
How do I tell my wife that I want children

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    I meant that I was scared she may hurt herself.


    Well today I broke the subject with her again and told her how I feel, that I do not want to have a life without a family. She broke down sobbing, it was heart wrenching. I called her mum to take her to her parents house so I knew someone was with her and got a telling off from my mother in law. Apparently I have no idea what I’m asking of my wife and am being unreasonable and that I have put lots of pressure on her. Even though my mother in law has 3 kids two of which have kids of their own she still basically told me that having kids is difficult and unpleasant and that I shouldn’t want it.


    I responded saying that I just want what everyone else wants but she told me I was being naive. I feel like I’m the bad guy here, we both decided to spend the night at our respective parents houses. Oh my wife did decide that she would really like to try to want to have kids though, this after I broached the subject and she realised I was actually going to go through with this.


    Now I don’t know whether to trust her or not, or whether to just call this done regardless of how much it hurts my wife. In am very confused right now.


    Hey Ben. Sorry to hear it’s been tough but actually glad to hear you are not simply burying this within yourself and hoping for the best.  I think you have two separate things going on here – the issue on whether to have children together and the issue of how you resolve conflict within your relationship. You have a strong pattern of giving in, going with the flow/what she wants so I think you would have had this same confusion from her on any issue where you felt strongly enough not to be able to let it go. Children just happens to be the first one you have felt strongly enough about it to break the pattern and so this is new territory for you both in your relationship. Her cutting down on therapy without discussing it, the silent treatment and wanting you to pretend that everything is just the way it always is are simply her standard ‘known’ tools that have worked before – and she doesn’t understand why they don’t work this time or why they are not a healthy way to work through issues in any relationship.  I too would be very dubious of any sudden change of heart from her on the wanting kids subject without spending a lot more time working through how you guys resolve conflict in your relationship. People who are terrified of change will go to very long lengths to avoid it. The last thing you – and more importantly, the children you would have – want is for her not to be honestly on board, any semblance of regret, anger, etc at her perceiving as being ‘forced’ into having children is not a good environment for raising kids. They will pick up on it in all kinds of ways.

    My honest advice – if you still want to invest time and effort in seeing if this relationship can be / is worth saving – would be to suggest she returns to therapy and if possible joint therapy. If she is seriously committed to discussing a big change and working on the relationship, she should welcome this and push for it. If it is still you doing all the pushing, I would take that as a pretty clear signal she is not serious about changing.

    You are not the bad guy, despite what family and friends may make you feel. Wanting different things is not bad, it just is. Dealing with it, working through it as best as you can, finding where you can and where you can’t compromise whilst being honest to yourself – this is all you are doing and it is far more healthy for all involved, including the future potential children, than trying to pretend nothing has changed.

    Wish you well.


    Dear Ben:

    In your first thread, Nov last year, you described a situation at work that has a lot  of resemblance to your marital situation. In that thread, a work colleague had a brain tumor. She and her husband damaged your motorcycle in the work parking lot but did not own up to  it, did a hit-and-run, basically. Other work colleagues sympathized with her because of her health issue and not with you. I will quote from you and then offer you my thoughts about the resemblance:

    “This woman sits not 6 feet from where I sit at work, I will have to talk and be ‘pally’ with her all week, all month and all year… How can I be expected to just forgive and forget?… she essentially wrecked my property and got away with it and now I have to sit and play nice… I don’t know whether to confront her or just swallow it and move on. But how can I ever trust or even be warm to her again? And we have to work together.. I really do not want to have to deal with this but it feels like everyone is painting me as the bad guy when I think I am entirely justified… I’m infuriated that all I can do is accept it. It makes me so angry… It’s like I’m not allowed to be angry because she had this surgery. Even if I mention it people just react as if I’m blowing it out of proportion or being silly”.

    Regarding your wife you wrote (in your second thread): “I had always been out that I wanted kids someday and she agreed with me but after 8 years she told me she didn’t and had lied this whole time”.

    The similarities: your work colleague lied to you by omission and so did your partner at the time, wife  to be. The colleague wrecked your property and your wife wrecked your trust in her, your work colleagues painted you as the bad guy, expecting you to forgive and forget and play nice and your wife and her parents also paint you as the bad guy and expect you to forgive and forget and play nice.

    Your work colleagues behaved as if your grievance is silly and what matters is her pain, not yours. Your wife and her parents also minimize your grievance, suggesting that all that matters is your wife’s pain, not yours.

    The question you asked Nov regarding your work colleague applies to the situation with your wife: “But how can I ever trust or even be warm to her again?”





    Hi BB,

    I’m not sure I understand this situation. Soon after you proposed to her, she tells you she’s not sure she wants children but the two of you get married anyway. After a year of marriage (about 6 months ago) she breaks down, tells you again that she’s not sure she wants children and that she’s afraid you’ll leave her because of this.

    You definitely want children, so you want to determine if she really doesn’t want children or if she’s “afraid” to have them, so she’s now in therapy to determine this. You hope one of two things happens: 1) if indeed fear is her problem, that therapy will help her overcome that fear, or 2) as she gets older she simply changes her mind and decides she does want children after all (your mom thinks this will happen).

    Do I have this right?



    Hi guys, sorry for the radio silence for a while, a lot has happened.

    Brandy, yes in a nutshell you are correct, but the therapy was also to decide whether it was her fear and anxiety that is causing this decision or whether or not it is a conscious choice, however the plot has thickened somewhat since then so things have become more convoluted now.


    So guys on Friday after a day and a night of silent treatment I decided I had had enough and made my decision to leave my wife. I came home from work and had the talk with her and she broke down, sobbing and wailing, she was distraught as was I. I called her mother so someone could come and take her home as I didn’t want her alone right then and needed to get some space myself. Her mother berated me on the phone, and essentially told me that I was demanding too much of her daughter and that I had no idea what I was asking of her and if indeed I was the one to go through the birthing and looking after the child I wouldn’t want children either. This woman has 3 kids of her own and 3 grandkids and until last few weeks had no idea my wife didn’t want children. She pretty much told me that kids are not as great as I think and that I shouldn’t want them, a bit rich coming from her in my opinion though obviously I don’t expect her to be on my side in this.


    We slept apart that night and in the morning we both went to our home and talked things over. My wife begged me to give her a chance to look into having kids, when I asked why this would be any different to the previous month when she was supposed to be doing this thinking she said that she hadn’t really tried as she thought I wouldn’t go so far as to ask for divorce. Now she realised what the stakes are she wants to give it another shot. She begged me to let her try, I was opposed to this at first as the time for trying was earlier in the month but I just couldn’t walk away so I relented.


    She has now effectively turned the ultimatum on herself, she knows I am serious, that I love her but that I desire a family. I despise that I am putting her through this as she is backed into a corner but she turned it onto herself so though she is going through pain and so am I she is in the driving seat so I will let her run with it and see what happens. We agreed on setting a date in the future to re-address this issue and that for the moment she will continue counselling, and will do her homework and I will also do my research to inform our decisions. I do not like the idea of an arbitrary deadline for this but she said without a deadline to work with she felt pressured to have all the answers right now or tomorrow and that a deadline would help her relax so I let her call it at 3 years time. So now she is considering the idea of children and has bought books, listening to stuff online and really going all out on it, she seems genuine.


    I must confess I am not as happy with this as I am making out on the surface. I would much rather she taken my wishes seriously the first time and actually discussed this, I wish it hadn’t taken us nearly breaking up for her to actually sit and talk to me about it without emotion taking over and it devolving into tears. I am not happy with the idea of an arbitrary deadline and think that 3 years is too long (She originally wanted 5 but that was out of the question). However what I need from her is to be calm and look at all options, to talk her anxiety issues out with the therapist and to know that I am supporting her, I truly want the best for her. She said she wants to try and come around to my side of the issue and I am not sure if I am doing the right thing by letting her but not letting her seems wrong too, I am pretty much out of good options right now, I feel heartless letting it get to this..


    I do not think we will go the full 3 years without reaching a conclusion between us, that was just a number to calm her mind. I think we will reach a decision within the year, what that decision is I am not sure of. She already seems aware that there doesn’t seem to be a way out where we do not have to surrender our dreams for the other, she also knows she drove me to making that hard choice and that as shameful as it was for me I chose children and a family. So I am not really sure what I am waiting for right now, am I waiting for her to change her mind of her own will (if you can even say this is her own will, even though she begged for the opportunity to go through this it is still me forcing her isn’t it?)? For her to realise it is hopeless and to give in and accept a mutual but sad end to the relationship? For me to give up on the idea of children and see if I can be happy without being a dad (I do admit it has it’s perks for sure)? Or am I just waiting until I finally feel enough is enough and end it for good this time. Or is she just stalling for time and hoping that by the time 3 years is up it will be too late for me?


    What makes this worse is that I don’t even know if I can trust her if she does change her mind. She has promised me that she would never have a child she didn’t want and I think I believe her but if the situation arises how do I know for sure? I do not believe there is any malice in her, but drowning people will drown their saviours in their own mindless panic and I fear she may do anything to appease me if there are no alternatives.


    We have gotten over the initial shock of this now I think, instead of being desolate we are on the surface almost back to normal except that we talk about this subject a lot but nothing new comes up. We both feel numb I think, exhausted by it too. Still no less confused by all of this though.

    Oh and get this. I told my boss a couple of weeks ago what I was going through, I broke down and just wanted to say I am doing my best but I am a bit all over the place right now, I just wanted to keep her in the loop. Two days ago she called me in and have me a very passive aggressive telling off for being lazy and distracted at work, it was thinly veiled in a veneer of enquiring as to how I was doing emotionally. She told me off for pretty much nothing as any time I have had off has been using my paid leave and my workload has not diminished at all. She said I was never at my desk the past few days which was true but that was due to abdominal cramps due to constipation brought on by stress and I had taken laxatives to help (Sorry TMI I know). I was and am so angry at her, such a petty person it really upset me, totally not what I needed. So now I am having to be extra careful at work, even skipping going to the toilet so I do not appear to be dodging work.


    Sorry for the ramble and sheer size of this post, as I said a lot has happened. I am not necessarily on here for answers as I know I am a stuck record and feel like I am being silly or over sensitive. Please know this forum has been a godsend to me during all of this, I may not always respond directly as I have a lot to report on but I always hang on every post and give it all serious consideration. Thanks for your help.


    Dear Ben:

    1. You wrote Feb 15: “Normally I cave in and get angry at her, she then cries and I give in to her”. Today, you wrote: “I came home from work and had the talk with her and she broke down, sobbing and wailing… She begged me to let her try… so  I relented”- so the pattern continues, you assert yourself, she cries, you relent.

    2. She cries a lot: “We proceed to get married and just after a year of marriage she cried her eyes out one morning in December (I think) saying she was concerned I would leave her… She was in hysterics almost so I calmed her down… She is distraught and cried her eyes out… She broke down sobbing… She broke down, sobbing and wailing, she was distraught”.

    If she did get pregnant, something she is scared of, she may be crying a whole lot. And when she gives birth and feels trapped with a baby she was scared of having, she may cry a whole lot more.

    Problem with crying is that a young child is negatively affected by his or her mother crying a lot. The child will take responsibility for his mother’s unhappiness, this is what children do.

    3. So your kid is likely to have a mother who cries a lot, in hysterics, distraught, sobbing, wailing and to add to  it, she “tends to be pessimistic and rigid” and she in the habit of giving “the traditional silent treatment”.

    4. You wrote: “I want to teach my kid like my grandfather taught me.. I want to show them hunting and fishing. I want to show them how to play pool and play video games”-

    But if his mother shows your kid that she is miserable having him (or her) in her life, it will be a very sad kid, no matter how much hunting and fishing you take him to. There is nothing more painful for a child to feel unwanted, to see his mother distraught.




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