensely.

    This marriage is not a good example of a relationship for your children to follow. Your children most likely know there is no love between their parents and that does harm them.

    I wish you simply got a divorce. Your children’s father can be in their lives while you are divorced.


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