
Drugs, all over again

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  • #86522
    Tyler Sant

    Hello, guys. My story is short. I need advice on how to proceed in helping someone i love. He is my cousin, he is like a brother and he in rock bottom from drugs for a while. He’s been on and off with it, he was admitted once in an institution to help him quit, but NOTHING makes him stop. I have no idea on how to help someone with an addiction. He is fading away…..


    12 step addiction program?
    Until he admits he needs help, not much more you can do


    Dear Tyler Sant:

    Tell him you love him like a brother, that you wish so very much that he heals from his addiction, that you want to help him if and when he tries to heal from his addiction and whatever other pain he carries inside him. Tell him that every time you see him, every time he is there to hear you.

    And don’t help him with anything except with healing his addiction.

    Prepare yourself to the likely possibility that he will not seek healing for a long time, years, maybe never. You will have to accept this kind of pain yourself, knowing someone you love is “fading away” as you put it. This is YOUR pain and you need to take care of yourself for having your own pain over him.



    Gp on to http://www.Ted talks.com and listen to the short talk about the way we see addiction is all wrong.

    I was a druggie. I hid it well though. Buy if only peoples’ disappointment was enough to stop me . All peoples’disappointment does is add another reason/excuse to keep using . we want to hide from that as well as the reason /excuse we use in the first place.

    Change tack. Addicts need a reason to feel good in their bodies and minds . They need positive reinforcement without Um. . The word that means carrying people’s expectations and hopes with them … they need to feel that the reason they rake drugs is a lie without it being pointed put yo them but to be gently swayed to see it for themselves and hAve joy and positivity on their lives so they want to experience it without drugs

    It’s a long process but disappointment and sorrow from others is a contributing factor not a cure

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