
Ex being friendly

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    Dear Connie:

    I asked if you miss the feeling you had with him, at times, do you? Can you describe that feeling?



    I am not sure if it’s the feeling I miss. I think I miss HIM.

    on top of that, being with him offered me a sense of security. I liked waiting for him to get home, the excitement, and just knowing he’s around made me happy.


    Dear Connie:

    Well, you listed a few feelings: that sense of security (I referred to it as safety), anticipation and excitement, and happiness. It is these feelings that you are missing. These feelings were triggered in you when you saw him, talked to him, thought about him.

    On the other hand, there are other feelings you experienced when with him and when thinking of him. Do you remember the feelings that were not so pleasant as those you listed above?



    Yes, I remember those negative feelings too.

    I don’t know. I just miss him very much and realized that it’s been almost four months since we broke up.

    I am still trying to recover and just realize that it’s actually the longest time I have been single since 2011.


    Dear Connie:

    When you miss him it will help if you remember not only the pleasant feelings but also the unpleasant feelings you experienced then. It will be helpful because you will have all of the emotional reality of the relationship in mind and heart, a balanced view of it. For as long as you remember only the pleasant, you will keep missing a man and an experience that … wasn’t and isn’t what you remember.

    Regarding your last sentence: what does it mean to you, being single for the first time since 2011?



    Hi Anita,

    Four months is the longest time I have been single since 2011. I used to get myself involved with other men or in a new relationship right after one.

    I feel I have lost all desire to date, and can’t even imagine myself being together with any man anymore.


    Dear Connie:

    I imagine you lost all desire to date because you experienced a lot of distress in the more than six years of constant dating/ relationships. A break reads like a good idea to me.



    It’s been exact six weeks of no contact. I thought it’d get easier and easier, but lately I found myself miss him a lot.

    I still have thoughts like “how did it happen?” “Why are we strangers now?”

    And the past memories start hitting me hard, too. Like everything reminds me of him.

    I know we broke up for a reason and we need this time to grow. It just makes me sad that he’s no longer around.



    Hi Connie,

    For some reason, I have been thinking of my ex too, (the one with the birthday in early October). I wonder if he is happy and if he thinks of me. The selfish part of me wants him to be single and unhappy, but I think it is the lonliness talking and the approach of the Holidays spent alone. I hope you are feeling any better?


    Dear Connie:

    Reading your last post, seems to me that your emotional attachment to him, missing him, blurs reality so much that all that remains for you a longing.

    If you read your own threads, your own accounts about who he is, it may lead you to see reality without the blur affect.


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