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April 30, 2016 at 8:07 pm #103210
ParticipantI feel as if I keep taking one step forward, two steps back. I am currently struggling with an idea of perfection, and sabotaging myself in the process. I am trying to get healthier and stay relaxed in the process. I am trying to maintain a healthy relationship with my partner. Tonight I ate well, exercised, and did not drink wine for the first time in a while. But I still have woken up in my bed crying at the way my life has played out. I feel like besides the way I was treated by my parents, I was given many chances to succeed, and I have fallen short. I skipped almost all classes in college due to my fear of failure and rejection, but still managed to graduate. I still wish every day I would have really put forth the effort, but I didn’t.
I the relationship department I swung back and forth from being cold and heartless to desperate and clingy. I feel like I need to vent about this so I’ll just give a brief description of what happened.
First bf, high school: started to eat away at my self esteem, saying I was unattractive and that he wanted to be single for college.
The rebound: I was literally desperate to get back at my ex and dated the first person who showed me any interest. Was basically a sex addict, I left for college and ended it. He started stalking me and my parents and it was very scary.
First bf in college: Very nice, socially awkward. I found out he was possibly not straight and told a ton of people I had faked a pregnancy which I didn’t do. However I did make myself look pathetic begging him to take me back, showing up drunk, etc.
Second bf in college: Started charming, turned out to be very abusive verbally calling me names, telling me I needed medication, then started hitting me but finally I just never heard from him again and I didn’t try to get him back.
Ex Husband- After a few years single I pursued my ex husband because he was not a jerk like I was used to, but like I wrote before, the attraction wasn’t there. I did some things that still haunt me like hook up with someone else who was also abusive to me, and I just took it and couldn’t stick up for myself. My ex also became slightly abusive but I figured I deserved it and I couldn’t do any better. The worst part is that while being intoxicated I strongly came on to a friend of his while still married. My ex wanted to stay with me but he had started to flip on me for small things and I was also just not attracted.
I have also lost a lot of friends because of things I say or do both drunk and sober. I don’t want to blame myself for everything, but most of the time I just do. I feel like I can’t heal when there’s so many people that hate me in the world even though I know I was trying to make good decisions. I don’t understand why I was with so many unhealthy people, except that I know now it has to do with childhood, but I don’t understand why the animosity from these situations has to last so long. I know hindsight is 20/20 and I have definitely not acted like a saint but I don’t know what else to do to move on without the fear of these emotions returning. When I look at myself now I still hear that people called me big nose, chubby, pizza face, one guy even mocked my…! I still feel like people are laughing at me or calling me crazy. I pretty much don’t open up to anyone because I have so few positive relationships.
I guess that’s all I just needed to get that off my chest.April 30, 2016 at 8:54 pm #103216Anonymous
GuestDear Gigi:
Your life can change. You can make different choices and you already have. Problem is you need a whole lot of patience. I call it Excruciating Patience. I too had a great difficulty changing my life and was extremely frustrated with those steps backward, in my case they often were heavy duty steps backward.
Patience, learn from every step backward, if nothing else, learn that when you take a step backward, you can control yourself from taking a second and third step backward. This used to be my thinking: since I already messed up, why not mess up all the way? In my thinking the only acceptable way was perfection. And when I messed up (and I always did) I figured I have to start all over again. It was black and white, all or nothing for me: either I am perfect or I am unacceptable. No in between.
For healing, and positively changing your life, there has to be in-between, tolerance for imperfection, mistakes, wrong choices, distress.
Good Night for now:
May 1, 2016 at 3:11 am #103224Matty
ParticipantHi Gigi,
From what you have written, it seems like you have a lot of hurt and animosity towards yourself and the actions and decisions you have made in the past. The fact that you are writing here means that you are willing to make a change. It will be hard, not because of who you are, but because you need to accept the decisions you made. You outlined above the relationship issues you have had and I feel, like when I read it, that you don’t really love yourself. You seek others to day so, to support and love you because you don’t. If you don’t love yourself, if you are not the one who is singing your own praises then you really cannot expect someone else to do so. Don’t expect others to complete you, be surprised when they do.
In regards to losing friends and having people hate you. Well, feeling sorry for yourself, believing that nothing can be done, isn’t going to improve the situation. The first step towards healing is accepting and then apologizing. First apologize to yourself. Give yourself a big ass hug. Find comfort in yourself before others. Then consider apologizing to the ones you hurt or you feel you wronged. Whether they accept your apology is up to them, but you have taken the first step towards accepting the past. Now you can start to focus on the present. Spend too much time looking back, you won’t see what’s in front.
You mentioned that you have not given it your all. Well, start to now. You are limited and inhibited by yourself. No matter how much exercise, or how much you don’t drink, this can heal you, but it cannot solve the questions you have. Healing is great, it gives us energy to move forward, but until you have given it all, until you have accepted and looked inside yourself and smiled… the questions will remain. Nothing is stopping you. Dedicate yourself, from this point on just being better than the day before. Learn from your past to help enlighten your present, but don’t regret. What has happened has happened. You hear voices, but they aren’t others, their yours. When you hear such language, the reason it damages you is not necessarily because it’s true, its because you don’t believe in yourself enough to rebuke such accusations. Once you learn to love yourself, once you learn to accept the ‘real’ you, nothing will damage you. You will be bulletproof.
Gigi, life ain’t easy, living is hard work. Although you may wish, right now to be another person, in another place, time and space, this ain’t some fictional story, this is real. You are the hero of your own story… what type of hero do you want to be?
I hope this helps, if you have more to add please feel free to comment further!
MattyMay 1, 2016 at 3:24 am #103225asher
ParticipantYou have the have the mindset to change. You have to tell yourself you want to be better and I’ll agree it isn’t a walk a long a park but it is possible. Just note that you can do whatever you tell your mind to do. Change starts from within and it’s not an easy process everything comes from observation.
Observe yourself when you react,
tell yourself what you can do differently the next time you react to something or get angry.and work on it from there and change it for the better.
May 1, 2016 at 5:54 am #103228Inky
ParticipantHi Gigi,
Eating right, exercising and refraining from drinking ~ they are all good in and of themselves, but it’s like you are Polishing Diamonds. Concentrating on the little things to somehow atone for all the bad things done by you and to you. You cry because you did good small things, but you feel like you don’t deserve to be proud of them or merit their effects. And that they’re paradoxically no big deal. Or that you’re acting as if you are perfect.
At least that’s how I feel when I concentrate on minutia. (Not that Wellness is minutia, but you know what I mean).
What you want and need is one big Do Over. Some people do this by accepting Jesus Christ. Others say, “NO! I DON’T accept that!” (concerning painful remarks and actions done to you in your past). You can also say, “I forgive myself for all the crappy things I did when I was twenty (or any age).” Then every day add on a year. This is very clearing and powerful.
You can literally wake up and say “LIFE DO OVER!” and start living, looking forward, and never back ~ today!
Hope that helps!
This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by
May 1, 2016 at 6:09 am #103231Gigi
ParticipantThank you so much for the replies!
Anita: I really understand what you mean, that once I mess up I should just mess up all the way my I have felt this way in classes where I said I will just stop going, stop studying. Same thing at work, I would receive certain assignments but feel so overwhelmed that I wouldn’t do it until right before the deadline. I feel in relationships I have always felt that I was in a bad situation but just kind of accepted it and tried to keep the peace.
Matty: I agree that I try to love myself but most of the time I don’t. When I was younger maybe but it wasn’t meant to last. I guess I figured if someone put me down they were right and knew better than me. I struggle to find the line between where I went wrong and where others went wrong. Maybe some people don’t hate me except a few exes who stalked me, called me a slut, etc. but those people are not worth contacting for me. As for the friends, I am not sure as I have removed myself from social media. I might just have to let it go and move on. I know compared to others maybe I am not so bad but whatever haopens to me feel like it’s magnified times a hundred. I’d like to get to that point where I do feel bulletproof.
Asher: You’re absolutely right. Maybe I am avoiding looking within. I don’t always trust myself and I’m afraid of the decisions I will make sometimes. I will take this one day at a time.
May 1, 2016 at 6:20 am #103232Gigi
ParticipantInky: A do-over would be amazing! I concentrate on the outside because that’s what I feel is all I have to give. And I know that’s BS but yet I still think it! I know the inside is what’s important but so many people have put my appearance down, and I still don’t consider myself ugly. I feel like I would never say that to a person’s face so they must really mean it. I have seen people who’s lives are generally a mess, but they are pretty or have cute mannerisms and everyone still loves them. Maybe part of me doesn’t want to work on myself because I want that carefree attitude about life. But it still hurts so I know I should. I feel like food and exercise is another obsession for me and therefore a distraction.
As for religion I am lost too. I started going to youth group and young life in high school and kept drifting away. I would get into church for a few weeks and stop going. I felt like everyone around me found it so effortless and I did not. I tend to go all in with everything and it never stuck with me as much as I wanted it to. I still believe but I don’t know where to go from here. I’m trying to live a spiritual life and wonder if that is enough. Thanks for replying.May 1, 2016 at 6:51 am #103233Inky
ParticipantConsider that abusive people put others down ONLY so they don’t think they’re “All That”. For example, last year I changed my Profile Pic and got a lot of “Likes” and compliments. Too many for one character. One of my guy friends (whose friendship I should have thrown in a fiery volcano long ago) PM’d me: “My spidey senses are tingling. Isn’t that picture from like ten years ago? You don’t look like that now, you’re deceiving people, you must have Photo Shopped that” etc.” Basically negating the compliments!
Religion: I disliked Christianity, and then I was Baptized in the Spirit (quite suddenly, long story!). And since then never really found God in a church per se. Meaning following Christ had little or nothing to do with the actual programs, faith statements or buildings of the church. I still go to one, but they are always surprised and sometimes a few threatened (LOL) when they see me out in the community doing His own thing, if you know what I mean. ;)… I go for the community… Don’t worry, it sounds like you will find your path!
This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by
May 1, 2016 at 7:25 am #103237Gary R. Smith
You wrote, ‘I guess that’s all I just needed to get that off my chest.’
The responses are evidence of the community’s care and understanding, and willingness to help.
Thank you for having the courage and vulnerability to write.
I trust you will find among the responses insights and suggestions that you can apply to make a difference, and see you already have.
Kind regards,
May 6, 2016 at 6:50 pm #103814Gigi
ParticipantHi All,
I have been feeling a variety of moods this week, some good and some not so good. Tuesday night I ended up texting the Crisis hotline about an argument with my boyfriend about his mom living with us, and the guilt from that sent me into a severe anxiety attack. After I calmed down I decided that I do need to take my healing into my own hands.
I have been reading a lot about borderline personality disorder and a lot of the things I have read or watched on YouTube have resonated with me. I’m not in therapy at the moment but I want to be soon so I can’t say for sure however. I struggle so much between guilt from my past and at the same time feeling like a victim of my past, I don’t quite know myself yet.
I read something on here recently that a manipulator doesn’t always manipulate on purpose. That helped me a lot. I don’t need to forgive my exes necessarily and I know some were malicious but maybe not all meant to hurt me the way they did. I started to see that I both allowed these things to happen because I was so beaten down, and I would engage in abusive behaviors right back like throwing things or slapping back. I have been the person sitting back while someone cheats and feeling helpless, to obsessively snooping. I started this relationship now with confidence and do not want to go back to my old ways. I don’t know if a diagnosis of something would help me, or if I can just trust that I have the self awareness to make change. Thank you all so much!
GigiMay 6, 2016 at 7:31 pm #103818Anonymous
GuestDear Gigi:
If your symptoms fit the Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), then I understand how tough it is for you. I fit into the diagnosis thirty years before officially diagnosed in 2011.
You expressed that you are conflicted between feeling guilty about your past and feeling like a victim. I had that conflict and I started understanding what I was responsible for and what I was not responsible for only in 2014, my goodness, only two years ago.
I am willing to share all that I learned through my first good therapy onward, now over five years of healing. (I no longer fit into the BPD diagnosis while I am still healing from the core injuries that predated the combination of symptoms under BPD).
May 6, 2016 at 7:45 pm #103822Gigi
ParticipantAnita, I’m sorry you went through this as well. I am hopeful now though and feel I am on to something. I am up way too late but would love to hear more, I will post in the a.m. 🙂
May 6, 2016 at 7:52 pm #103824Anonymous
GuestDear Gigi:
Thank you and hope you sleep well. Till your next post-
May 7, 2016 at 10:14 am #103872Gigi
ParticipantHi Anita,
I have been doing more and more research. I feel like I fit most of the symptoms. I do feel now like I always had trouble with friends growing up. I would get angry at them if I felt they weren’t doing things my way, and I would take it extremely hard when I was left out. I always thought I was just shy, but I am starting to remember being a bit of a brat. However, this is the same personality of my mom, very critical, harsh and blunt so I don’t know for sure when the more serious problems started. I also used to get crushes on boys and become obsessed to the point that a lot of people would make fun of me. However I had friends like this too.
When I finally started dating I had almost a grandiose view of myself. I thought I was cute, fun, quirky, smart, but a lot of this was inflated. I read that bpd people can attract abusers but also perpetuate the problem and that’s what happened in most relationships. They had problems too and when I realized this i went crazy trying to save the relationship when I should have just moved on. I guess it hurts most that I got blamed for everything by exes and friends too. I know friends would try to help me and I wouldn’t listen or they just didn’t get involved. A lot of my old friends had said they couldn’t take me anymore. So do I consider that me destroying our friendship, or them abandoning me? On that note I do have the symptom of black and white thinking. If I have a good encounter with someone I say .. “I love her!” Or if we have an argument or even something about them starts to bother me I say “I hate her!” I am just now realizing this about myself too and that it’s probably not normal.
Between relationships I would be very impulsive. I would have a lot of sex, drink a lot, drive long distances on a whim, and put myself in dangerous situations all the time. I would always ask myself why I couldn’t find a good man before while doing this. I feel like I got married on impulse, got divorced, moved, quit or changed jobs.. I am exhausted thinking about it. The only symptom I would say I don’t have is the self mutilation, although I have threatened suicide in an attempt to get one boyfriend back and barely scratched myself one time to show him, although I could not bring myself to do any real damage.
Lastly, I read an article about how some people take parental anger out on a significant other, but this concept can also work in reverse. Like maybe I have dated some people because of parental issues, but the sum of all my abusive relationships is also making the rage towards my parents grow. However, you read earlier about the way my parents were and they were definitely not healthy to begin with. I would love to get to a place where I could move on from all of this. I am still not talking to my mom and only once in a while to my dad. But I am just feeling so much shame now. My partner has been so supportive, telling me that if friends stopped talking to me they weren’t really good friends anyway. But what if I am actually a completely different Person?
GigiMay 7, 2016 at 1:08 pm #103883Anonymous
GuestDear Gigi:
A few facts:
You were not born with a mental disorder, be it BPD or anything else. (Neither was I).
Most people are not mentally well. So you are normal (unfortunately). When you realize your participation in a dysfunctional relationship, it is only your participation. The friend/ boyfriend is responsible for their dysfunctional participation. When I was deeply troubled, I thought that one day I will heal and join the .. normal people. What a shock it was, that there was no Normal majority to join.
Diagnoses like BPD and hundreds of others, including all kinds of syndromes are artificially determined combination of symptoms. These are not based on root causes but of the artificial collection and organizing of the results (symptoms) of the root causes. This is why these diagnoses do not provide cures. They are simply ways of organizing information.
Black and white thinking is very common, as well as other distorted thinking such as emotional reasoning, inaccurate projection, fortune telling, etc. (detailed in Cognitive Behavioral Literature).
What is characteristic of the BPD diagnosis is instability. If a person manages to keep the same job and the same partner for years (no matter how miserable they are and what they do to cope with that misery) and to walk away when angry (even if it is to go to the corner and get heroine)- then these people are safe from the BPD diagnosis. But it doesn’t mean these people are normal.
The cause of dysfunction is what needs to be attended to when healing, and that is the hurt you experienced as a child, in relationship with your parents. That hurt is still there and it makes you scared and angry when triggered by this or that situation. Next you react to that fear and/ or anger by throwing angry fits, quitting a job, quitting a man, looking for a man, desperately looking for love and desperately running away from pain.
I don’t know if this is helpful to you, but we can correspond again and again until I am helpful.
This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by