
Learning and Self Belief

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    I have always been in search of my place in life, I struggled in my earlier years with my identity and always allowed others to influence everything I did. It got to a point where I couldn’t even make my own choices without validation from others, those ‘friends’ and even family I thought at the time had my best interest at heart.

    It has been a long and really difficult process for me to break away from all of that, I have had to separate myself from many people who I realised were negative influences and wanted me moulded a certain way to suit their needs. It was a lonely journey at times, but the painful times bought many great lessons and have gotten me to a point of learning to love myself & trust in my inner voice, rather than others around me.

    Although I feel I have made great progress over the years, I still have the constant battle of holding myself back, getting myself in that old familiar feeling of being stuck or lost in this world. I meditate regularly, do yoga, exercise, eat well, sleep well, don’t drink alcohol (all of these things by my own choice as I enjoy them). I try not to put pressure on myself but the same thing always comes back to me time & time again. The feeling of emptiness of confusion & self doubt and not knowing what to do next.

    I feel like my life is great for the most parts, but part of me continues to hold back, it’s like I’m still holding onto doubt & I’m terrified of just letting things be incase they go wrong. I hold onto fear of what could happen. When I get stuck how can I help to release this fear I hold inside? The fear takes over & I stop listening to what I know is right for me & once again let the influence of others take over.

    I feel I’m capable of so much more, I love to write and I want to share my voice with the world, so writing this post is my first step and I’d love to hear some advice or stories from others.
    Thanks for listening.

    Nina Sakura


    It’s not easy to actually be your own person but it is inevitably a part of growing up. I am wondering though, what are you afraid of – things going wrong?

    Sometimes I think I spent too many years worrying what other people thought and never quite appreciated myself. I always held back in showing my best side – I am not sure why I did that but the simple answer I have is lack of confidence in myself and the unwillingness to take on risk, facing disapproval. I won’t say I haven’t rebelled but I don’t think I have come out of caring what others think.

    Finally i threw my hands up one day and thought “Come on, we all care of what others think to some extent” – I won’t deny that anymore but the key is to go on doing what we need to do for ourselves. I was deeply unhappy because I was trying to be out of the mould and yet fit in. Then over time, I thought, let’s take the middle way on this.

    And another thing is to take each day at a time – sometimes we put this immense pressure on ourselves to grow personally that we forget the years it took to become that person in the first place – it’s a bit like massive weight loss goals- all fine for long term health but obsessing about it, going crazy in the lrocess when it’s not happening as per plan isnt worth it. I have often noticed how I go a little nuts when I start good habits, it’s almost as if I want to prove my mental mettle but in hindsight, this is a personal journey, not a PR campaign.

    Loneliness, feeling uncomfortable are inevitable, just like the more pleasant, peaceful feelings that also come- every person on this planet has experienced the above in some time. People often get confused with the idea of being comfortable with being uncomfortable – they think it’s a passive idea – what is passive according to me is to whine about this rather than to have an active approach to finding companionship with oneself and also making newer connection along with acceptance that no matter how hard we try, some days it will be rough and we just gotta ride it out.

    Sorry I went off on a tangent here, was sort of introspecting on things.

    I think you are doing wonderfully bdw. This kind of growth takes time and patience. Would love to hear more from you soon.


    PS – lot of typos – hard to type on phone.


    Hi Nina,

    Thank you for your response to my post, it’s great to hear your perspective. I’m aware that us humans all go through similar struggles but it really helps to voice it and learn from the experiences of others.

    When you asked what am I afraid of, things going wrong? That struck a chord in me. Even just that question what are my deepest fears? scares me. I guess when I say I’m fearful of things going wrong I am talking about my need to often maintain control over how things unfold. I sometimes find it hard to just let things be & I over analyse everything about the situation, including what others will think of me. So I guess in that way I hold myself back because I’m afraid of failing.

    I agree I also put immense pressure on myself and It’s so true what you said about forgetting all the time it took to get to this place, we are always growing. I also agree we all do care what others think to some extent, but like you said it’s important to find the balance and do what is right for ourselves.

    Thank you again for sharing, it has helped put things in perspective and look at taking each day at a time, accepting the good with the bad. 🙂


    Hi, grace
    Hope this would help you
    First of all decide exactly who you are and what you want , not thinking about anyone but just yourself.
    You may not know it what you want but the more you think about your goals the more your subconscious works on them brining you fresh insights, innovative ideas and creative solutions.
    the most powerful influence on your attitude and personality is what you say to yourself and what you believe.
    And as you mentioned that you are capable of so much more . YES you are. You have more potential than you could think. To get the most out of it, you must become a leader. Leaders are made, not born. because it takes strength, character and a positive attitude to define whats most important to you and then take action to get it.
    Your job is to find your “hearts desire”, and then take action to achieve it.When you do you ‘ll be astonished at how much ground you cover.
    Just believe , believe , believe in yourself and have faith rest will follow.



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    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by Mishika.

    Thank you for sharing @Mishika that is great advice to start focusing on who I am, what I want & my goals. I was so caught up in focusing on the how and why rather than brining these ideas into my subconscious and having faith & belief.

    I checked out your site, it’s very inspiring, wonderful work.

    Thanks you again


    Dear Grace:

    You wrote in your original post:

    “I struggled in my earlier years with my identity and always allowed others to influence everything I did. It got to a point where I couldn’t even make my own choices without validation from others…It has been a long and really difficult process…”

    And this is the key word, for me: process. The process is ongoing. You made progress and more progress needs to be done. More work and more time are needed and a whole lot of patience.

    The process, in reality, is about rewiring the brain: unlearning the old and learning new. Keep the work ongoing and post here anytime you learn something new, as there is more to learn.


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