
I Feel Like I Need A Rebirth / Change Myself Completely

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    I feel like my life has been a bad blooper , full of stupidity and failure. To Introduce myself my name is Michelangelo
    Im very intelligent but make dumb decisions left and right. Its like im two different people so focused and determined then someone else kicks in and im lazy and my goals start to seem impossible

    i hate completely who i am as of right now and i want to change completely I want to change myself Completely?Im a lazy, gynocomastia having , no girls , dependant , immature , bad hygine, no hobby , bad grades , goofy , same clothes wearing kid I want to be a well educated , intelligent , car driving , money having , well dressed , well groomed , girlfriend having , active , fit , healthy , mature , always prepared , always focused , peaceful , successful , independent young man What are the necessary steps to change ? Im willing to do anything Im also hunched back

    HELPP !

    im a perfectionist so im always obsessing

    i only know how to make wrong decisions , i want to be this sophisticated teen that knows what hes doing and always having a sense of decision and knowing what he wants , i want to be the man !!


    Hi Miguel / Michaelangelo

    Thanks for your post.

    You can become a real man once you have sorted your thoughts, feelings and emotions out. From your post, it is clear that you do not think very highly of yourself. Hey, when you do not feel awesome about yourself, is there anyone else in the world who can think otherwise about you ? NO.

    Learn to give some respect to yourself.

    The changes that you are looking for all start with a simple step of accepting Michaelangelo as he is. Once you accept yourself as you are, you will be able to work on things that need improvement. However, it is important to note that you are a perfect creation of this Universe like all of us. Somewhere along the path from birth till date, you have lost your true essence of existence and become someone else, who is not happy in his own skin, yeah ?

    Please be mindful that talking, ruminating, complaining, whining etc are all easy way out. To make a lasting positive change, we need to take an action, which is consistent and focussed. I will provide a simple list of things that you can engage in to flip your life around for the better. You sound like a young soul so take it easy 🙂

    1. Be kind to yourself. Show some respect for self and for your parents who have brought such a beautiful creature into this world. Think of some lovely things to tell yourself each day no matter how small they are.

    2. For bad hygiene issue, you can start with baby steps of looking after your physical appearance: Have daily showers, brush your teeth twice daily, use perfume or cologne, change to fresh clothing everyday, get into the habit of doing laundry 2-3 times a week if you do not have enough clothes to last you a week, shaving facial hair as required etc. It doesn’t take a lot of effort to look good or feel good. When you feel good, you look good !!!!

    2. Gynaecomastia – is there a medical reason for this condition or it is just man boobs you are talking about ? If it is just some flab, exercise and good nutrition should do the trick for you. Begin with cardio – 20 mins of running, cross training, rowing or jogging 2-3 times a week and add some weights into the programme when you have crossed the 4th week mark. You can target the chest muscles or you can work on every muscle of the body when you commence weights. You can ask a personal trainer for a session to help you out with this or you can check out the you tube on how to tone “pectoral muscles”.

    3. Laziness – Start with some goal setting such as: include exercising in your schedule; feed your body good nutrition atleast 3-4 times a week; work on positive thinking by practicing positive affirmations and reading articles on same; offer gratitude daily; work on home work from Uni or school daily rather than leave it until the last minute etc.

    4. No girls / dependent / immature – Being immature and dependent is not a good combination for attracting a good girl into your life. Getting a GF should be your last priority. Focus on your well being first. If you are healthy physically, mentally, emotionally and financially, getting a girl wont be too hard. However, it is not all about getting a girl. You should aim to find a good partner, who will complement you and your values so that you can both grow together in life.

    5. Hunched back – is often due to prolonged poor posture (I am assuming that you do not have an underlying bony or muscular congenital abnormalities). Learn to sit straight with your bottom close to the end of the chair at the back. Again, there are you tube videos that can teach you to sit properly. There are various posture correction exercises that you can engage in and getting help from a physiotherapist on this will be the most beneficial. It takes a lot of effort to get your posture correct so have patience.

    6. All the qualities that you are looking for should come easy once you can take some actions in the first 5 categories. It all starts with an action. Take baby steps and over the next 1-2 years, you should be able to turn your life around for the better. Money, cars and success will follow if you can get a good education (either trade based or Uni based) so work on that as well.

    Good luck.



    Dear Miguel,

    I’m a woman around my thirties at the moment, and was just today thinking back the days I was around 18 to 20 years old.

    As a teenager I also wanted to be “this woman” – this woman who is well educated, beautiful and having lots of friends, with interesting career and exciting life. But it seemed to be impossible to achieve: I just wasn’t naturally as good dressing up as my friends, and seemed to have difficulties with directing my life. For too long I felt alienated with my life – and later on I’ve realized why was it so.

    The problems were:

    1.) I didn’t trust myself. As a young person I was in a hurry – thinking, that if I’d just look like this or that, if I’d just have lots of friends and if I’d just had a cool career with my natural talent, I would be lovable & happy.

    Wrong thinking.

    First of all: you can never, ever be anyone or anything else but yourself. And being successful isn’t actually an outer goal at all: it’s based on becoming the best possible you. To reach this goal you need to breath in and understand this one crucial thing: don’t set outer goals where to compare yourself to (& feel like a failure), but instead: look inside. You are someone already. No matter how young you are – this person inside of you is the one who with you will make the journey called life with. So the sooner you start learning to get along with him, the better.

    Learn to love, listen and respect to yourself the way you are. You have certain qualities you can feel happy about: cherish these qualities & feel joy having them. You also have some qualities that needs a practice: don’t be afraid to face them. Everyone fails time to time, and there’s really no reason to be afraid of failure or pain. We all, each single one of us, have to get use having these things in our lives – as pain is an inevitable part of growing up. What happens, though, is that with time you’ll get a higher tolerance to them.

    You also have a body: a one, great and working body you are able to take care of. Don’t objectify it, but start to live in it – as it is the only housing you’ll ever have. Do great things with your body: try different kind of exercises, and find the joy in your physical being. Learn to cherish your sensuality both in your physical being and in relation to your diet: learn to love & appreciate food, too. It’s easy to eat properly, when you give up the idea food being “just something”, and open up yourself to cooking and regular meals as a form of art itself.

    2.) There is no shortcuts. Every tree grows from a seed – and every person becomes who she/he is a one step at the time. It’s good to have outer goals, as they make you direct your action toward something. But be prepared, that life has it’s ways: it’s often the journey towards something, that will give you the greatest teachings you’ll have. Don’t be afraid of pain or hard times – for example studying isn’t always just fun and easy. To learn and grow you need to accept that you’ve all the time asked to take one more step outside your comfort area: and that’s the thing with everyone. In my case it has often helped me to check if I’m in a right place when saying to myself: there is no place in this world I could be without having to fight. Is this the fight worth having from all the possible, here and now? Would solving this fight make me the happiest person I could imagine at the time?

    3.) There is no other way of becoming all these things you desire, than your own way. 30 years of living has showed me one thing for sure: life hasn’t always given me the things I thought I wanted – but it has been generous with the things I’ve needed at the time. Not any of us can choose our wounds that will later on define our greatest battles – so best thing to do is just accept them as the cards you’re playing with. Don’t compare yourself to anyone else, as they have different cards to begin with. Concentrate on playing the best possible game with the ones given to you.

    So to say: let go of these ideas of outer success: they will come, if you’ll learn to master your inner success at first. The people I know that have really “made it” reaching their thirties have been the ones who never did things based on how they looked like outside. Instead they concentrated on doing their best at every phase in their life – no matter if they were working in old people’s house or a coffee shop – they always seemed to put themselves in things and enjoying what they were doing. They didn’t concentrate on pleasing anyone else but themselves.

    As there is also one secret in life that I’ve become to realize when growing up: you can never “get” love, give it, or loose it. You can only share it. And to have something to share, you need to learn to love yourself, your body, your passions – and the life you’re living.

    Same comes with happiness: it’s not something you can ever “get”, but something, you can only “be”. The seeds of happiness are often set, when you open your eyes to all the things you can feel gratitude over. Nothing in life is promised to no one, and nothing should we take granted – as it can be taken away the next day (health for example). When you realize this it hopefully inspires you to take care of all the things you have here & now – and start building on them as a true optimist ;).

    Good luck – it’ll take time to start getting it, but as long as you stay true to your authentic self, you will make it.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by Sanna.

    Thanks for sharing Sanna @sanna – Just WOW 🙂 I am glad that I posted in here as I got to learn a few things myself.


    For some reason i feel like i cant love what i look like on the outside , like i have to change myself first before i could


    False, dear friend. Love is not about looks, its about accepting. Be patient with yourself, you have some struggles now that will help you find out who “that man” of your dreams really is. Highschool is like a meat grinder sometimes, especially for those of us that don’t seem to fit in to some “normal mold”. But these things you fear, never ending, never changing… bwah, all false. You’re growing all the time, you’re just in ruts. Very normal ruts, very usual ruts.

    Consider for a second how the grass is not greener. “Car driving” for instance has some benefits, stature, etc, but the people driving suffer with different forms of ruts too. Maybe they don’t have man-boobs, but perhaps they’re failing some classes. Or their dad drinks. Or their girlfriend just cheated. We all have these icky parts of our story, and you’re waaay stronger than you think. You’re seeing already what it takes many men decades to figure out. Because you’re an outsider, because you dislike yourself. So don’t beat yourself up for who you are, its actually really beautiful. Its just hard to see when we’re in the shit.

    Next, about this laziness. Yep, you’re being lazy. Hit that one dead on, nice shot! You’ve got wrong view of laziness though, as though its just something you are. False, its something you do. You’re lazy because you falsely think there is no hope, that the path you wish you could take is harder, takes more energy. False, mu, repel that garbage. Let’s take your clothes for instance:

    Washing, changing, folding, caring… whew, seems like a lot of work! And it is, its a lot of work. However, its actually more work, far more work, to just wear the same clothes. All day, you smell them. All day, you feel them, icky, separate, ashamed. Like boulders on your shoulders, you cart that shit around with you. Wake up! Its way lighter to simply do the work it takes to wear clean clothes, then never have to think about it again. Burden, gone.

    Same with exercise. More directly, in the moment: There you sit on the couch or at your computer. You think of yourself as fat, then have a small thought about exercising. Laziness is the delusion that comes up, convincing you not exercising is the easier path. Following that heartfelt inspiration toward health actually gives you energy, stability, happiness. A way brighter path! Easy. Then, when you lay down at night, instead of cycling through the ick… what a good feeling to have taken so many steps in one day. The journey of a lifetime, decided in those steps. And there you were, doing your best. What a beauty! And, rightfully, the happiness grows from the choices, following the heart… not the results… of the scale, the car, the girl. Michelangelo the hero!

    With warmth,


    Wonderful insights everyone. I have a lot to learn from this thread 🙂 Matt, i really liked the way you look at laziness. I still struggle with having discipline over my habits when my mood is particularly bad – i feel like my energy levels plunge like crazy under stress, uncertainty and a feeling of being stuck. I begin to procrastinate to escape.

    Its actually more painful to be stuck in self-loathing induced by being unhygienic, avoiding exercise and people – sitting cooped up in the room all day with the laptop while dreaming up big schemes, but actually blaming ourselves for not doing it. I guess the only thing we can really do is start small and be consistent, instead of obsessing about the results from day 1 itself. Its hard but a necessary lesson i suppose.


    Lovely posts, Jasmine & Matt! Yes, so much to take with me..!

    Miguel, the thing is that yes, you do need to change. What people are trying to say here is, though, that you’re probably searching the change from a wrong direction. I can tell from an experience, that as long as I kept thinking how I looked like outside, all I could see were my faults. If I’d just be different from this or that part… sounds familiar, right?

    What I mean by building on with what you have, is that you need to light the sparkle inside. We really are physical creatures, and when it comes to energy it does make a huge difference if you make a regular exercise and proper diet part your life. As being non-athletic teen myself it’s simply hard to explain what a big difference exercise had brought to my life as a grown up..! As it is one of the best ways to quit looking at yourself from outside – and start feeling your body, strength and capability inside. To find the joy on being able to really do so much..!

    The beginning is always though, but its the same with everything you do: you always start from the scratch. Just don’t afraid to start – what ever it is you desire to achieve. At the moment it seems you’re missing this inner sparkle – and this creates the feeling of alienation in your life. Start with something, anything – and think of the first human making the fire. Just like that: the first sparkle is the toughest, but it’s a crucial thing when making a fire.

    I guess one of the biggest mistake in thinking causing pain is that we take so many things given to us for granted. I myself cannot, for example, stop talking about health, after I’ve witnessed such a many young people loosing theirs in the last years. So just to say this: not a single day is granted. If you woke up this morning, were able to get up by yourself, were able to think, write, eat something and simply – live – congrats: you’re one of the lottery winners in life already. (& Having a rebirth is eventually more risky in your case than making the best out of the things had already).

    If you look at others and think they have more, the truth is: you’re not seeing “them”, as Matt wrote. You’re only reflecting your dreams to them, but have really no idea the stories behind. And what, if you did? You have your story to live on. Open your eyes to things you already have & ask yourself, if there really is need for more gifts from life at the moment? Maybe it’s just waiting that you learn to live with the ones given to you already, until it’s the time for a next upload. It’s like not having a desert without finishing the dinner, I guess.


    Wow you guys have really opened my eyes , what ever i want no matter what it is go get it. Thanks Matt your so right , i could have put in the work to straighten my back a long time ago and i didn’t so im here 3 years later still bent over. From today on i promise to grind all day.

    My question now is what should i do in life other then work on my faults ?


    That mostly works itself out once we get our bearings. What sounds like fun? Start there. Keep a sharp eye, and the heart has a way of doing the rest. 🙂

    With warmth,


    I really like music and tempted to sell some weed to come up with some because it makes so much in my area


    Same thing happening to me.I M

    unable to love myself.Everyone is saying love yourself but how???I have a feeling in my mind is i’m not good enough.I am not perfect.That’s wat i feel everyone else is good better then me.I want to hide myself from gathering .I am asgamed of me dont know why

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