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    I am ruining my relationship! my boyfriend isn’t perfect but he is pretty close. He has never disrespected me or treated me in any bad way yet I get mad at him for any little thing. He does as he usually does like his activities and jokes around a lot but I get so upset with him. its gotten to the point where he dreads hanging with me because he already knows I will end up getting upset one way or another. Right now, I don’t even know what he is thinking because yet again I gave him crap about something so insignificant and I’ve caused him pain. I don’t understand why I create problems where there isn’t any. My mind just seems to create all these things that I lash out at my partner and end up hurting myself and my relationship. I have come to realize that I don’t want to lose this guy. Any girl would be extremely lucky to have him because he is different than any other guy. I have taken him for granted and I really want to make it work. Please any advice would be of great help.


    Maybe just accepting him for who he is and finding out why you are so frustrated. The worst tou can do os take out your bad feeling out on your partner. Its not their responsibility to make you happy its yours. And iwho really is annoys you so much maybe hes not a good match for you. Hope this helps.


    he hasn’t always annoyed me or frustrated me so much until these past months. I do appreciate your response it was helpful.


    Just meet him in a place where you can have a private talk with him. and simply just tell him what you wrote over here. most importantly, “listen” to what he have to say. hope it helps!


    I agree with the above post, talking it out will help a lot, even if its telling him what annoys tou.Just let him know how you really feel. Otherwise you will build resentment tword him and that is often the path to a relationship ending. Good luck, I hope everything works out for the best.So sorry you feel bad.


    Thank you very much for the advice. I greatly appreciate it!

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