
Not able to concentrate at work due to personal issues

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    I am looking for insights and perspectives:) I am finding it hard to concentrate at work because of some personal issues/confusions. Right now, if I have to advance in my career I have to take things seriously. Some personal stuff going on in mind are weighing me down. I am quite exhausted and feel like I am taking 2 steps forward and 4 steps back.
    Its not affecting my work terribly but I am losing motivation to update myself since my work requires constant learning and being a little creative.
    I am going through social anxiety and I feel absolutely stupid because I have sufficient experience working in several teams but at this point I am behaving like a fresher.
    I am becoming shy and reserved at this stage in my life when I should have progressed up the career ladder. Even if this didn’t happen i am still proud of myself since I found a job that I enjoy. I just don’t need to be going through anxiety at this stage in my life. I don’t want to accept 🙁 arrrghh

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by humour.

    Dear humour:

    The self critical part that is adding to your anxiety, that is you telling yourself something like: I shouldn’t behave like a fresher! I have sufficient experience working in several teams! Why am I behaving this way? I should be more confident at this stage in my life! What is wrong with me…- this kind of self talk is adding to your anxiety, maybe creating all of it.

    So gentle, be gentle with yourself. No self talk of the I-shouldn’t-feel-the-way-I-do. There is a message in you feeling shy and reserved- figure out the valid message – instead of beating yourself down over how you feel.



    Hey humour,

    I agree with Anita that your attitude is likely making your anxiety worse. That’s the Power of Attitude: you could see it through that lens, but there is also another lens you can see it through that is a lot brighter. It sounds like you have a job you love that challenges you. That is not something everyone can say. Appreciate what you do have. If constant progression is required for your job, make goals and then break down those goals into smaller steps until you reach them.

    Guided meditation (as little as ten minutes a day) might also really help with your anxiety. One key insight I learned recently: all feelings begin with thoughts. Meditation helps you to notice your thoughts and not get caught up in them. You can do this type of mental training without meditation (I avoided it for a long time because it was “boring”), but formal meditation really helps a lot. I recommend downloading Headspace or Calm. You can try either one free.

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