
First date advice please!

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    Hi there, I recently moved to a new city and downloaded some dating apps. There is a girl on one of the apps that I just fell for immediately but we didn’t ‘match’ so I couldn’t contact her. Her profile says where she works which happens to be down the road from me. I want to ask her out on a date, is there any way to do it without seeming like an absolute stalker?



    Dear James:

    Wen you didn’t ‘match’ on the app, does it mean she declined your offer to connect? If she did, then you probably shouldn’t contact her at work. If she did not decline, then maybe you can have a company deliver a few flowers or a teddy bear to her work place with a card with your phone number. You may want to verify first that indeed she works there. The info on the app may not be true.



    Hi Anita, thanks for your reply. Not matching means doesn’t necessarily mean she declined. How it works is you both have ‘like’ each other before you can chat. So either she saw my profile and passed me over or there is a (smaller) chance that she didn’t see my profile because there are thousands of people using the app. I’m just worried that if I send a note or something then I scare her off for being creepy!


    Dear James:

    I see. Well, let’s see… if she does work there and she made it public for thousands of people in the app, where she works, then she made it public: she publically advertised where she works. If I was you then, I would walk to her workplace, and if allowed in, I would politely ask if you can talk to so and so during her next break, whenever it is. If you ask this, you will find out if a person by her name works there, and at the least maybe they can take a message for her.

    Again, if she advertised her workplace in an app where thousands of people visit, if it is true, it is not very wise of her, but as long as you are not trespassing and can legally enter her workplace, then do so. Post about how that works out, will you?



    I’ll let you know how it goes. Thanks 🙂


    You are welcome, James. Looking forward to read from you.


    I would be careful about the workplace. Maybe she posted info about herself that she shouldn’t have jobwise. Also, simply because the info was posted apparently by her, doesn’t mean that she wants potential suitors to go there.


    Yeah I agree, since any of these options are pretty stalkerish, I decided to go with the easiest which is just a note and flower via a florist.



    Do you know her name or just what she looks like from the profile?

    I am wondering how the co -workers around her are going to react to this and how it would effect the workplace/her employment. If there is no name on the flowers, etc.

    I would buy a nice but not overly emotional card with a plain white envelope—write something like–“I would love a chance to get to know you, if you would like to know who I am and ask me questions (so you know I am not a stalker) call me at 122222222. ( I would not give my work #). If I do not hear from you I will not attempt to contact you again. You seem to be a lovely person but I want you to feel comfortable and safe.”

    You need to not embarrass her–or yourself by saying or demonstrating to much—-put the ball in her court, let her follow up.

    I am also wondering if instead on the card…. you could write your profile name and ask her to match on the app. Again say if she doesn’t you will not contact her again—you just want to give ships passing in the night a second chance.

    (ps I personally like my second suggestion better)


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Seaisland.

    I know her name. I did consider the fact that it’s at her workplace, I think the only thing that could be potentially embarrassing for her is if her colleagues didn’t know she was doing online dating, and they read the card. But I needed to mention the app so she knows why/how I’m contacting her. I guess I could not mention how I know of her and then only explain if she contacts me?

    Thanks for your help.


    Dear James:

    Depending on her workplace: if she works in a clothing department store where people go through all the time, so can you. If she works in a any retail establishment where customers go in and out, so can you. I suppose other work places, like a school, a medical office, and such- not a good idea to visit in person. I am augmenting my reply then. What kind of workplace is it?


    Hi Anita, it’s a corporate environment. Also, I figured with a note she could always just ignore it if she wasn’t happy. If I go there then it might make it awkward?



    James, this IS creepy and stalkerish.

    If you really want to try to contact her, send her a message through the site. If that is not possible, there are, as you say, thousands of people on the site. Someone of them will surely be interested in you.

    I would try to understand why you feel that you have so much of a connection with this person you have never met, never spoken to, or never chatted with.

    Best of luck.


    It’s impossible to send a direct message which makes it quite challenging. I’ve cancelled the delivery. You’re right, I don’t know her from a bar of soap. Sometimes a picture says a thousand words though. My thought process was I’d rather risk being thought of as a stalker than not ever meeting her.


    Dear James:

    And I agree with you: it is a risk- she may like it if you go to her place of work and she may not: she may strongly dislike it like one of the people responding above and she may less intensely dislike it like other repliers, or she may dislike it some at first, then be okay with it. Don’t know. So it is a risk. Since you can’t send her a direct message online, it is between giving it up and taking that risk. As long as you are doing nothing illegal (trespassing/ disturbing the peace…) and as long as you are prepared for a negative response from her, do it.

    I like the boldness of you going to her place of work, personally- because she advertised it (if not, then I would definitely be against it!) I like your initiative and courage.

    Post again with an update: I am curious to know how it works out.


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