
Feeling Stressed out

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    Hello All, I’m new here just wanted to share some of my personal thoughts I’m an engineer by profession but currently not working anywhere. For like past 2 or 3 months, I’ve been feeling very stressed out for not working not taking part in family matters don’t like anything to do other than just stay in my room and not have friends to talk to about my mental state found this forum where I think I can communicate with people I don’t know where I’m going and what’s the point of my life. Don’t even know what I’m writing!!


    Dear EdwardMatthew:

    You are welcome here even if you “don’t even know what (you’re) writing!

    It is interesting how elevated stress works: “I’ve been feeling very stressed out for not working… don’t like anything to do other than  just stay in my room“-

    – your body is quite stationary, not moving (staying in your room), but your thoughts are running: after you typed “I’ve been feeling very stressed out“, your sentences are run-on sentences, no punctuation, no periods, they keep running until your last sentence.

    When thoughts are running all over, the brain is in a useless state of overdrive and the body can’t move, it’s weighted down by the thoughts.

    So first, one needs to slow down the thoughts, and to turn down the volume of the loud, distressing thoughts.. to relax.

    I have been in the mental (and physical) state you are in. Many people have. You can be in a different state: a relatively relaxed mental state where you see who you are and where you are with clarity, a state where clarity replaces confusion. From that mental state, you will know what to do next.

    You mentioned not working, not taking part in family matters, and not having friends you can talk with about your mental state.. Would you like to talk more here, and elaborate on any of these three items you mentioned?



    Sorry if I feel you bad! but YES I Need to talk.


    Dear EdwardMatthew:

    Please do talk. You are welcome to talk here on your thread as much as you want. I would like to read what you need to talk about.


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