
Expressing Gratitude to School Counsellor

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  • This topic has 4 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by Inky.
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    So ever since last February I’ve been meeting weekly with my Youth Support Coordinator at school. February last year my grandfather took his own life so ever since he’s been talking me through my emotions of grief, family and school troubles. Grief became all too much for me to bare and at one stage I started self harming with my own thoughts of suicide. I really owe it to this guy for standing by me in my darkest times. In the times I was never closest with my dad he made it feel like I could come to him and still do whenever I just need to talk, serious or not. When my class has parties or sometimes my teacher allows me to randomly bring in cake I always offer him some and I often write him lengthy letters expressing how grateful I am to have in my last few years of schooling. Buttt the thing is, this year is my last year, obviously the last year I’ll see him too so I’m wanting to do something big and unique that he won’t expect at all as he knows me quite well! I once sent an article with him featured in it to a local mental health magazine in the area in which he eventually found out about and was utterly surprised but I’m wanting to do something again but greater! Would love your help, thanks.


    Dear Natalie:

    My idea: a framed photo of yours, one he can put on his work desk. A photo of your face smiling (smile to the camera with him in mind)- and write something on the photo, a sentence from your heart, first thing that comes to mind (you can write it first on a paper). A day or more later, look at that sentence. If it feels true to you, absolutely true and accurate, write it on your photo.



    Thanks for sharing your idea, Anita. He’s a guy to have a dad joke or make a pun here or there so I’m not sure my face on his desk would be the most appropriate but I do really like the thought of this! I have many comments I could share with him. Thanks again, Natalie.


    You are welcome, Natalie. Make the gift your own, from the heart.



    Hi Natalie,

    If you are artistic, or even if you find a nice print, you can frame it so he can hang it on his wall. When I was younger I made a cartoon for the Dean and years and years later found out it was hanging in his office until he retired!



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