
How to live this moment!

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    Hi All,

    It’s the first time I am asking a question here. There has been a lot of confusion in my life for the past one year and it has lead to a lot of learnings but it has brought me uneasiness and depression as well. So far, I have confined to myself to get answers or have vented out to listeners on online chats. So, this is my first time trying to be part of a forum 🙂

    The question I have in my mind right now is about the present. I feel there are two ways to live really:
    One is to find happiness in the moment. Essentially doing things that make you happy. If you don’t have them right now, keep looking and searching till you find something you love. And so, It would bring me happiness in long run. But the flip side is that in this search for happiness in long term, there is no peace in the present.
    Another is to accept the present. Do what you have and accept it and find peace in it. It brings inner peace in this moment. The flip side is, it might not be your true calling and so you might not end up happy in the long run? Also, at least for me, I lose a sense of purpose in life if I just start accepting what I have.
    Which one is right? And if both are not correct, which is the correct way to live? How can I find strength in this moment and gather the energy to move forward and do well for myself?

    IF you feel the question is a little vague or you need to know more about myself, please do let me know 🙂


    Dear Vaibhav:


    1) What does “true calling” means for you, define…

    2) What happened in your life a year ago?

    3) What did you learn in this last year that brought you uneasiness and depression?



    a bit vague to be honest but welcome anyway to the forum.
    We all have to spend some of the present planning for the future. As long as we are not worrying about the future too much or obsessing.
    Next week’s doctor’s appointment?
    Christmas Day’s plan?
    New Year?
    I f we only spend time focussing strictly on the present, we become totally unprepared for the future, in my opinion.


    Accepting the present does not mean to be idle and inactive. By being inactive you are actually resisting the present. Meditation can help you release resistance, but the act of sitting down, doing nothing and quieting your mind does not automatically mean you are not resisting.

    If you are currently looking for happiness in your life you won’t find it. Happiness does not lie outside of yourself, so you can’t look for it. Understand that the physical form of this world is constantly changing, you can’t really hold on to something. It’s like trying to put label called “Happy” on a rock. But what if you lose the rock? Will you be forever unhappy?

    You have to fully love and accept your current situation, because that is what there will always be. When you find true love and happiness in the present then you can fully appreciate everything this universe has to offer. When you are able to accept everything this world throws at you, you will receive everything you will ever need to be eternally happy.


    Dear vizual:

    Welcome to tiny buddha! I like your posts today. The above included. The last line though, the last two words:”eternally happy” – do you mean always happy, forever happy? I do feel more and more peace as i accept my circumstances, but HAPPY, I don’t know. What do you mean by the word HAPPY? How do you define it?


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