
Is he just being a nice guy?

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    Ok this is a tough one. Earlier this yr there’s a young man I have known since he was a kid who’s all grown up now  33 yrs old. I would always catch him staring at me. We both belong to same organization. I really deep down think he is just a nice guy because since I have known him he’s never went out his way to speak to me. Now that he have a position he nice. Once he was teaching a class and he mistakenly thought I had raised my hand to ask a question but it was even me or no one near me. Another time he need to ask me something that he forgot to ask inside so he ran outside to catch me.

    There’s  times I caught him staring most recent was couple weeks ago saw him twice and I had to look away. Two days after that we had a 3 person conversation and his body and eyes were directed more towards the other person and not making any eye contact with me. So the following week again after our engagement we had at organization as I was pulling off in my car he comes towards me ask if i was going to be there the next day.


    what kind of man is this


    It seems to me that he’s interested in you. Men are so wishy washy with feelings. Most men will not tell you how they feel about you, until they know you feel the same.

    I could see this being the reason that he was giving the other person in your 3 person conversation more attention than you, he was probably purposely trying to play things cool. That’s why it’s sometimes beneficial to make the first move. I would suggest subtly flirting with him the coming weeks. When he stares at you, stare back and smile.

    Also, keep eye contact. This is a huge way to show that you are interested in what he has to offer and he will feel that. After a while, I would straight up ask him out. Yes, there’s a potential for him to say no. There’s also potential for him to say yes, though.

    I say, take a chance and see where this will take you. You never know what the outcome could be until you try.


    Wow really a co worker kind of said the same thing as far as the  3 party conversation. I wasn’t really sure. He is much younger 18 yrs. Also the last time I saw him over the weekend when I was leaving from where we were at I passed him and said by. He was looking not sure if he wanted to say something but it’s like he looked at what I was wearing even though I had on a coat.

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