
Facing my own expectations

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    I’ve been practising the art of being straight forward and authentic, taking it one day at a time with little thing.  It’s easier said than done.
    Indian parenting doesn’t teach us this art, we prefer not hurting others by either keeping our mouth shut or playing with words.


    I’ll meet her probably in the coming weekend. I’ll try confession my feeling then and get back to you.
    Thank you for offering a helping hand, it means a lot.


    Dear Gautam:

    You are welcome, looking forward to read your next post.

    Regarding “the art of being straight forward and authentic… Indian parenting doesn’t teach us this art, we prefer not hurting others by either keeping our mouths shut or playing with words”-

    I am familiar with parenting that does that, it is not strictly Indian parenting that promotes “keeping our mouths shut or playing with words”-

    – it is a wonderful thing though, that when we are aware and we understand, that we can choose our behavior (even though it is scary to do so). When we choose, we become creators rather than reactors, we create attitudes and behaviors that were discouraged by our parents, but we choose them because they are helpful, they work for our emotional health and for the quality of our future relationships.



    Dear Gautam,

    Regarding validating yourself – have you tried making a list of all the things you like about yourself? All your good points? For example, you seem sensitive and thoughtful. Perhaps you are also funny and good at something like sport, or can make great conversation ? Perhaps you are a loyal friend or great at your job ?

    We all face potential rejection –  by would-be friends or lovers, sometimes by family, by colleagues  – we can’t be everyone’s ‘cup of tea’ but if you like yourself and keep an open heart you stand a much better chance of building happy reciprocal relationships.

    We all need love but even more perhaps we all the need the opportunity to give love. You can give love to friends, neighbours, people in need, to the environment around you. Hopefully romantic love will also come your way.

    Best wishes,



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