
Inescapable feelings…how to cope with an old love

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    Tiffany Lucia

    I want to start by saying that I am in my early twenties.
    I met Andrew the first day of University and the moment we laid eyes on each other, I knew this was going to be a long, long journey between us. I knew in that moment deep inside my gut and deep inside my heart that this man (boy? haha) was going to be in my life for a long time and that he would create an impact that would change who I was forever. Turns out, I was right. I came to my University with a boyfriend from home, but after weeks of getting to know Andrew, I couldn’t resist the magnetic, electric pull between us and I decided to break it off with my boyfriend from home before things got too close between Andrew and I. Once I was single, I gave into the passion and the emotions that had been brewing between us, and that we had been stifling in order to respect my relationship back home. We finally kissed and let me tell you…it was magic. I don’t know if I sound crazy, but have you ever met someone or been with someone who makes you feel unquestionably alive? It was like for the first time I was in love. No previous boyfriend or hookup or anyone in general compared to what I felt with Andrew. As an immature high schooler the previous years, I thought I had been in love a few times before, but I was far from right. I had no idea what love was until I went away to my University and met Andrew.
    He was it. It was as if we had history in a previous lifetime because the chemistry was insane to the point that I could sense him when he walked into the same building as me. He was (is) a soulmate, and it is a certainty I feel in every fiber of my being (even though I’ve tried for several years to forget and rid myself of these feelings). Anyway, throughout my freshman year, things began to change with Andrew. He grew colder and more distant, but would be furious and hurt when I would try to move on or talk to other men. I was so confused and in pain because all I wanted was to be with Andrew—in a committed relationship—but he couldn’t commit. I soon realized he was beyond emotionally unavailable due to trauma from his past, but he was at the same time very attached to me and couldn’t bear the idea of me tryng to move on to someone else (trust me I tried). He wasn’t abusive or cruel, just confused, but that wasn’t fair for me. I deserved someone who knew what they wanted, and were willing to make me their girlfriend (or at least their exclusive partner). Also I just want to say that he wasn’t a womanizer or having sex with multiple women (a few here and there I assume…I’m not innocent either because I did get with a couple other guys), but we were each other’s number one choice when it came to making love and spending intimate time together.
    Any way I’m sorry my exposition was so long I just wanted to give you all background on my situation.
    What is happening now is what I need help with. It has been about 3 full years since we met. I broke things off with him exactly a year and a half ago and we haven’t made love since. We talk every once in a while, but its always just a quick catch up, and I cant tell how he feels anymore…he’s great at not showing how he truly feels. I have talked to him before though when he’s been drunk and that’s when he’s poured out his (still) very strong feelings and love for me. He’s expressed his regret for letting me go and hopes for a future between us, but I just cannot give into him.
    I am in another relationship now that I’ve been in for a year. I love my boyfriend (he is the most compassionate, kind, funny, understanding man), but he for some reason doesn’t compare to Andrew. I know this situation sounds so fucked ☹ but it’s been 3 years and I’m still not over Andrew. I’ve tried everything from meditation and crystal therapy, to deleting him off of everything, to even talking to a psychiatrist about this!!! I just cannot get away ☹ I dream about him every night and think about him 24/7. We occasionally talk every once in a while, but it’s always just a quick catch up now, and I cant tell how he feels anymore. I know there will always be love between us, but It’s just not the right timing…or maybe it just isn’t right. I guess I just need help with coping ☹ Do you think everything happens for a reason? Should I keep the hope? I know this isn’t fair to my current partner but he’s more of a brother/best friend (sorry creepy I know hahaha). I don’t want to leave him or break things off because he’s my partner in crime, it’s just that the passion is missing. The “spark”… the ridiculous chemistry…its not there. I don’t know what to do. Maybe in actuality I’m getting duped, but I’m so sad.


    As to your question “Do you think everything happens for a reason?” No, I do not. It is a good idea to use opportunities in life to learn more about ourselves and other people and about life, but there is no master manipulator that determines how things will be with a reason behind it. Lots and lots of random things happen, no reason behind, but good use can be made from those things in learning.

    As to “Should I keep the hope?” No.

    I do have a way that can help you and it has to do with the LEARNING thing, learning from opportunities to learn. There is something or some things very important that you can learn from the whole ongoing story with Andrew.

    I will ask a question or two in the direction of encouraging you, the best I can, to start the journey of learning what you can from this. If you answer, we will keep going:

    this PASSION, this Spark and Chemistry and feeling of being soulmates, forever-love thing- the things missing from your current relationship- what about Andrew triggered those feelings and convictions in you? Try to answer with whatever comes to mind, just type without evaluating and re-thinking what you type.


    Intuitive Mind


    I have a different slant on this… I, too, had an Andrew who I had an amazing pull towards when it came to physical chemistry. He and I dated when I was 15 and he was 17 – for a year. Circumstances made me break up with him but we kept in touch about once a year. Odd things would happen after that – we would run into each other in different cities. This happened 4 times over several years. I thought it was strange how this would happen (This is what I would now call the Universe’s intervention).

    Anyway, I married someone else and moved to a different country, losing touch with Andrew. Then, he found me on a social media site. I was going “home” for a visit and we agreed we’d meet up for lunch to catch up.

    Here’s the shocker: We met for lunch 18 months ago. He hugged me hello and something bizarre transpired; I felt a current run through me that was indescribable. I had a flashback to the time we dated when I also experienced that feeling. I thought, “What the heck was THAT?” At the end of a pleasant lunch he hugged me again and the same electricity ran through me. Then, he pulled back with tears in his eyes and told me he has never stopped loving me and not a day goes by that he doesn’t think about me. He said he still loved me deeply and always has and can’t let me ever leave his life again. WOW, right?

    Are you ready for this? It’s been 35 years since we dated in our teens!! I am now 50 years old.

    The man I married was my best friend (no sparks); we had three children and throughout the whole time I knew SOMETHING was missing in my life. I thought there was something wrong with me on why I couldn’t connect the way I thought I should. When I hugged Andrew last year, it woke something in me and gained such clarity to my own situation.

    The point of me sharing this with you is that I KNEW something was missing in my life: PASSION. That feeling of emptiness surfaced countless times throughout my marriage and was a big source of my problem. I tried everything to try to find fulfillment in an otherwise perfect marriage – we even went to marriage therapists. My husband is the kindest man I know.

    I finally gathered courage and told my husband a few months ago that I didn’t want to be married anymore. He listened as I told him that I could not go through the next 25 years without passion like I did the past 25 years. I told him I didn’t want to ever cheat on him so I knew in order to give myself a CHANCE at finding passion, I needed to end the marriage. He understood because he is a decent man. I knew if I stayed married (the easiest route), I would NEVER have a chance at having someone whom I would feel chemistry. My husband and I are hoping to continue being friends. I am blessed.

    You may ask, “Why did I stay married for over 25 years without the passion I needed?” Well, I tried many times to figure out a way to escape, but felt like I didn’t have a choice at the time. So, I learned how to cope and “numb” by going on antidepressants to deal with my situation, after all, my husband was a sweet decent man whom I loved – but more like a friend. Sadly, I put my needs last…

    The soul craves to be fulfilled and will continue to pester us until we listen. I managed to quiet my soul through doctor prescribed medication – not the smartest of moves on my part. However, no amount of medication curbed the feeling I felt when the current ran through me at the restaurant with Andrew; it woke something in me that was dormant.

    NO ONE should be with someone (or marry) if there isn’t passion. A companion does not make a husband (But! A husband can be a passionate lover and also be a wonderful companion). If there is no passion at the start of a relationship, don’t expect it to surface later. It’s called chemistry – you either have it or you don’t with someone.

    BTW: Andrew settled, too. When he found out I married, he thought I was gone forever. Currently, he is married with 2 teenage children, who lives in a different country than myself. Regardless of how he feels for me, he may never be able to be with me, due to his own circumstances. He may also not be “the one” to provide what I need – even if he were free. The only thing I am certain of is that he was the one who woke me from my slumber and gave me strength to pursue what I needed.

    Please do not SETTLE with the man you are with; always strive to find that passion you felt with your Andrew. It doesn’t mean it is Andrew you must have, though. There was a reason why he came into your life – it was to remind you what your soul desires. It is also telling you that you deserve passion in your life! Yes, you will find more men (not just Andrew) whom you WILL have chemistry with – each one bringing their own flavor of passion. Enjoy them all! Patience grasshopper…

    And YES, I do believe things happen for a reason – important things! That’s the Universe waking us up to life’s possibilities.

    I am a professional Intuitive Counselor and help many find what their soul craves.

    I hope this helps.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by Intuitive Mind. Reason: typos etc

    I’m not innocent either because I did get with a couple other guys), but we were each other’s number one choice when it came to making love and spending intimate time together.

    call me old-fashioned but I find this part confronting. the rest seems OK though.


    always strive to find that passion you felt with your Andrew

    I’m not sure this is good advice. Yes I agree people should follow their passion, but it doesn’t have to be a sexual relationship with another human being.
    People who don’t have an active sex life can put their passion into something else like writing or art or another interest.
    This is an interesting topic I admit and I don’t pretend the have THE answer but all I will say that it is a case by case scenario. Freudian slip giving away your opinion on this though. 🙂

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by jock.

    * intuitivemind: I find your post very interesting and would like to experiment here with a different take on what you wrote here: “Andrew”, with your husband, a different take on “I KNEW something was missing in my life: PASSION. That feeling of emptiness surfaced countless times throughout my marriage and was a big source of my problem.”

    And here: “There was a reason why he came into your life – it was to remind you what your soul desires. It is also telling you that you deserve passion in your life!” in the context of your whole story above. This take is a possibility, not a certainty, of course. It is POSSIBLE that…

    Your husband was not only KIND but also very passive. When you told him after 25 years of marriage and three children that you did not have passion for him throughout those 25 years, he understood, accepted it passively. You wrote that you are blessed (that he accepted it passively)- but this is exactly the opposite of blessing for you. You needed passion, his passion throughout the 25 years so you were not blessed that he was passive (and therefore reacted passively to the ending of the marriage).

    The passion you were missing in those 25 years was LOVE from him, caring, a personal kind of caring. He was kind but that wasn’t love. You need a personal kind of … kindness, kindness delivered with emotion, with ENERGY-IN-MOTION. With your husband there was STATIC kindness, in place, not moving kindness. The hug with Andrew, that rush was that MOTION you needed all along.



    In other words, my possible explanation is that your husband did not love you all along and that is what your emotional self (which you call “soul”) was telling you all along.



    Interesting insight anita


    Thank you, Jack.


    The passion you were missing in those 25 years was LOVE from him, caring, a personal kind of caring. He was kind but that wasn’t love. You need a personal kind of … kindness, kindness delivered with emotion, with ENERGY-IN-MOTION. With your husband there was STATIC kindness, in place, not moving kindness. The hug with Andrew, that rush was that MOTION you needed all along.

    Honestly, I have no sympathy for women like Tiffany Lucia, intuitivemind. Why? Because they settle. They settle in a nice comfortable life knowing that the person they are with doesn’t make their hearts pound but instead validates them and just makes them not feel alone. They know if they’re with a man who cares for them and understands them than they are probably doing the right thing by just staying and absorbing it. A few years into it they start wondering why they don’t feel they way they should for the guy they are with. Then it turns into a depression, especially if already married. Eventually, they make their life miserable and waste a good man’s life. I cannot imagine that intuitivemind’s husband didn’t know it in his gut that his wife wasn’t happy with him. This is why he let her go, not because he didn’t love her.

    Good luck to you ladies. I have no advice for you but to stop wasting your good man’s time and do what you feel is right.


    * Trianglesun: as to your input: it is amazing, for a person to spend 25 years with a woman who had no passion for him for 25 years. All along. It is so very sad for a man to know that the whole time, she (whomever the woman) wanted to be with someone else. That someone else turned her on, not her husband, the whole time. Maybe he did love her. The hurt then would be immense.




    Absolutely. I have no idea how this doesn’t torture either person in the relationship. The woman who feels like she’s with the wrong man and the man who knows his wife is miserable with him. What in the world keeps this “relationship” going? Is it children in this case? I don’t know… But very sad for both parties involved, indeed.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by TriangleSun.

    “This above all: to thine own self be true,
    And it must follow, as the night the day,
    Thou canst not then be false to any man.”


    * Dear intuitivemind:

    The thing with your Andrew affected you so intensely because you were 15 and your hormones were such and everything was NEW, the sexual attraction and all the emotions directed at the experience with Andrew. That experience at 15 made you forget your troubles from before, whatever depression and emptiness and any such feelings from before. When you were with Andrew it was not ALL magical, there were still those other feelings but the attraction to him and the hopes it brought was like an electrical shock to your brain: you most often forgot all your troubles and were fully alive, fully feeling alive.

    When you met Andrew at 50, the feeling-memory was triggered.

    When you met your husband, you were older. The sexual attraction was not NEW anymore. Over time, nothing was new. No electrical shock to the system. The troubles from before 15 and after Andrew (and during Andrew but most often overwhelmed with the newness) were there in your mind and in your life. There was no electrical shock to distract you from those troubles.

    You went on anti depressants not because your husband was not Andrew: you would have gone on them if your husband was Andrew.

    You needed healing. You needed a relationship in which to HEAL, together as a team. It could have been with Andrew and it could have been with your husband: I do not know if and how much either one of them would have been able and willing. This was not done.

    You divorced your husband after the hug with Andrew because you want to feel well, alive, like you felt when you were 15 with Andrew. Only problem is, you still need to heal from what happened BEFORE Andrew.

    Your divorce may have been a good idea, depending who your husband is. But now, it is too late to find a new Andrew and even the old Andrew will not do… because you are not 15 and this thing that happened can not be new again. Maybe for one night, maybe a week, maybe.

    Wish you healing.


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