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February 15, 2018 at 8:33 am #192633
Participanthi here
i m dating a guy for 3 months and is frastrated whether to block him or not… facebook linkedin and wtsapp
we had met in a networking event of the school and he was sitting next to me. We got in touch since then and he has given me a lot of care and attention before we got into relationship. He kept texting, made video calls(he is constantly on biz trip and indeed he is just an expat at the place im living) and even flew back to town for 1.5 days to see me. But since we got into relationship, things changed and he is just cold to me. I was sad, and we had a talk before valentines day and I asked if he wants to continue, he said yes but then become flakey again. Despite of the time difference i simply dont feel he cares abt me… comparing to the days he kept texting and calling…
He said MAYBE we could meet when he bck in town next week but i really hate this!!! Like im a toy to kill time when hes free!!
i am confused and disappointed and i dont know if I should just block him in all means as i cannot help keep checking if he’s gonna reply… im still having hopes to open the door for me if he likes me but simply makes no sense for not contacting somebody u like or care… for me it seems to be quite obvious…
I dont know wt to do and how i can help myself to get over it…or shd i just be patience for him to come back..
February 15, 2018 at 8:51 am #192673Anonymous
GuestDear Cw:
I don’t know if he indeed turned cold to you at first, at least. Maybe he was busy, didn’t call you as much one day, you perceived it was because he didn’t care to when he was only busy. Maybe then you expressed your anger at him, and as a result he really did turn cold. This is a possibility and from reading your original post I have no way of knowing the reality of your relationship.
Feeling like you are “a toy to kill time when he’s free” is not an acceptable way to experience a relationship. Whether in his mind you are a toy, I don’t know.
If you block him you will be making a clear move toward ending the communication with him. I suppose it will make you feel better, relieved. But it will end the communication.
Talking about communication, reads to me that it would be a good idea to improve that part in that relationship and in any one to come, to ask and listen, to share and have him listen. That way you can learn what the other person’s motivations are, what he is thinking and feeling. You can get that information if the two of you are honest with each other and if the two of you feel safe and comfortable to share with the other honestly and openly.
February 15, 2018 at 7:08 pm #192755Cw
ParticipantHi Anita
thanks for your words… before tht we had a discussion just few days ago and we both agreed tht we hv to talk more… and communicate… i know he is home now that could be very busy… but doesnt logic that he cannot even spare 1 min to tell me hes busy and will call back… i used not to text time that often but waiting for a reply is like life-long … and i know he is just obsessed with wtsapp…
I know tht blocking means tht we r heading to the end but i need to close the loop… having the door open hoping his return is destructive…
February 16, 2018 at 4:44 am #192785Inky
ParticipantHi Cw,
Can you simply “Unfriend” him instead of block? This is what I did with FaceBook: Instead of blocking, which can be seen as very immature and reactionary, I wrote a note saying, “I’m taking a break from Social Media. See you in (insert month/year)!” Then I locked down my settings so he couldn’t see how many Friends I had, what I posted, if I posted, etc. I changed my settings dramatically enough so it really looked like I was out of commission.
Then guess what? He DID somehow find a way to contact me. It wasn’t easy. There was effort, true effort (on his part) involved. Then I took several weeks to reply.
Change the script. You can close the door but not lock it. Close the door. And let him go through the butler.
Good Luck!
February 16, 2018 at 8:21 am #192843Anonymous
GuestDear Cw:
You are welcome. You wrote that he is obsessed with wtsapp. I am not familiar with these apps. What does it mean, that he is obsessed with it? And what did he tell you when you told him about your concern regarding his lack of responses to you even though he is obsessed with that wtsapp?
February 16, 2018 at 8:41 pm #192901Cw
ParticipantHi inky,
i blocked his wtsapp as its a pain for waiting his reply… esp i saw hes online
fb… i didnt unfriend him but i block the msg function…
yes u r true if he wanna reach me out he can call anytime.. its done just to make myself feel comfortable n better if i know via these channels there wont be anything fm him…
i need to get myself away fm him a bit as im sooo moody n sad these days
February 16, 2018 at 8:43 pm #192903Cw
ParticipantHi Anita
i know not everybody can give u instant reply on wtsapp or maybe he just didnt see it… but be frank he is just the one who is always has his phone on hand and keep refreshing msgs fb ig etc….
need to be honest n not to get him excuses… bu myself
February 17, 2018 at 4:09 am #192917Eliana
ParticipantHi cw,
There is a quote I like to use because it is so true, and that is “if you don’t know where you stand with someone, it’s time to stop standing and walk away”. You need a drama free relationship. One where you “just know” no uncertainties, doubt, “will he call” “should I wait” ” what should I do, he is being flaky”. Etc. This is too complicated. He is not there for you, and if you continue, you will make yourself even more uncertain, doubtful, anxious, and miserable. This does not show promise. I do not feel he is wanting to invest in a commuted relationship at this time, and before you get hurt anymore, it may be time to go your separate ways and find a loving, stable man you are certain of, where you feel safe, loved and secure. x
February 17, 2018 at 4:10 am #192919Eliana
ParticipantSorry for the typo above, should read “commited relationship”
February 17, 2018 at 4:49 am #192929Cw
Participanthi eliana
thanks for your words and yes, this is exactly how i feel. He is saying tht he wants a long term stable relationship and we need to strengthen the communication, and on the other hand he is just not acting this way. Action is always a better proof than wt is said, and yes i do want to trust all these sugar coated words, but yet he failed to prove it and im tired in getting him a reason for it.
indeed i am uncertain whether I should close the door n let him open (but then i keep hoping for sth gonna happen),or i shd simply lock the door then we can go separate ways. I blocked him on wtsapp but got a msg fm him on the other channel, asking for a call. I have no idea wt to respond as it appears to be rude for not replying, but im afraid of getting hurt n putting on hopes, and also think tht if he wants to call he can just call than “test” my response.
not sure wt to do…
February 17, 2018 at 5:26 am #192933Anonymous
GuestDear Cw:
It is possible that he is not honest with you, possible that he says things and doesn’t care to not follow what he says with action. There are plenty of people who do just that, say things and not follow through with actions. There are plenty of people who lie. It is very frustrating to be in a relationship with a person who either lies or doesn’t care to keep his (or her) word. If this is such a man, better stop all communication with him.
If you are not sure, and if you can handle the stress, when he says he will do X (something specific and at a specific time, not far from now), repeat to him: so you will do X at that time. Them wait and see if he kept his word. If he didn’t, well, that is the information you need.
February 17, 2018 at 6:05 am #192943Eliana
ParticipantHi cw,
I hope this will help. These words that you wrote in your post should not be in the context of any relationship that is safe, loving, secure, happy and fulfilled..thus, I would close the door on this: Here are the words in your posts that indicate a toxic or future potential harmful relationship.
“I blocked him”
“Not sure what to do”
“I have no idea what to respond”
“He failed to prove it”
“I’m afraid of getting hurt” (of him hurting me)
“”I’m tired of him” ( disappointing me, etc)
If this were a healthy relationship, none of these doubts, uncertainties, fears, anxieties, would be occurring. x
February 18, 2018 at 3:49 am #193063Cw
ParticipantHi eliana
just responded him via another app tht he reached me out n said tht i m immature n unfair to him for disappearing… tht im tired of his behaviour not being flaky n this is not i can put up wif or compromise just to keep him wif me n to “maintain” the relationship… i can recall the old days tht even we were apart but we had never lose contact wif each other…
anyhow im flying out of the town tmr which he suppose to come back… i need to move on n retain my energy for myself… i was out of a poisonous relationship end 2015( i was almost married wif another guy) n it took me 2 yrs to get out of it… I wouldnt wish to replicate another relationship like this tht this pain can almost destroy me…
thank you so muchhhh for helping me out of it n have a lovely evening
February 18, 2018 at 5:29 am #193091Eliana
ParticipantHi cw,
Good for you, for standing up for yourself. He took the cowards way out, then blamed you for it. I’m so glad you have decided to end things with him. You deserve so much better. He can’t give what he is unable. All he is able to do at this time is to go on Social media apps and flirt around. Nothing serious. You want someone who is local, not into the internet, chat boards, social media, dating apps all the time as that is a form of escape, not someone wanting a relationship. I know God has good plans for you in store including love. x