
Feeling Unlikable with no long term friendships

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    At age 58 I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m not very likable. I’m very blessed to have been married to a man who has been devoted to me and has loved me for 35 years.  We have a 19 yr old daughter who makes us both very proud. The three of us have a really tight bond and all get along well.  It’s a house of love.  All good.  Now the bad. I have a history of broken friendships over my lifetime.   Almost all of my friendships have ended on bad terms.  Some friendships last for a few months.  Some for 2-3 years. But they all end over a conflict of some sort.  I had a fall out with my husband’s family and his mother and my 2 sister-in-laws and 2 nieces all turned against me.  This was over a misunderstanding where they believed I did something malicious against the mother.  But it was untrue.  I tried to convince them of my innocence but they didn’t believe me and wouldn’t give me the benefit of the doubt.  They shunned me.  So that split the families.  It was hard.  It felt like a divorce, but my marriage survived it and my husband split with his family.  I have somewhat of a tense relationship with my siblings too.  We love each other but we don’t don’t socialize much.  I have strong political views and I’ve lost some friends on Facebook as a result.  I’m less concerned with them. I often say I belong to the “friend of the month club” because my friendships just don’t last.  It pains me to look through my photos over the years and see all these ex-friends, and ex-family members with whom I’ve ended on bad terms.  And these are irreparable relationships.  I have no desire to make amends with these people.  I am the kind of person who gives so much of myself to be a good friend.   I really am a kind person.  I get burned all the time.  My sister has a lots of long term friendships.  I think most poeple do.   I have none.  I have a few friends.  I do have a  social life.  But these are like cocktail party friends.  We don’t know each other that well.  I don’t have any “tight” friends.  I feel like I’m the only person like this.  I must be a difficult person to get along with.  I no self-confidence as a result.   It leaves me feeling sad, unlikable, and depressed.  Am I the only person like this?


    Dear Susan:

    “At 58 I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m not very likable”- your husband and daughter like you, that’s two people, two people who spent a whole lot of time with you (35 years and 19 rears respectively) and they still like you!

    Regarding your fall out with your husband’s family: “his mother and my 2 sister-in-laws and 2 nieces all turned against me.. they believed I did something malicious against the mother. But it was untrue”- well, that’s a matte of their false belief, not a matter of not liking you. And it is not 5 people who turned against you because of a false belief, but 1 gang of five. Five people that stood together as one, stubborn, not wanting to hear the truth.

    “I have somewhat of a tense relationship with my siblings too”- it is often the case that siblings turn against each other, or at the least, maintain their distance when growing up in a hostile home. I don’t know if this was the case in regard to your home of origin.

    “my friendships don’t last”- it is difficult to form and maintain friendships at a certain age and older. It is common to form and maintain relationships in teenage years and early twenties; at those ages people are very motivated to make and keep friends. Later on, it changes and people tend to keep to themselves more and more.

    “Almost all of my friendships have ended on bad terms.. they all end over a conflict of some sort.. my friendships just  don’t last”- I want to understand better, therefore I ask:

    1. Was that the case when you were a teenager as well, and in your early twenties?

    2. Can you list for me the conflicts that ended your friendships?




    Hi Susan, your story sounds so familiar, exactly the same thing has happened to me, so I feel your pain.  I am very happily married to a lovely man who loves me to bits and we have 3 great kids.  However,  I have been dropped/ghosted by friends in the past and have absolutely no idea why.  This has really hurt and it seems to happen to all my friendships eventually.  I think I must be really boring or something!  As a result, I definitely put walls up around me to protect myself from further hurt and don’t take any risks like initiating a friendships.  Now I just sit back and wait for people to approach me, but this doesn’t happen. I find that most people my age (late 50’s) already have their friendship groups and don’t actually want or need to make new friends – well that’s what I tell myself!  I am friendly and consider myself to me a kind person and I have never had cross words with any of my friends or acquaintances.   I have 2-3 women friends/acquaintances but no one close.  My self esteem is battered and I feel resigned to not having deep friendships with anyone (Other than my husband).  I have felt my whole life that I am lacking in some way and that “people don’t like me”.

    A suggestion I heard recently was that I just need to find my tribe and they are out there!  so I am going to stop trying to make friends and start working on myself and do things that I enjoy and take up some new hobbies.  Hopefully there will be some like minded people out there and maybe a new friendship or two.




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