
move abroad to work or stay at home with my boyfriend

HomeForumsTough Timesmove abroad to work or stay at home with my boyfriend

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  • This topic has 16 replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #126612
    Alien incident47

    Today I read this article on decision making called the 10/10/10 rule . ARE you happy or satisfied 10 minutes from now , probably yes , are you happy or satisfied 10 months from now, are you happy or satisfied with your life 10 years from now? Life is short ,if you stay will you regret not going.


    Dear watto55:

    Would you like to start your own thread? You can give more detail there about your relationship: how long has the relationship on, how old are you and him, what is the nature of the relationship; what does your boyfriend say about you teaching abroad for six months (why do you think he will end the relationship if you move for six months?) and so on. To start your own thread, click FORUMS above, choose a CATEGORY- that would be RELATIONSHIPS, click on Relationships, scroll down the page to the empty boxes (for title and body of text).


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