
Married Lone Wolf with child

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    i am 28 years old and i am 4 years in marriage. I never cheated my wife. I dated her for 5 years before our wedding without any sex because of our religion. I knew her pretty well before our marriage. But the thing Is. We started dating very early. I was 18 years old and she was 21. During those years which we dated i became different person. We have different pasions. I dont like her friends. Any of them. I dont like to be in crowd. She loves it. I love to be alone.  She needs people around her. During our dating i wanted to end it because of things i mentioned. But i didnt had guts for it. I just really cared about her and i didnt wanted to hurt her. So i married her. I thought things will change and i will change. The first two years were fine. Everything was new including sexual life. But life changed and we started battling against each other in things like visiting friends, personal interrests, sex. My wife loves it. I dont like it at all. I didnt slept with someone before her and she didnt had anyone before me. So, maybe i will love sex with different woman. Life changed again and my wife was pregnant. I was happy, but at the end i am still on the same boat again. I love my daughter and love my wife. But i am different person and only thing which we have common is our daughter and religion which forbides me to divorce her excluding only two reasons: death and cheating. I really care about my family. My wife And daughter. I feel responsibility against them and i dont want to hurt them in any way.

    On the top of that, one woman from my work have interest in me. She lives near me and asked me if i can take her to work on the road. Its something fresh. I never felt anything like this before. I know. You will say Its crush. My religion forbides me to cheat my wife. My personal beliefs and my whole person forbides me to do this to her.

    But what can i do? I feel lost. Is there any way out of it? I know. I dont have balls and i am coward. Maybe there is some happy future for me.

    Thanks for your time


    Dear Lukas:

    First thing to do is to stop “battling against each other”- stop the war.

    Second thing to do is for you to take care of yourself, to make your life okay for you. You don’t like her friends and you don’t like crowds. Don’t spend time with her friends and spend your time (outside of work and parenting responsibilities) the way you would like to.

    Before you got married, you “thought things will change and (you) will change”- well you didn’t change, you didn’t get to like her friends or crowds. Don’t try to change anymore, and instead respect your likes and dislikes and make your life as comfortable as possible.

    What you like and dislike is not less important or less valid than what your wife likes and dislikes. You need to respect each others’ preferences as equally valid and find a way to live where you are both equally accommodated, where you are both as comfortable as possible.

    With better communication with her, with equal respect and assertiveness, you can live a better life and the relationship with her can become more loving.

    I hope you post again with your thoughts and feelings.




    You are a man with this story and I am a woman with a little modified story. Here goes what I have been going through. My religion doesn’t allow sex before marriage too. I married my husband without even knowing him. He turns out to be the biggest swine on earth– liar, an unfaithful husband, a womanizer(a man who sleeps with my maid). He has a temper to add to all this. I can never pray for Him from my heart: my expectations were sky rocketing before and now after trying to take my life thrice, I have come to the conclusion that his caring for my three children is useless. He will never change. All I should do is to be on forums like these and enjoy my life. Ofcourse I wouldn’t want to get into a relation with any other man cause all men are senseless. They only know how to hurt a woman especially their wife.




    I dont want to be man like you described your husband. My wife told me: If i knew before our wedding about your taste for sex i will never marry you. You are such dreep. But she dont know i sleeping with her only because of her need. What really scares me? I really like her as very good friend. I like her because she is good mother of my daughter. I have respect for her personality but where is something deeper? Can my feels evolve into something bigger? I dont want to pretend something for my whole life.

    I know, communication is my weakness. She is very upset on me and i have tendencies to stop talking because i just hate her behaviours. She is general. And she want to command me. Like her mother commanding her father. I am not the same man like her father.


    I feel guilty about this woman from my work. Feelings overhelming me.


    Dear Befittingly Disgusted: I would like to read more from you, perhaps you can start a thread? If you do I would like to communicate with you there (click FORUMS, choose a CATEGORY, click chosen category, scroll down the page).

    Dear Lukas:

    you wrote that your wife said you are such a “dreep”- what is a dreep, I am not familiar with it being a word?

    How is she commanding you, can you give examples?

    Also, as far as communication goes, is she making any efforts, or has she made efforts to improve communication between the two of you, start conversations, ask for your thoughts, your feelings about things? Have you made such efforts, and if so, what were the results?



    I dont know how to describe this in english. Its something like boring person. Old boring man. She is active if we talking about communication but she dont know about my true feelings. Why i choose to marry her ( after 5 years of dating she said me: You can choose – Marry me or we will end this relationship. I was coward and instead of break i gave her ring) and what i really feel to her. I think i cant fullfill her needs – physical and emotionals. She will be upset and in tears, decimated if i reveal her truth about all of this.


    I made efforts and she made efforts too. It always ends same. She shout on me in tears and i just sit in silence in my world. She always told me: I love you more than you love me. Its true.


    Dear Lukas:

    Clearly, it was the wrong choice for you to marry her. It is clear to you, you repeatedly indicated that. You suggested that you married her because of fear and guilt, not good reasons. Now you are married, have a child,  and you are holding on to beliefs that deny divorce.

    There are a few possible solutions to your problem, none of them is easy because none will feel good, at least not for a long time:

    1) Separate/ get a divorce.

    2) Have an emotional/ physical relationship with your co-worker, stay married and/ or get a divorce.

    3) Work on fixing this relationship.

    Which one are you considering?





    Yes. It was wrong choice. I know. I need time to be alone. I love to be alone – maybe more than be with my wife or someone else. Am i selfish? I was only child in our family and i lived with my mother without father. I always thought about myself as good guy. I cant do something bad to my wife and daughter. I cant be that selfish to start something with different woman while i have wife. All of my friends will abandon me for this act. And because of my religion i will be alone. Nobody will speak with me anymore. Who have same religion as me.

    Can i shape that overhelming feel of love/energy for something better than cheating my wife? I am full of joy, happines and sadness. I know, we cant really trust to our hearts.


    Dear Lukas:

    You are determined then to stay in the marriage, to not cheat, to be accepted by your society, to follow your religious principles and you care a lot about your daughter. For those purposes, take care of yourself best you can- do not force yourself at all to socialize with your wife’s friends, do not force yourself to spend time in crowds, take your time alone. Your wife should respect that. Insist that she does, let her know you will nor and cannot change this about yourself, liking to be alone.

    Regarding the passion you feel for the other woman and not to your wife: you can’t force feelings either way, can’t make yourself stop feeling a desire for one woman and start feeling it for another. Accept that you feel what you feel and that you will not act on those feelings: that you will not cheat, on one hand, and that you will not try to force yourself to feel other than you feel. Don’t judge yourself either way for the way you feel.

    What we feel as human beings does not make us good or bad people. Feelings are automatic mental events, we don’t choose them. What we don’t choose doesn’t indicate character. What you do indicates character.

    Regarding your joy, happiness (about the other woman, I suppose), and sadness, channeling it- I suppose if you are a painter you can paint a picture with vivid colors, or if you are a poet, you can challenge these feelings into a poem. Or a musician, you can play an instrument… of you can just sing along a happy or sad song you hear.


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