
Looking for advice on how to "take it a bit slower"

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    I have been following this blog for many years now and it’s one of my favorite because you give so much real and genuine advice here. This is my first post on here and I do hope that one of you can give me the objective view of what I may not see, being “in this situation”.

    First I’d like to add some information about who I am and about my past relationships. I am in my mid-forties and have been married and divorced twice so far, and I met both my ex husbands online. I was born in Austria but moved abroad to live on a Caribbean island right after my first divorce. I loved living there and ran a very successful business by the time I met my second husband. He was American and we had a long-distance relationship for almost 4 years before we decided to get married and for me to move to the states to live with him. Back then I was still younger and a little immature, and because I was so in love with that man, I ignored a lot of red flags that were already there in the beginning. Once I actually lived with him, I found out that he was bipolar, and this was when he showed his real face. I don’t want to make this post about that part of my life, because I am only telling you about this so you get a better understanding of who I am today. I tried to get him to do therapy but he had already suffered from PTSD due to him becoming sober after being an alcoholic and drug addict for many years. So he was honest with me and told me that he just didn’t have the energy anymore to fight yet another demon (his words). When he was “normal”, he was the most wonderful man you can only imagine: he literally carried me on his arms, gave me gifts and treated me really like a queen. But when “his switch” turned, it was hell. He was extremely verbally abusive, told me that he didn’t even want to get married and didn’t want me to be there etc. He never was physically abusive with me, but I could see it in his eyes that he was struggling but couldn’t help himself because of the illness. I knew that he loved me, but the situation became unbearable and it changed me to a point where I had given up myself just to be there for him. Eventually I collected all my remaining strength and told him that if he didn’t agree to therapy, I will have no choice but to leave him – to save myself from going under. Long story short, he didn’t get therapy and I eventually was forced to leave – which was the right choice, even though it really broke my heart because for me, I truly loved him and wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I struggled for almost two years after that with rebuilding my damaged self and blaming myself for not honoring the marriage vows. But in the end, I healed and after almost two and a half years the divorce was final.

    After I left him, I moved back to the Caribbean, trying to pick up where I left off and rebuild my business, but the economy had gotten worse, so I was forced to figure out what to do next. I decided to move back to my home country – Austria – where also my teenage daughter lived to complete her education. She had been living in the Caribbean with me before, but when I decided to move to the states to get married, she wanted to move back to Austria to go to High School there and live with her dad. So the natural desire for me was to move back to Austria (after having lived abroad for 8 years). I also started to work on my Bachelor’s degree here, which I always wanted to do but never could due to work and raising my daughter. I was, however, not planning to stay here more than a few years, until my daughter would have finished High School and (so I hoped) went to college. I planned to go either back to the states or the Caribbean once I finished my degree, because Austria just didn’t feel home to me anymore. Of course because of family here, I wanted to spend some time with them.

    Then I finally finished my degree, a little while after my daughter finished High School. Because she pretty much grew up in the Caribbean, and the school system there is slightly different than in Austria, she finished High School a few years later than kids normally do. She met a nice boy and about one year into their relationship (and just when I started to plan my return to the states) she told me that she was pregnant. Fast forward  – my plans to leave were discarded (temporarily), and I am now a happy grandmother to a 10-month old adorable baby boy 🙂  I changed my plans because of course I wanted to see my grandson grow up and at least spend a few more years here to do that.

    So this was just a recap of the past 10 years, and hopefully this gives you a little insight of what happened to get me where I am today. After I left my ex-husband, I worked hard on myself to make sure I heal properly and also improve on my flaws that led me to get into a relationship and marriage without acknowledging the many red flags I should have seen from the very beginning. I guess because of the emotional stress during the short marriage, I also was in and out of menopause within 2 years (not kidding you – my doctor told me that based on my hormone levels, I am 65 years old. I am postmenopausal for over 3 years now, which is very unusual at my age. Today I consider myself a very mature and strong woman who knows exactly what she wants and what not. I have dated two men within the last 4 years, and with one I thought it was going to be serious but then it turned out that he just wasn’t ready for “the ultimate relationship”  which was and still is what I want. I am at a point today where I have an amazing job, enough money to live a comfortable life, a beautiful apartment, great friends, a wonderful daughter and adorable grandson. I am pretty happy with my life and I have decided that unless I meet a man who is “on my level” and is ready and capable of the “ultimate relationship” and who wants to get married, I am happy and satisfied on my own. I love to travel and I am probably one of those rare women who really are ok being alone. Being OK is the keyword, because I feel a strong desire to get married one last time, and this time I want it to last a lifetime. I know that I have grown immensely and that I am a beautiful and loving woman who is capable of having such a relationship with the right man. Having worked on myself so hard and not having rushed into anything serious within the past years, I also know that I deserve a good and loving man. And this is where the current story starts:

    About a month ago, I met a truly wonderful and genuine man online. He lives in the states but from the beginning, he made it clear that he also only wants the ultimate relationship that has the potential to last a lifetime. He also said that if he meets his soulmate, he wouldn’t care where she lives, because if we are meant for each other, we will make it work. He also said that if things went the way he hoped, he would definitely consider to even move here if that’s what we both decide. Since the day we started talking we talk on the phone every day, we text each other frequently and to put it simple: we just hit it off. We discovered a lot of things we have in common, we both are great communicators, we both want one last relationship and get married. He definitely is a catch and seems to want the same things I do, and is not willing to spend time and energy on a woman who isn’t on the same path. We have such great conversations, and we also video chat at least once every other day, so we do stay in contact and include each other in our lives. Things heated up very fast, and because I felt so good about him, I opened up a lot (which for me is very very rare these days) and so did he. He wrote me such beautiful emails, long emails, where he opened up too and shared his emotions with me. Based on the last weeks, he seems to be the right man for me, the man I wished for to be my last man. Of course, we haven’t met yet, and he was open about the fact that he was still holding back on throwing his heart into this 100% until we meet.

    Two weeks into this, he said that he wanted to come see me, and if I would like that too. Of course I said yes and I was overwhelmed with happiness when he booked his flight over here. In the past, I was always the one initiating to meet the men I dated, and mostly I was the one flying to see them. Now I met this wonderful, intelligent and educated man who does what he says and just booked a flight to come see me here! I was so happy, and he will get here a week from now. We have been both so excited for the last few days, and it was clear to me that he had a hard time holding back. The way we communicated was so beautiful, honest and sincere, I have never had that with a man before and he just blow my mind!

    Last night, when he called me during his lunch break (he has a very busy job but always made sure to call and text me during his days), I felt that he was somehow tense. I asked him if something happened, and he later texted me that he just was really hungry, but that he also feels a little rushed. His text message was really gentle and seemed honest, and he wrote that he wanted us to take the time to really get to know each other. He also said that he is tired of starting relationships that end, and wanted to do it right this time. He also said that he is amazed by me, and really excited to see me next week, that he can see my inner and outer beauty and appreciates me so much. So long thing short – in my heart I do believe that he is sincere with me and is serious about us building a lasting relationship with each other. I was, however, pretty thrown back when he sent me that text, telling me that things move too fast for him and that he needed to take it a bit slower. Again, he wrote it in such a nice way that I really believe that he told me the real reasons. He also made sure to mention several times that he still is very optimistic about us, and excited to see me next week and get to know me. He did emphasize on the part that he wanted to get to know me and spend time with me, and work the steps with me that need to be gone through in order to build a potentially lasting relationship.

    So why am I asking you for your advice?

    While I trust my intuition in this situation, I guess I am a little confused because of the fact that we both went crazy and got so excited, and now he is putting on the brakes. He told me several times how much he loved my way of showing him that I cared about him and how thoughtful and loving I am. I asked him a couple times if I was too intense (because I know myself, and when I know that something good is in front of me, I give my heart and always match the other person’s energy), but he said no, and that he loved it. He told me so many times that I am probably the most wonderful woman he has ever met and that he also believes that we could be an amazing couple. So it wasn’t just me being all excited about this, and now he wants to slow down. I am just having a hard time figuring out how to behave now, because I am just a very outgoing personality, and holding back my feelings is not who I am. But at the same time, I don’t want to ruin this, because I feel that this could really be something great. I don’t want to push him away (I have done this in the past, but when I was much younger and more immature), but give him and us the time we need to go through the steps. I just don’t know how to take it down a notch? Am I supposed to still text him several times a day, or should I now wait until he reaches out? I know he will, I just don’t know how to go about this now, and I really hope to get some constructive advise from you.

    Thank you so much in advance! I haven’t written him today yet, but decided to first breathe and post this here, before I do something wrong. Usually, and because of the time difference with him, I would send him a good-morning video every day before I go to work. Once he starts his day, he would send me a long text message or email. So I am not sure if I should reach out to him like I did every day, or if “taking it slower” means that I have to give him more space and opportunity to reach out to me first (“chase me”??). I always believed that when two people met and they are right for each other, there is no such thing as too fast, because it will happen on its own. Now I am just a bit insecure about what to do……………but I really like this man and want to build something with him that lasts.

    I am so looking forward to hear your input…………..


    Dear Belinda:

    Reads to me that he got scared. I would be very surprised if he didn’t. By the time people are in their teens, they are already afraid of getting hurt, so I am not surprised he is afraid. If he didn’t express any fear, you would  probably get scared yourself, soon enough, before the visit, I would think.

    So maybe he got scared first.

    You wrote: “I always believed that when two people met and they were right for each other, there is no such thing as too fast”- when things feel so right, things do go fast, as in having sex quickly, the same day, or having a whole relationship, beginning, middle and end all in a three weeks vacation.

    But long term, I don’t think that there is such a thing as two people who suffered failed relationships in the past, to magically have a smooth sailing relationship. I think it is a fantasy.

    I don’t think either one of you can possibly know that the other person is right, or one’s soulmate- your relationship has been limited to one context,  an online/ video context. You need to get to know each other in more than one context, in a variety of contexts over longer than a month.

    Regarding what to do next, if I was you, I would continue the same routine of contact (time of the day you make contact, frequency of contact) that you had with him in the last two weeks or so. For a person who  is scared, routine is comforting.

    When you communicate with him, pay attention to how you feel. If you feel more cautious, let it show in your choice of words, tone of voice and facial expressions, as naturally as possible. Don’t fake feeling enthusiasm if you don’t feel it.

    Fear is a very powerful emotion- o way to make it go away by talking about it a lot, so  I wouldn’t bring it up, not more than asking him how he is feeling, or if he is quieter than usual, you can tell him: you are quieter than usual, how are you feeling?

    Listen to his answers, maybe repeat his answers to him in some way, so that he knows you heard him. Talk to him in a casual way, that is, don’t communicate to him that you are alarmed and devastated. Or that the fact that he is afraid is a horrible thing. That will cause him to be more afraid.

    Let’s say you have a child who  is afraid, you wouldn’t tell the child: you are afraid! Oh, this is a terrible thing! What did I do wrong? Etc. Instead, you talk gently to the child, hold his hand, tell  him it  will be  okay, say: I can see you are afraid, and it is okay. I am here for you. Feeling safe with  you, over time, the child will share more and more with you.

    What do you think?





    As you know from your two online experiences of your previous husbands, people act differently face-to-face.  There is so much to reveal when two people get together in person, in different situations, in different environments.  That is why dating is a good thing to do (Facetime is not dating).  Personally I don’t believe in going head first into a romantic relationship without spending extensive in-person time together.  I have met many a woman from online but my requirement is that I need to actually be able to see her on a couple-times-a-week basis in order to build a romantic relationship.

    I am not sure what “slow” means except that you delay having sex.  Otherwise, does slow mean not communicating as often?  does slow mean you don’t reveal as much?  I don’t think that really makes the relationship that much richer.  I do think that it does give people an opportunity to make time to satisfy their emotional needs elsewhere and not to depend on one person for that.  What does he mean when he wants to take your relationship “slow(er)?”



    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by Mark.

    Hi Belinda,

    I would calm down about this. A lot. View this guy, and any future marriage as Optional. Something nice to have if it falls into your lap, but not something to pursue. You are a very young grandmother now. Your own body is saying you are a very young Wise Woman now.

    As a Wise Woman you dollars to donuts already know exactly what to do and what not to do concerning this fellow.

    Follow your instincts, follow your innate wisdom.




    Thank you Anita, Max and Inky for taking your time to respond, I appreciate each one of your replies and your input. Each one of you gave me a few valuable points to think about, and I will definitely listen to my instincts. Thank God, the situation has already smoothed out a lot:

    I didn’t contact him all day yesterday, and then he texted me in the evening, asking if we could Skype, and I said Yes. We talked about everything, and contrary to what I was fearing, he was very nice and sweet, said to me that he hoped that he didn’t scare me with his request to take it a bit slower. He asked me how it made me feel and that he thinks he knows how I could have taken it, and that it probably confused me a bit. I said that while it did confuse me a little bit, I am fine because I appreciate him and would like to build something meaningful with him. So if he feels rushed, then I think we should find a pace that is comfortable for the both of us. The great thing about him and us is that we really communicate so well and there was not a single bit of a negative vibe during the whole conversation. I could sense that he is genuine with me and he explained to me what he meant when he said he wanted to take things a bit slower:

    He said that all he meant was the fact that we should be more in the present and not plan so much ahead (which is something I honestly do a lot, because I am a planner and daydreamer;). He suggested to rather enjoy the moments with each other and really get to know each other without “setting” a fixed, expected result (e.g. us ending up being a couple, married, etc.) already. I admit that I have done that – even though I didn’t really think much about it until he brought it up – and I definitely need to stop planning so much and instead just enjoy what we have and experience right now. We talked almost two hours but after the first 20 minutes of clearing the air about the talking it slower thing, we already laughed with each other and talked about other things. So things are ok and this just showed me even more that he is a great guy worth taking the time to get to know him. He reiterated that he is serious in building something with me, and that he sees what an amazing woman I am and the potential of us. My intuition tells me that he is honest and genuine and not one of those who just want to string me along. So things are great 🙂

    We talked a bit about the upcoming trip – he will get here this Saturday – and how excited he is to finally meet me. So am I, and I will work on those flaws of mine of planning too much ahead, which I understand could scare a man away. The great thing is that we were able to talk about both our fears with compassion and being honest with each other. He is 53 and I can definitely see how mature he is and that he wants the same things I do.

    Thank you again for your advices, and I think I will post an update here after we met each other this weekend 🙂


    Dear Belinda:

    You are welcome. I enjoyed reading your recent post- reads like excellent communication between the two of you and the relationship reads promising to me. You will be meeting him in five days from now, how exciting!

    I do hope to read more from you anytime, before and/ or after you meet with him. I don’t know you personally, but I am smiling at the moment, feeling excited for you!



    Thank you so much Anita and now I am smiling because of what you wrote?I am also very positive about this man, and excited to meet him. I will definitely post after his visit!



    You are very welcome, Belinda. I am glad you smiles too. Looking forward to read from you again. Wishing you and him an excellent visit.



    I wanted to give you an update on how things went 🙂 One word: AMAZING! All the worries I had were gone by the time I picked him up at the airport, and the following 4 days together have been wonderful. It was only a few days, but we connected just like we both thought before we were meeting, and we had so much fun. He truly is an amazing man and got all the qualities that I always wished for in my “ultimate” man. We toured Venice and then drove back up to my place where we spent the remaining time together. I showed him my city and he loved it! Summarized, it was even better than we both anticipated and when he left, we were both sure that this just was the start to something rare and unique.

    Fast-forward, three weeks later, I am set to visit him on April 23 and I will stay there for a week. We have been video chatting and texting every day and it has developed beautifully between us. He even wants us to go tour different areas around New York City because he wants to move somewhere outside of Manhattan and rent a bigger apartment. He said he wanted me to come over so we can spend extended time together to find out if we’re truly compatible for a life together. So the plan is that we will check out different areas to see where we both would like it. My job allows me to work remotely, so I could go visit him for 3 months at a time. He also is about to start a project that would allow him to spend the summer here in Austria with me, which would be amazing. We both are so in love with each other and I know that he must be the One for me. He is so mature and knows what he wants, but yet very reasonable and so loving and kind. I know this has been a whirlwind and it’s been only 2 months, but the way things are developing is just beautiful and we both just let it happen. We’re both not spring chicken anymore and know when we see something good, and he definitely is a good man. I have never been so happy in my life and feel as if finally I have met the man I am supposed to be with. What I love so much about him – among all his other beautiful traits – is that he initiates things and communicates with me like I haven’t experienced before with any man. He expresses his feelings to me, we talk about everything and he is also a great listener. What can I say..I am am blown away by his personality and am so grateful to God that He finally brought this man into my life.

    Thank you again for your advice, I really am grateful that you were there when I was still confused about this 🙂 Thank God it turned out I was worrying for nothing!


    Dear Belinda:

    An AMAZING update indeed! So glad you are back exactly one month after posting here last. I re-read your posts and like I wrote to you before, this relationship reads very promising to me.

    Here is what is so very promising: “we were able to talk about both our fears with compassion and being honest with each other”, “He is so mature and knows what he wants, but yet very reasonable and so loving and kind”, “He initiates things and communicates with me like I haven’t experienced before with any man. He expresses his feelings to me, we talk about everything and he is also a great listener”.

    Remember your resolution from before, to “be more in the present and not plan so much ahead”, and his suggestion “to rather enjoy the moments with each other and really get to know each other without ‘setting’ a fixed, expected result (e.g. us ending up being a couple, married, etc.)”.

    I am excited for you and hope to read from you again, anytime you would like to post here!




    Dear Anita,

    thank you so much for your kind reply! It feels great to hear that you also sense that this relationship is promising – I think so too!

    About your reminder to be in the moment and enjoy time with him rather than planning too much: I have actually done this for the past weeks, and guess what? Now he is also where I am because he told me that he is no longer feeling rushed and won’t hold back anymore. He said he feels a lot for me already and just wants us to enjoy this, so he no longer wants to act overly cautious and hold back his feelings for me. With him I truly feel like I can be myself, and it still amazes me how close we got in only 2 months. Of course we still want to take the steps and really get to know each other (e.g. spending several months together or him spending the whole summer here with me), but now it is different. I no longer feel worried about this, but rather a feeling of being safe and appreciated by him. So the pressure is off now and this makes it so much better and easier to open up to each other.

    I am very positive about this relationship and can’t wait to see him in 2.5 weeks!


    Dear Belinda:

    You are welcome.

    “a feeling of being safe and appreciated”- may this continue to be your experience with him and his experience with you. Do you feel okay with the level of your excitement (I happen to feel uncomfortable with too much excitement, I am.. excitement challenged, I suppose)?


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