
Losing weight, but family having doubts about me

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    Dear Lulu:

    I want to repeat my congratulations for losing so much unhealthy weight. Please don’t give up: continue to lose excess weight and then maintain healthy weight- regardless of what your family and friends say. If/ when you experience a regression of any kind, don’t despair, and get back on track. Be strong and do what’s right for you!



    Dear Lulu

    About six weeks ago I had various blood tests they all came back within range, but I noticed the diabetes marker was 41 and the normal range is 20-42 so that was a wake up call. Being a full time carer I needed to take  uncomplicated steps that fitted in with my commitments, So I stopped drinking tea as I normally have sugar/ sweetener in (Brain does not distinguish and triggers messages to pancreas) and replaced it with water and the same with squash. I now have a waistline yeah.

    A world renown teacher Thich Nat Han has written a wonderful book called Mindful Eating. Well worth a read.

    Kind regards


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