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- This topic has 19 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 9 months ago by
November 5, 2016 at 6:20 pm #119712
ParticipantHi, I’m trying to change my life because I’ve been so unhappy lately but it’s difficult at times. I recently decided to work part-time and start my own small business in something that enjoy. This came after loosing a job that made me miserable and stressed.
I’ve been in a relationship with a man who clearly doesn’t respect me for over 4 years. He has suffered with depression for around 14 years and has been on & off antidepressants. Though he either stops taking them or goes back on when he feels like it and doesn’t consult his doctor which is probably not great. Anyway to cut a long story short, he has anger outburst and is pretty aggressive a lot of the time. We live miles apart which is probably why it’s lasted the time it has. We only see each other on the weekends. I love him but his moodiness with me has got worse over time. It’s almost as though he hates me sometimes. I’ll drive over to his and he’ll barely say hello and he’ll be frosty and snappy until he’s had a drink or smoke or both. Then he’ll mellow out and be lovely for the evening. In the morning he’ll wake up angry and restless and moody. This is how it’s always been but it’s got worse. He outbursts with me are usually over nothing. He’ll get impatient and I’ll get nervous then he’ll end up blowing up and shouting. He’s done it in public and it’s soul destroying. I’ve realised that until he has a drink to mellow out he is just a colder easily irritated person. He’s also not loving or loyal or protective over me. I’ve always though that it’s fine as I don’t need that. But really I’d like it. I’d like him to feel that way over me as I do for him. He’s the only person who’s shown no interest in my new venture. Again I can deal with that but it does hurt. I’d be nice if he asked me about it. I realised long ago that if it’s not to do with him he doesn’t want to know. If I try and speak to him about this stuff he says I’m too needy. So I gave up. When we go out he stares at other women…not just a bit.. a lot. I try and laugh it off but again it hurts. He told me at the beginning of the relationship that he feels comfortable with me because I’m not like his ex who looked like a model. So I guess he maybe wants that type again. All I know is that I’m sick of it. Sick of being told I’m stupid and sick of not being able to speak my opinion.
2 weeks ago I explained I was a little unhappy with our relationship but he dismissed this and has been worse. I asked him then if he wanted to break things off but he said no. I’m confused but now I have to simply think of me. He’s a dominating person and I know he likes to be the peacock in the relationship. I don’t feel like I’m the woman for him because I would like a mutual bond with my partner and for more of a loving caring relationship.
Despite all of this I feel like my hearts broken anyway. It’s not great loving someone who doesn’t love you back so I have to try to find the strength to get out. Around other people I am happy and fun but with him I feel like a different personNovember 5, 2016 at 7:14 pm #119717Anonymous
GuestDear stardust99:
I hope your plan to work part time and start a small business works out well.
As far as your relationship you wrote:
“2 weeks ago I explained I was a little unhappy with our relationship..” My comment: you minimize your feelings talking to him. Clearly you are not a “little” unhappy but very unhappy.
“but he dismissed this and has been worse”- he dismissed your feeling, not good.
“I asked him then if he wanted to break things off”- I recommend a change in attitude: YOU break things off. You don’t give him the freedom to initiate a break up or not. You initiate it. Don’t ask him, tell him!
“but he said no.”- so it is No because He said so?
I used to be submissive in life, what misery that brought me! I highly recommend, from personal experience, initiating, asserting, being the one at the steering wheel of your life.
Hope you post again.
November 5, 2016 at 7:23 pm #119718Anonymous
ParticipantThanks Anita, you are right. Not sure why I’ve not been able to do it. All I know is that I feel so miserable and that’s not how we’re supposed to feel in a relationship. All the small things like him ignoring my calls or texts and then telling me he ‘couldn’t be arsed to call me back’ There’s a list as long as my arm. But I do want my life back so I will try and take control this week. It’s scary but it will be worth it. I’d rather be on my own and lonely than deal with any more of his mental torture. & if I’m ugly so what!!! I’ll enjoy being ugly at home and embrace myself rather than have him make me feel that way x thank you for your advice. It’s much appreciated x
November 5, 2016 at 7:32 pm #119720Anonymous
GuestDear stardust99:
Clearly the man is abusive, dismissive, belittling, disrespectful and so forth. I understand it is scary for you to initiate the breakup and end the relationship, but this kind of initiative and courage will be good practice for you as you embark on your small business plan. You will need to initiate and assert yourself there and in any other relationship of any kind, present and future.
It will be a good practice!
November 5, 2016 at 7:48 pm #119723Anonymous
ParticipantYes, he is all of those things. When he is nice he is so charming but it’s like two different personalities. I’ve noticed that in front of people he will show that side and many people think he’s an amazing guy. However behind closed doors it’s very different. I used to think it was me that I was somehow just annoying to him but as I’ve been spending less time with him I can see that it’s not the case. He’s told me on a few occasions that I’m the cause of his depression – which is strange because he’s had it long before me & we only see each other at weekends & now one night & not every weekend because I’m too scared to be around him for too long. So yes it’s time for new beginnings. I have to concentrate on my new business and like you said it will be good practice. This has to be a new chapter. & I have to make it happen
November 5, 2016 at 8:03 pm #119724Anonymous
GuestDear stardust99:
When you break up with him, he will probably dismiss your feelings, dismiss and disrespect your assertion, not take you seriously, etc. To prevent aggravation, prepare to break up with him in a way that will not expose you to these reactions on his part. Since he is not respectful of you, there is no point to break up with him… respectfully. No need to explain anything to him because he won’t listen.
So maybe it will be best if you tell him: “we are done!” and be done.
Hope you post again, through the process…
November 5, 2016 at 8:40 pm #119726Anonymous
ParticipantHi Anita,
You are so right. I have gone over and over in my head how to do this. You are spot on. No explanation is necessary anymore.
I will keep you posted.
Thank you so much for your support xNovember 6, 2016 at 7:24 am #119745Anonymous
GuestYou are welcome, stardust99. Till your next post-
anitaNovember 6, 2016 at 11:56 am #119773Anonymous
ParticipantHi Anita,
Thank you. I’m so scared of how cruel he will be as I’m feeling so fragile. I’m not strong like he is & he always knows how to hit where it hurts as he knows me so well. It sucks but I have to deal with it. Just wish I didn’t feel anything as it would make this a lot easier. I already know he won’t care & I can just about get my head around that but if he starts telling me that I’m stupid anyway and he’s sick of me etc etc it’ll hurt xNovember 6, 2016 at 7:20 pm #119796Anonymous
GuestDear stardust99:
This is why I wrote above: “To prevent aggravation, prepare to break up with him in a way that will not expose you to these reactions on his part”- to prevent your aggravation, you feeling badly when he tells what he will tell you, don’t be there to hear what he may tell you. Simply end it. Don’t wait to hear what he says.
Tell him: I am ending our relationship. I will have no contact with you. Do not contact me. If you call me, I will not take your calls and will not listen to any message you may leave. If you email me, I will not open your emails. Goodbye” and hang up the phone. If he calls you, don’t answer. If he leaves a message, erase it before listening to it. Erase any email he may send you.
Do not go to his place to break up with him and do not have him in your place. Break up with him on the phone, or email. Do you think you can do that?
November 7, 2016 at 6:55 am #119832R
ParticipantHey Stardust, Hey Anita.
Just signed up to be able to pipe up on this one. Stardust, you are right in the choice you’re making and its good you have the clarity to understand that its the right choice. From what you have described this person is emotionally controlling amongst other things. A intense friendship I had for many years recently broke up and I took my cue in a lesser bickering moment and never looked back. You will not regret this.
Listen to Anita when she says how you do this is important. This Man believes he is in control of you and so without trying to give you more things to stress about, you must be ready for his insistence that you are the root cause of all evil in this world when he is rightfully (and respectfully I’d imaging) rejected from your life. When you choose to tell him, see if you can stay at a friends for a few days for back up/cooling off time unless you live with other people or in a secure entry or upper level flat. Keep that physical distance and don’t allow yourself to be in a position where he can harass you at home if you’re by yourself. Now this is a toxin we’re dealing with and this end will be stressful or if his emotional bullying is really on point, he’ll threaten that he doesn’t know what he’ll do (to himself) if you don’t come over etc etc. Ignore ALL of this, but DO NOT delete messages etc. REMAIN strong, tell relatives and friends/neighbours you’re close to that you’re taking these steps (email them this thread) and make sure the situation is known about in your own small circles as bullys don’t like exposure and if people see him around they will immediately keep an eye on him start a conversation with him etc and he won’t like that.
As im saying, Im not trying to get you to worry about extra things, just protect yourself. You are absolutely doing the right thing and emailing this thread to some friends of yours will remind you you are not alone in this situation and that you are absolutely of worth and im sure, a wee beauty! keep us posted ok? xxxx
November 7, 2016 at 1:47 pm #119877Anonymous
ParticipantHi Anita & Gecko4,
Thank you so much for your post and good advice. Fortunately he lives over an hour away from me so there is no danger of him coming around. & I honestly don’t think he will even care that we’re over. I think the last few months he’s been drawing away from me anyway and as he clearly thinks I’m worth nothing he will probably just get on with his own thing.
For me it is a bit harder because I’ve lost my confidence and don’t feel like I’m strong. I spent so much time listening & accepting all the negative stuff he said about me. Of course he was nice at times but when I look back he just didn’t act as though I meant anything to him. A small example – my car was stretched one night whilst parked outside his house. When I told him he said ‘oh well it’s not a biggie’ Then we found out his lodgers car also got stratched. She told me he offered to pay for the damage. So I asked him why he offered to pay for her car to be fixed but wasn’t even concerned about him. He just said ‘you’ve got a shit car so it doesn’t matter’ Anyway it’s just a small thing but it was one of many and upsetting.
Once when we spent a day in London coming back to the train station I accidentally led us to the wrong platform because it had been refurbished and I was confused. He went crazy and slammed his can of drink on the ground shouting and screaming at me that I was stupid for leading him the wrong way and ruining his birthday. People were staring in disbelief. Later when I said there was no need to get so angry as it was an honest mistake he still went on about how I had to be stupid to not know which platform it was?
The same happened when we went away for a few days. & when I had a car accident he was the only person who didn’t ask if was ok. He just said ‘oh well shit happens’ I am sick of it and it’s horrible watching him be lovely and charming to everyone but me. All I wanted was for him to show some concern. I think over time I just started thinking that maybe there is something wrong with me. But my friends and family and even people I meet out and about seem to respect me and visa versa so this is why I need him out of my life now. I want to just feel at ease and not constantly stressed or walking on eggshells. Sorry for rambling but on. I’m sure some of what I’ve written might not make sense but just wanted to give you an idea some of the stuff that got me down. Thanks again to you both for listening and I’ll keep you posted.
XxxxNovember 7, 2016 at 5:06 pm #119886Anonymous
GuestDear stardust99:
You are welcome.
His behaviors towards you are absolutely wrong, wrong and wrong again. He had no right to treat you the way he did. It is so very clear that this relationship needs to be over. Since you suspect he will not bother you when you break up with him, it should be easy in that respect. Make it easy on yourself by sending him a short email or leaving him a phone message so there is no conversation, only a one-way message from you: “This relationship is over. Do not contact me. If you do, I will not respond.” Something like that. Please resolve to never again tolerate disrespect and mistreatment!
I hope you post again with an update, anytime, with whatever thoughts and feelings you have.
November 9, 2016 at 12:27 pm #120000Anonymous
ParticipantHi Anita & gecko4, it’s done and I’ve got to be honest I cried so much last night that I thought I was going to break. I had a bad nights sleep woke up today and cried all way to work & at work.
Not sure why it hurts so much but it does. & knowing that he won’t care or miss me is horrible. He gave up months even years ago caring about me. He’s told me on a couple of occasions that he wasn’t sure if he loved me one minute & then a few days later changed his mind. I never stopped loving him throughout & regardless. When he was nice to me it lit up my world. But I’ve been a sap. It was all for nothing. Anyway, I’m going with my feelings this time & trying not to look back. I feel lost alone & what with xmas on its way it sucks. But what’s the point of being with someone who doesn’t love you back and who is off and on whenever the mood takes them, not to mention the anger outbursts the nasty comments being put down told you’re stupid etc. He was lovely to me sometimes and I miss those times because I felt like inside he did have a heart. But there was more disrespect and hatred towards me than anything else. & the more he was like this the more I clung on hoping he’d actually turn it around and just be loving. I can’t be that needy person anymore. I’m ashamed of myself really xxNovember 9, 2016 at 2:24 pm #120011Anonymous
GuestDear stardust99:
You chose to reject “more disrespect and hatred” toward you. Good choice!
You wrote that “inside he did have a heart.”- he was born with a heart, when he was a baby and a young child. But you didn’t meet him as a child.
What you gave up is pretending reality is different from what it is. What hurts is the reality that he indeed, does not love you.
Be proud of yourself, for having the courage to see reality for what it is and being willing to endure the distress involved in seeing it as it is.
You will feel better. Another part of reality, seeing it as it is, is that you are lovable; worthy of being loved. Once you believe this to be the truth, as I do, you will choose a man who sees you as the lovable woman that you are.