
Lost and Feeling Guilty?

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    I’m a 22 year old student who recently experienced a tough break-up. I had been seeing this guy for a short period of time, but I felt like he understood me. Previously I had been in and out of rocky relationships and not taking care of myself the way I should have. While I am thankful for him leaving me and trying to set me straight, it has hurt a lot and has sent me on a downward spiral of guilt. I have been trying not to beat myself up about it and trying to fix myself, but I feel an overwhelming sadness I have never felt before. I feel like after a few years of being this hyperactive dating type who doesn’t settle and show her feelings, I’m finally coming out of my shell. However, I keep falling back into this rut of guilt which really provokes my depression and hinders me from wanting to do much besides sleep all day.

    I’ve tried to cut contact with the ex, but I feel so guilty for how I treated him and others that I find myself randomly picking up the phone and apologize– to no avail: none of them believe me. I’ve become the girl who has cried wolf. I feel this constant nagging sensation to just pick up the phone and call or text, even when they don’t respond. It makes me realize how much I really do not take care of myself or love myself enough. However, this guilt is terrible. I really do care about my ex and I want to give him space and I want to grow myself, not just to prove him or others wrong, but to fix myself in the long run. However, the guilt in me constantly wants to say sorry and the lover in me wants to say “I care”, but I know I can’t and it drives me nuts.

    Is there any advice / are there any tips anyone can give me to help break this vicious cycle? I feel like the annoying, nagging ex-girlfriend and I don’t want to feel that sense of guilt anymore. I know he cares about me; he’s said it multiple times… but I’m afraid and feeling vulnerable. Also, what can I do to control my emotions at this time / keep them at bay? I notice I get very caught up in my emotions and act out.

    Sophie Struckmeyer

    Dear Sarina,
    You have done all you can with this person, and now trying to apologize or restart the relationship would fail you. It’s okay to feel guilty, but at the same time, forgive yourself- you may not feel as if you have any reason to but that is precisely why you’ve got to do it.

    We all screw up, and just about everyone understands that. Your ex does as well and probably has forgiven you, but can’t let you in again.

    This is an opportunity! Part of loving yourself is finding forgiveness for yourself. Show your self-love, come to terms with the end of this relationship and what you have learned.

    You’re worth the peace <3

    Brandi Nicole

    I am going through a very similar situation, been consistency in and out of relationships since I was 14 and now I am 21 years old in the middle of yet another break-up. It has been 2-3 weeks since my ex and I were working things out/breaking up. Last week he came and got the rest of his things. It is obvious my ex still cares and probably wants to be with me. During this time I have contacting him telling him how sorry I was, throwing guilt trips on him, telling him not to give up on us, etc.

    This article helped me a lot tonight. http://breakupadvicereviews.blogspot.com/2011/11/getting-your-boyfriend-back-guy.html?m=1

    We must have NO contact, when i say no. No facebook messages/statuses about your ex, no e-mails, phone calls, text messages, nothing. Men want to be left alone and when we constantly contact them we are only making it that much worse and by contacting them we are digging ourselves in a deeper hole. Trust me it is difficult. I slipped up Monday. Someone told me about a 30 day No contact thing you can do. Basically i made a calender, marking off day by day to show progress.

    I also started to keep a journal. So every time you feel the urge to contact him, Write down why? What made you think about contacting him. What is your motives? Write down what you want to say to him. Are you feeling lonely?

    Another thing is if your ex decides to contact you before the 30 days, you need to write things down you are going to say. Also, try to make it through the 30 days. even if you have to ignore him at first, then tell him you need more time. If he wants to see you try to put it off until the last day, or in this case the earliest would be Valentines Day. You need to understand when you see him, you can not tell him how hurt you are, how much you missed him, how hard it has been without him, etc. That part can come later.

    You need to take this time to heal yourself and set you some goals, improve your lifestyle, make dreams, and change the things that have been bothering you. I personally am going to see a social worker to talk with about me problems. I have so many from previous relationships, you need to work out all the baggage. So that if your ex comes back around or you decide to contact him after 30 days you are strong, happy, confident. He will be expecting the opposite but if you show him you are okay and it is going to make him really think. Anyways, I could talk about this all night but do the best you can. Remember do not contact him. Let him come all the way back to you, but at the same time do not let him come back too soon. Really take advantage of this time to heal and cope. That way if things end up working out with him you will be healthier and more emotionally stable and if they don’t you have learned several lessons and you’re next relationship will be much better. I am still working on this whole process myself and I have a long way to go. Best of luck to you and I hope my words help. I also have a personal blog, it may help if you create one yourself. Here is my link if you would like to check it out. http://conqueryouremotions.wordpress.com/

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 1 month ago by Brandi Nicole.
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