
I’m exhausted

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    I just want all my needs met . I don’t think that’s must to ask for . I’m actually really close to meeting all my needs but nothing is going to happened over night . I don’t enjoy struggling. Mom dead 8 years  , father still on drugs .

    Dear Anita ,

    Sorry I left a few months ago when life gets ruff I just have to figure things out on my own . It’s how I was raised .


    Well , Not I just want all my needs met , I want to meet all my needs .



    I have just finished a book called Sacred Rest By Saundra Dalton-Smith for the most part I found it an enjoyable & insightful read. At the moment i have to remind myself to live day to day (caring for dad with dementia) letting go of the past and not getting to wrapped up in a future that is without dad this way I have less dissatisfaction with my current situation.

    best wishes

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