
I'm close to quitting

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    I’ve been working in my present company for 21 years. The leadership of the company seems to have gone from bad to worse in the last few years. The boss for the last few years has been this weak, foolish, self-centered chap who knows little about about the substantive work that we do and cares even less. His main interest is in receiving flattery and strokes to his ego. Some of my colleagues figured this out early on and have practically devoted all their energies to brown-nosing him. There is now this poisonous atmosphere in the office where people run around jockeying for position and back-stabling each other. I have to drag myself to work everyday. As someone who’s always been frank and open, I feel like my soul is slowly shriveling away. Hut I never wanted to give up so easily so I’ve been trying so hard to help bring about some positive change. Except that now I feel like giving up. The last straw was when I volunteered for a project I was passionate about but one of the colleagues in the project group went behind my back to get the boss to remove me from the group – & I was so naive I found out about my own removal way after everyone else had found out. I feel like perhaps I should just quit.


    FionaLight –
    I think most of us can relate to what you are going through, at least to a certain extent. I know I certainly can. I have felt many times as though I am the only one in a group of co-workers who desires and attempts to complete my work with integrity. I believe that if we choose to have a job, any job, we should show up, do good work and be grateful for another day of being able to make a living. I know that most people just don’t think that way, they take advantage of the systems, office politics and destructive behaviors that only make the environment more sour.
    My answer: stop being attached to things having to be any certain way. If people are showing up and being lazy and using politics or gossip for an edge up – is it really worth it? And – is that REALLY an edge up? In the scope of the universe what significance does that edge have? And – are you willing to sacrifice your integrity to be promoted, or to be percepted as one of the crowd? So – stop being attached to the thought that you need to be liked. Being liked isn’t necessary, it can be a pleasant thing to have, but it is not necessary. Stop being attached to the thought that you need or want or deserve a promotion. You may have done good work, and acted honestly but that doesn’t mean you DESERVE a promotion – our suffering comes from believing we DESERVE, we WANT, we SHOULD. Stop believing what the world tells us, stop being attached to what the world wants us to believe and make up your own story…

    I am worthy, because I am. It’s okay if people don’t like me, I don’t need them to. Happiness is something I create and I am responsible to maintain. I need not be attached to anything, especially words and perceptions of others – they simply don’t matter to our universe. Be good, do good, act in kindess. If you want to feel good, do something good for someone else. Stop focusing on the chaos at work, start focusing on what you can do to serve someone today who will never be able to repay you.

    If all of the above fails…remember this, you are at your job to make a living for YOU (and your family if you have one). Do what is BEST for YOU. If you really believe quitting is best, and you can afford it that is your choice; however, the true spirit inside would grow greatly if you held your head high, worked and walked with integrity, and acted in kindness. No one ever needs to notice, it’s really okay if they don’t – what is important is that YOU know YOU are doing the right thing.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by ZenHorse.

    Thanks Zenhorse 🙂 beautiful words of wisdom.

    Hi Fionalight

    You have answered your own query. If you read your post back to yourself, you will know what I am talking about.

    Let it go and enjoy your existence in peace. How much longer do you wish to suffer with this negativity ? Whether there is negativity in the workplace or not is a different question all together but you are holding on to a lot in your heart and mind. It is not good for your health and well-being. Sooner or later, this state of negativity will start affecting your physical health and family life. Is that worth it ?

    May peace be with you when you decide what is good for FionaLight.


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