
Need a little help

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    Can anyone help?
    I feel lost, stuck, unhappy, and something is missing.
    I think I what to go traveling, get away from life behind a computer desk.
    See the world in all its beauty. But I just can’t seem to let go.
    I can totally appreciate that my life is good compared to many people. Ok job, ok money, nice area I live in but something is missing.
    I’m just not happy.
    Every day I wake up go to work and repeat. It’s all becoming a blur.
    My family sort of understand.
    I read an article on this site that really connected with me, it was about how everyone’s lives are the same, shaped and controlled by the normality of society. Grow up, get a job, get a house, have a family. And repeat. It seems to be the reaction I get from must people I talk to. “It’s just the way life is” they say.
    I think this is way I can’t let go and do what I like I want to do. What’s, that seems to pop up often in my head.
    I am new to Tiny Buddha but i like the few articles that I have already read, they talk to me.
    I also have no knowledge of Buddhism but am very interested in finding out me, especially if it has any connection to this site.
    I don’t know if anyone can help or even if I am in the right place to ask my questions but maybe someone could help me a bit.
    Many thanks
    And kind regards


    Dear Logan:

    To “see the world in all its beauty” – see more of the world from where you are right this moment, and the next, behind the computer desk, anywhere you are. There is more to see from where you are. I am not suggesting you should stay behind the computer and follow societal norms, not at all, but since you are already sitting in front of the computer, replace the BLUR with curiosity: what is there to see- that you are not seeing- right there where you are?

    It is this seeing more, right now, the next, becoming curious, that will help you form the next move- it is about awakening from the blur.



    Dear Logan:

    how are you?


    Dear Logan

    I can relate to your struggles very much. Although my situation is different: I know what I want to do. I know exactly where I want to be. But I know in order to get there, I have to lead a “normal” and “boring” life until I get to live my dreams.
    Instead of focusing on the negative of being like everyone else and leading a life you didn’t chose, try and make decisions in your private life and spare time away from work that excite you! Try and pick up a hobby, a sport, do some crafting or build something – whatever makes your heart shine 🙂 And then maybe you will find your passion – what is it in this world that makes you passionate, full of ideas, things you want to improve in your lifetime here? And then take baby steps from there so you can make your passion your job or your life one day.

    I believe in you. All it takes is looking inward and finding out who you are and what drives you.

    All the best 🙂


    Dear Logan,
    first of all, sorry for my english. i’m still practicing 😛

    i have a similar problem. i am chronically unsatisfied person (as my husband would say :P). i always find something to worry or be unhappy about. luckily, i’m aware of that, so i can work on it.

    we can make baby steps. travel with our families on weekends (maybe just a little trip to get away from our daily routine), find a hobby as TheDaydreamer said. something to look forward to.

    or, as may friend told me- write down every single day 10 things that you are grateful for. that can be little things, such as: sunny day, a smile of a stranger… it will be hard sometimes, but, after a while, we will try to see as many good things as possible.

    i will start today 🙂 we can do it !!


    Thank you Anita, Helen and Topanga ( your English is perfect 😀 ) for all of your kind words and help.
    I am trying to put all of these tips into my daily life, smile at the little things, help people, smile at people, get a hobbies ( I go to the gym and do rock climbing) , I am fully aware of all things I am grateful for, especially when I compare my life to many overs in the world.

    But I just feel like:

    I am on a lead, all of the things I trying give me some more room to run about with, but I am still not free. I still feel attached to the lead.

    Maybe with time it will get better.

    Thank you all very much, I really appreciate your help and time.



    Hello Logan – your story spoke to me because it’s so similar to mine from about 10 years ago – this restless question that kept coming up from within – what is this life about? is there any meaning to what i do every day? why am i doing things that don’t bring me joy? Those relentless questions kept coming until I had to do something about it. And I did. Today, I’m living the life I envisioned and built. I feel like I’m living with purpose.

    Here’s an article I wrote about finding your true purpose: http://blog.omvana.com/living/happiness-and-positive-living/6-steps-find-true-purpose

    If it speaks to you, and you’re really serious about getting more direction to the life you’re meant to live, do email me at saiisha@rocketmail.com. I’d love to help.

    Namaste, Saiisha


    Dear Logan,

    I have the same feeling but find are in a func at the moment. However, I did go through a phase of trying to find interests that may start a spark in my life. You might log onto meetup.com and see if there are any groups with interests that may fill your emptiness or spark off a new direction for you.



    I am feeling rather unsuccessful and rather lost at the moment.

    I am 31, living back at home with a dad who is closed off and I was made redundant a few months ago from a job I didn’t like, but it was a salary. My boyfriend of almost 5 years broke up with me about 6 weeks ago and I have very low self esteem and am an introvert.

    I have had a difficult path to work and lost a lot of confidence in myself in not being able to get a great job or one that pays well and I had to do a lot of temping which I feel makes me a failure because I couldn’t secure a permanent job in the first place.

    I am doing all the right things to make things better for myself. I go to the gym everyday, I go to counselling, I apply for jobs and I am trying to secure some volunteering. I am also working on some hobbies of mine, but I just worry I will always be stuck unemployed and living at home with a dad who can’t communicate to me. Plus I am 31 and desperate to leave.

    I also don’t have a great social network as I have always chosen rubbish friends who have treated me badly so don’t have friends to spend time with.

    I also find many of the people I meet don’t really care about much. I have always cared deeply about helping other people and will always try and volunteer where possible and do the best for other people as I particularly like helping young people but I haven’t met others who share these principles. That makes me sad and makes me feel like an oddity.

    I am also coming to terms with an ex who perhaps didn’t really care about me for a long time, but I was so scared to acknowledge that that I stayed in the relationship.

    If anyone has any words of wisdom it would be really helpful. Thanks for reading. x


    Dear Logan:

    In my previous comment to you I typed: “… since you are already sitting in front of the computer, replace the BLUR with curiosity: what is there to see- that you are not seeing- right there where you are?… it is about awakening from the blur.”

    In your response you typed: “I… smile at the little things, help people, smile at people, get a hobbies…”

    What you wrote is not what I meant by “seeing/ awakening from the blur. I don’t know how seeing and awakening from the blur (or “attached to the lead”- I didn’t get this imagery, can you expain?)- would you like to examine this concept more, seeing and awakening, what it actually means in your life, what it could mean, practically?

    * A note to zaynab: you are welcome to start a thread…? As to your share above: I am sorry you live with your closed off father. You do have something in common with Logan, I think: what you wrote: “I am doing all the right things to make things better for myself.” applies to Logan as well, I think. But obviously there is something you two are not doing. What might that thing be in each one of your individual lives?


    James Ng

    Hey Logan,

    Just wanted to start off by saying you are not alone. There are so many people out there who are feeling the same way you are feeling (including myself). Your inner voice is trying to tell you something – travel. If you can, definitely do so because you will be revitalize.

    With that said, I want to share a quote with you:

    I Was Dying

    First I was dying to finish high school and start college.
    And then I was dying to finish college and start working.
    And then I was dying to marry and have children.
    And then I was dying for my children to grow old enough for school so I could return to work.
    And now I am dying…and suddenly I realize I forgot to live.

    Life is short. Always listen to your inner voice. Keep us posted if you decide to go travel somewhere.


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by James Ng.

    Dear James

    Thank you for your comment. It is nice to know that we are not alone.
    I want to listen to my inner voice at go travelling. I am able to in a physical and financial sense but not mentally. I know what is holding me back but I just cannot seem to break free (my lead analogy).
    I have realized it falls down to me being worried about somethings.
    1) Failure. Packing up my live here and leaving to travel only to find it not for me. Then what do i do?
    2) Leaving my ok/good job. What if when i come back i am unable to find a job the same? My family are tell me not to throw away a good job. But as mentioned in my first post I understand all of that, but I’m just not happy, something missing.
    3) When i am traveling what if i can’t find work and end up with no money, then what? Living on the street.
    It’s all really abnormal for me to think like this, as I would not consider myself to be a fearful or worried person. I practice mediation and am mindful of the world around me. I am aware of the fear and that it is an unreal emotion that I have observed and can let it pass by without thoughts. But somehow I am still unable to make a change.
    I understand that there is a lot in this post and it is really just a general post, it’s not aim at yourself James. All I really wanted to say to you James was thank you very much for your comment. Very much appreciate it.


    Dear Logan:

    My comment on your last post to James is regarding what you wrote in this quote: “I am aware of the fear and that it is an unreal emotion”- I don’t know personally of an emotion more real than fear. It is instinctual, in our genes, carried through million of years of evolution and very powerful. Your fear in particular has a valid message and maybe you are not listening to that valid message. One message that sounds valid to me is that you indeed may run out of money traveling and that indeed you may not find a good a job, if any, once you return from traveling and indeed, therefore, traveling may very well be a mistake at this point.

    Reading your last post I think traveling at this point will be a mistake.

    Fear is real and natural. It is there to alarm us to danger.


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