
Im always paranoid?

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    hello everyone

    i have a very over protective father, we’ve have a tough relationship throughout the years because he wasn’t allowing me to go out with friends or do anything with my life so i did alot of things behind his back and got caught few times. After that, things have changed, he allows me to be as free as i like but with limits, we have a much better closer relationship and things have just gotten better. The thing is, im always honest with him about my whereabouts, who im with and what im doing, yet im always extremely paranoid and feel like what im doing is wrong, all the time, even when im home. Its tiring me out, i can never enjoy my time and what im doing, hes always on my mind and im always anxious to the point that i feel like he’s watching me sometimes, even when im literally doing NOTHING wrong. I really need help to get rid of this feeling, its ruining my life, im always paranoid and anxious. It even keeps me up at night and confrontation did not work.


    my mother was the same way. it’s exhausting especially because I still live with her


    And how do you deal with it?

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