
Forgiving myself for bad mistakes caused by stupidity.

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    I always try to be the best I can be in anything, including my job. I work as a trainee Nursery Nurse and I do work hard and try my best, but I am not THE best. I’ve made some terrible mistakes that I am finding it hard to forgive myself for- It doesn’t really help that my colleagues are catty and do anything to make themselves look good, and so let everyone know of these mistakes, however i think the main reason is due to the fact that these mistakes where made through pure stupidity and not thinking.

    One mistake that sticks with me and a feel horrible about is when I left the playroom to put something outside the door, forgetting i was the only one in there and leaving the children on their own. They were on their own for seconds, no one was hurt but i still feel horrible. This wouldn’t be so hard to forgive if i didn’t do it yet again just a week or so later…I was trying to find something for one of the children’s parents, I pooped my head round the door, asked if my colleague had seen it, she said no but ran out to look for it. Me not thinking that the children would be left again i left the room to see if it was in the playroom opposite when another colleague entered and noticed the children on their own. I admitted my mistake yet again and felt terrible afterwards. Again they were left for a minute, if that and i don’t even think the children noticed we had left but it still doesn’t justify the mistake. After these 2 occasions, it’s not happened since but i’ve certainly not forgotten and feel like quitting my job due to it, maybe working with children isn’t the right path for me!

    Due to these mistakes I feel like i’m terrible at my job and shouldn’t be working with children- I am a terrible over thinker so these thoughts go around in my head almost regularly. I can’t seem to forgive myself and neither do my colleagues.

    Should i forgive myself, how?



    You gotta calm down – this is not a checklist boot camp. Learn from your errors but dont drive yourself nuts about it – 2 occasions and you jump to such drastic conclusions? Please learn to relax – the point of mistakes is to teach you lessons to improve and not be indicators of your competence – you are competent and that is why you are there. Why punish yourself like this?

    If you were your best friend, and she told you that these things happened, would you actually think of her mistakes the way you thought now? If you are so afraid to screw up, what will you ever learn?

    Also, please check out Cognitive behavioural therapy – you will be able to able to identify some distorted thoughts processes –

    1) All for nothing thinking
    2) Emotional reasoning

    Secondly, you really need to start meditating regularly – calm your mind down – be kinder to yourself.

    If everyone were as perfect as you think they should be, the entire economy’s workers would have quit and sat at home. People make mistakes, bloomers and so do you. Big deal, you’re cool the way you are.

    Dont blow this out of proportion!

    – Moon

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