
My story – should I try to talk with him again?

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    Hello. I know this might sound strange, but I need an advice. I’ve met someone in internet (not in dating site) and I fell hopelessly in love. That person lives in another continent but I feel like he is the right one for me. I want to give him everything, I’m ready do change my plans in order to be with him and I believe I can make everything work between us… but only if he wants it too. He has never showed me that he feels like I do, sometimes he is playfully flirty, but he never shares anything about his personal life and it seems like he is hesitant about getting closer to me (not only in the “love” way). However, he has said that we are friends (yup, friendzoned) and he enjoys spending his time with me. My feelings were driving me crazy and I decided I should tell him, even though I was pretty sure my love was one sided. So, I’ve wrote him a long “essay”, confessing my love and told him it’ll be best if we stop chatting. He said he had no idea I was feeling like that and he was flattered and he said something like: “I think you are a really cool and pretty person but you are so far away so I don’t know :/”. But he said he’d like to continue talking with me and that I haven’t destroy the relationship between us (aka friendship). I didn’t really understand what he wanted to say with that, if he thinks that we can be more than friends or not. I didn’t ask him either, because I felt really awkward talking with him about it.
    We continued chatting, there wasn’t any obvious changes in his behavior, but I like to think that he was actually starting to slowly warm up to me. I felt like I wanted to share everything with him but in the same time I was careful not to overwhelm him. I was telling him little details about how my day was and so on. It looked like he enjoyed our small talks but he rarely said something about his own experience. He still seemed so distant to me and that was eating me from the inside. I knew he wasn’t my boyfriend but I couldn’t think of him as just a friend.
    One day he got annoyed at me for something stupid and I didn’t talk with him for ~ 2 days. Then he messaged me: “miss you”… and that was when I did a mistake. The Mistake. I got too emotional and way too confident – replied with something teasingly like: “Why’s that? I’ve never expected you to tell me such thing”. Well, how wrong I was – his answer was what I’ve never expected: “the f**k? I was just being honest, are you happy now?”. Ouch. I was devastated and it was late at night. So I did another mistake – I decided to answer him before I consider the situation. And I have wrote him yet another essay, longer than the last one, about how I shouldn’t have trusted him, how I expected and hoped for too much and that I regret letting him become such a big part of my life. I told him I want to end every contact between us. In one word – I told him too much.
    4 days later he still hasn’t answered. I don’t think he will. He either thinks that I’m some kind of psycho or he hates me. Maybe both. I cannot get him out of my head, my brain says I should have end this earlier but my heart says what I did was wrong. I don’t want to lose him… I really wish to try talking with him but that would be so pathetic after what I told him and I’m afraid that even if I do it he’ll reject me. That will destroy me.
    Please, tell me what do you think – should I follow my feelings and try saying something to him or it’ll be best to just let him go. I’ll appreciate every advice I can get. Also, thank you for reading my story!


    Dear Grimsy:

    My advice to you is do not try to talk with him at this point. First understand what happened- then, with a correct understanding, decide whether to contact him or not. I would like to help you understand what happened. We can go back and forth for that aim, if you want. So I will ask you first:

    In your understanding, as is, what was or is the nature of your anger at him? How did you or do you believe that he wronged you?


    I am not angry at him but I’m angry at myself. I’ve let him have way too much control over my feelings and he is someone I’ve never even met. That scares me but I do not want to lose him. I want to fight for us to be more than friends but after what I told him I’m not sure if he will want to ever talk with me again. The last thing I want is to beg for his attention – he will probably think that I’m unreliable and I’m just toying with him.


    Dear grimsy:

    When you reacted to his “miss you” email you were angry at him. What was that anger about?



    When he wrote “miss you” I thought we were finally going somewhere… that he actually felt something more than friendship towards me. So I tried to make him tell me more and what he told me afterwards made me see that I was overthinking everything. I was impatient and embarrassed about what I said. So I did what I’m best at – tried to run away. Told him I will end my contact with him + some inappropriate dramatic thoughts about my feelings. And now after I had a few days to think about it I feel even more ashamed.


    Dear grimsy:

    From your share on this thread, it seems to me that he did nothing wrong, that he was honest with you from the very beginning when you told him how you felt about it. It seems to me that he liked it that you felt loving feelings for him but he didn’t know how that can be played out such long distance. I am figuring he needs an in person girlfriend, one he can be physically present with. But he definitely liked that you liked him.

    So far during this online communication with him you fell hopelessly in love with him, feeling very needy of him to love you back. The moment he wrote “miss you”- I think you wanted more and right away. As if “miss you” wasn’t enough and when he didn’t deliver more, you got angry and you “Told him I will end my contact with him + some inappropriate dramatic thoughts about my feelings.”

    When you told him that you will end contact with him, it was not you running away from pain only. You also tried to hurt him, to hurt his feelings, because you felt like he hurt you first.

    You felt that he hurt you by not saying more than “miss you” by not taking those two words and running with it to a bigger confession of love.

    All through the time you fell hopelessly in love with him, your loving feelings for him were conditional on him feeling love back for you. If he doesn’t- punishment is to come, the threat of ending all contact

    Do you agree so far? If not, correct me.



    I haven’t think about it from that point of view, but I think you are right. A part of me might have wanted him to ask me to stay even after what I told him.


    Dear grimsy:

    You mean you were testing him? Giving him a hard time so to see if he will fight for you?



    Indeed, although I didn’t do it on purpose. I’ve always known that his feelings are not strong enough to do so, but I couldn’t chase away the hope.


    Dear grimsy:

    I learned enough about your story here, on this thread, to now understand that your interactions with this man is you re-enacting your interactions with one or both of your parents/ care taker/s.

    You didn’t come out of your childhood feeling and believing you were loved so you desperately need that feeling, that believing. This is what motivated you to fall desperately in love with this guy- you desperately need that which you didn’t get as a child.

    As a child you were very hurt for not being loved and naturally you were also angry at the parent who you reached out to again and again, reached out with love, needing the parent to love you. The parent ignored or otherwise rejected you again and again. This is an injury that keeps hurting in your psyche, your mind.

    So you reach out to this guy, online, and like a child that is loving of the parent, automatically and intensely, you expressed your love to this man. And then you wait for the love back, just as you did as a child with the parent. And when the guy said “miss you”- the hurting little girl in you said something like: “That is all? This is all you have for me? After all my waiting? After all that you did to me (seeing your rejecting parent in him)..? And the anger flares.

    What do you think? Let me know



    I don’t know how did you find out that from my story… but it’s all true. My parents got separated when I was really young – 6 years old to be more precise – and I stayed with my mother. She was never the mother I expected her to be – she was either at work or ,when she was jobless, out with her friends. When she was at hope she was fighting with my grandparents, who were taking care of me at the time. I don’t remember her ever asking me how did I feel or even simple things like how was my day. She never cared and that made me feel unwanted and unneeded. The other children thought my mom was so cool for letting me stay up late and not being angry when I got bad grades at school but I was actually envious about their strict parents. As for my father, he moved to another country and I’m lucky if I get to see him twice per year.


    Dear grimsy:

    I see. This injury of you growing up unloved is significant. As children we need to be loved and cannot be a good life without that much needed love. You still need it and you can’t get it from your mother. Your mother did not see your need for her love, did not see it in your eyes, in your voice, in your sad face…Do you know why baby-animals, humans included, have those round, cute faces? So the parents/ care takers will like us and take care of us…In your quest to be loved, your mother is the last place to go to.

    Where then? If you can attend psychotherapy with a competent, caring (empathetic), hard working therapist, please do. The purpose: to acknowledge and process those hurt feelings of reaching out and being rejected by your mother. Once processed, those feelings will be less intense and you will be able to see what is in front of you for what it is instead of inaccurately projecting your mother (and father) into the person in front of you. This man online- after therapy, after some healing, you would be able to see “miss you” and take it in as a positive thing and not as It-is-not-enough.

    With healing, you will be able to accept the love that is available for you, as little as it is at anytime, and appreciate it. You will be able eventually to Love and Be Loved in return.

    Post anytime. I will reply every single time that you post.


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