
How to find love again?!?

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  • This topic has 4 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by jack.
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  • #329181

    Hi all,

    Heartbreak effing sucks. And I’m feeling super llonely and doubting I will find love again. I’m 53 and don’t know how to put myself out there. I’m not comfortably with online dating but it seems that’s all anyone does now! Would love some advice support or just an ear to listen.





    Dear Jenny:

    An ear to listen, I definitely have that, an ear to listen to you, or more accurately, eyes to read your words. Please do share as much as you would like.

    Regarding online dating, if you want some advice on making it efficient and more comfortable, let me know.



    I didnt want to make a new thread but how do you stop your past from finding love with someone else and stop comparing and stop thinking not worthy of love again ?


    Hi All,

    No-one likes to have their heart broken but it happens to nearly everyone.  Those people just weren’t right for you and if you hang in there someone better will come along.  Everyone is worthy of love.  You’ve been loved before and you will be loved again.  Work on loving yourselves and count all the many blessings you already have in your life.  Comparisons are a waste of time.  You don’t have to put yourself out there and on-line dating isn’t compulsory.  You meet people every day of your life in all sorts of situations.  Engage with your own interests, join with other people who share those interests, get creative and have fun.  The New Year is a great opportunity for you to reinvent yourself.  Love those women you can become with a little effort.

    Good Luck






    Dear Jenny:

    Everyone is worthy of love.  You’ve been loved before and you will be loved again.if you want some advice on making it efficient and more comfortable, let me know.

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