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November 1, 2024 at 11:27 am #439087
ParticipantYou have perfect emotional regulation at the cost that you no longer know what you are supposed to let yourself feel, to where you feel close to nothing if you don’t push yourself to, is it worth it?
I’m living out that question every day, hello, my name is Kane, 18 and wanting change.
I’ll put it in simplistics: in my understanding of life as I grew up, I understood as my first lesson that at the basis of human knowledge, its crafted by human hand, that everything, had ability to be wrong, incorrect, untrue, inexact, so, I never lived with ‘certainties’, like I was a nice person, or knowing I had everything I wanted, if I was safe, or anything I thought, believed, did, was right, correct, good, anything, it didn’t hurt thanks to me being a kid and not thinking enough in that broad sense you do as you grow up, to where that’s how people develop, having certain intrinsics to them that make them who they are, and mine was simple.
I enjoyed confusing stuff like this, life, meanings, values, beliefs, only learned the word psychology at 11, and figured out it’s what I wanted to do in life, for all of it, philosophy later, learning about axiology(study of values) even later, I thought “What is the meaning of life?” at around 9 or 8, and came to my answer a year or two later as “Personalization”, that people can be so thoroughgoingly different at such an inherent base that we don’t quite understand to where their goals and desires resonate with them in particular more than others, making their reason of life as different as they are different from you to them, seen and unseen, understood or not.
These questions and my…unpleasant situation made it so I had to be strong, at first for the future of others I wanted to make, then for the happiness I can bring in others which’ll echo into myself…I learned too late the life I had chosen for myself just what exactly it was, of which it was filled with such consequences to the point that it can doom my future and myself as who I am in the process and replace it with hurt that just wants to further it into the world, to be heard and felt.
So, to prevent that, and to become the embodiment of immovable object meets unstoppable force, I learned to manage my emotions to such a degree they can disappear with a snap, and flood to where I just…want it to go quiet, which I do.
I worked into the depths of everything I could, one’s nature, the justification of such nature as it is a reality in our waking to lives, to where it justifies its existence, where will comes from, what makes it up, pros of cons of nature, how bad it is we are not in control of our development, the natural problem between kids and parents being organic and part inorganic…
So many truths that it was overwhelming and painful to where I cried too much as a kid, to which I hid my pain, even though they made me feel such.
I logicalized everything to such a degree I justified everything, in its formation into existence and its departure, to where I don’t ever wonder, “Why?“, and sit in the hurt of lack of understanding of what hurt me, because I know why.
But in doing so, I invalidated my emotions from having agency by denying their impact, a repercussion I learned only relatively recently, and now am trying to partially unlearn as I had to make myself so artificial in this sort of advanced application of morals, beliefs, that I am struggling to advance further in my knowledge, as that is my dependency, for as long as I find the logic, I can do it, and if not…I can’t.
Inherency to care, to understand, to want relationships, to where I am discontent with life when I don’t have those things, as my nature, all my development gave me the wisdom of life and knowing my future and how I want to handle it, my emotions are chaotic and eating each other, wanting to laugh, to smile, to cry, to scream, to hurt, hurt, and hurt, myself? Others? Don’t know?! To cease until these feelings are gone, even if they never go away, that means I must go away forever.
Then there’s the wisdom itself, which I nicknamed “Mechanical Morality”, as they are the absolute of truths we struggle to grasp, not only because of their complexity, but of their nature that isn’t in line with not just what we want as humans, as an existence, but of how things operate in their directive of just inherency, a child’s two-sided ability to be a bright light of joy, or of cruelty, how such corrosive evil can exist in our world when we know for ourselves how good “good” feels and to do so, to the quiet unconscious living we drift in and out of, for better or worse.
These four things smother any individual character from existing, to where everything is the input…and nothing is the output, there’s a limit to how much we can be in a singular moment, and I think my situation isn’t that I hit that limit, I feel that I broke my own…I broke my inherency by grasping all of this to where I have true control, to where my mind can’t handle it, as every action feels in disservice to the other.
Each counterweight each other to where I can’t be anything, feel like my kindness isn’t genuine or enough communicated to where I feel nothing from it cause it feels like its so little impact, I can’t feel anger or animosity as they are dispelled the instance, I feel them because I understand the inherent flaws in those things, that we are such flawed beings that honestly, almost everything w-
Everything that comes into reality had its reason towards existing, to where nearly, there’s always a reason, even when there’s not one directly, you could be pushed to do the worst of the worst and still be the kindest person out there, you can be disgusting yet like something pure…
Our world is filled with contradictions, to where almost nothing is just one thing.
I’m getting better, as in I’m feeling emotions again with more honesty, but that whole storm is still there, I feel what I have isn’t supposed to be the natural result of my knowledge, but a messed up mix of what I made out of it cause I forced it into a mold of a tool, a coping mechanism to handle something so simple, want to know what it is: it’s just arguing, simple, family, arguments, fools hurting each other and learning to be not receptive of it to where it continues, only being hurt when we make mistakes and don’t understand one another, or when they don’t understand what they done.
I can’t live without them, yet I so desperately want to, yet I want the family that this one doesn’t feel like it is, that my identification of family is covering up what this one is, not exactly horrible, not the best, just…one that’s stuck in their problems, and is okay with it…in its dysfunctional sense.
Can’t abandon the emotions, can’t follow the logic, my developed self isn’t anything but the mechanical morality that doesn’t serve an individual, it is a system of the world that gives jurisdiction to everything to do as they please to where it happens, not up to anyone, but done by anyone.
I want it to end, I want to achieve my dream, I want the happiness I know exists in our world, I want to teach what I learned not in its horrendous mold, but its ability to help us grow into the best of what we can be and more.
I’m trying to use the emotional aspect to break the balance as inherency is too hard to break, development requires memories, more so things to change me, and I can only think of negative events that can have an effect towards the worse, however, with no truly positive thing I can find, I need to do something drastic…let anger win…as I never allowed myself to experience it fully to where it has jurisdiction over my mind, but, I don’t think I’m left with much option, all I can do…is wait, and get over my deliberations and fear that my family isn’t worth it.
Thanks for reading, bye.
November 1, 2024 at 11:53 am #439101anita
ParticipantDear Kane:
“You have perfect emotional regulation at the cost that you no longer know what you are supposed to let yourself feel, to where you feel close to nothing“-
– seems to me that what you are referring to (feeling close to nothing), is not perfect emotion regulation but dissociation, a disconnection from one’s feelings, which is excessive emotion regulation (a response to trauma).
A way to remain disconnected from one’s feelings is intellectualizing: focusing on logical analysis to avoid emotional experience.
You are 18. I am glad you posted and welcome to the forums!
Would you like to share about the practical aspects of your young life?
November 1, 2024 at 2:52 pm #439104Anonymous
InactiveHi Kane
It is nice to meet someone else with a love of psychology! I wish you lots of luck with your dream. You are a bright young man, I’m sure you can achieve whatever you set your mind to. Pursuit of happiness is a worthy goal.
I’m sorry to hear about the difficulties with your family arguing and that it hurts.
You might be aware because of your interest in psychology that verbal abuse has far reaching effects? Especially when it is received throughout childhood. The negative messages are absorbed by the mind and echo throughout.
I would recommend speaking to a therapist who would be able to assist you with this, because you expressed a desire to hurt yourself, it is a good idea that you speak to a professional.
Love and best wishes! ❤️🙏
November 2, 2024 at 11:51 am #439105anita
ParticipantDear Kane:
I wasn’t able to read and process most of your original post yesterday afternoon (my time), but I feel more able this Sat morning. I will read a part of your post, respond to it, then read the next part, respond to it, etc.
“hello, my name is Kane, 18 and wanting change“- hello Kane. When I was 18, I wanted to change too. I hope that what needs to change within you and for your benefit, will take place.
“as I grew up, I understood… that everything, had ability to be wrong, incorrect, untrue, inexact, so, I never lived with ‘certainties’, like I was a nice person”-
– I didn’t read the next part, so I don’t know yet what you are referring to, but this line rings a bell for me in regard to my own experience growing up. My mother criticized me so many times, criticizing what I said and did, what I didn’t say and should have said. She even criticized the expressions on my face, what (she thought) I thought and felt. Her message to me was that I was Wrong, that I was thinking wrong, feeling wrong, doing things wrong.
A particular harmful criticism, looking back, was that I was thinking wrong because it led to so much self-doubt over the years and decades. But then her other criticisms were particularly harmful too, leading me to decades of feeling (and thinking) intense guilt and feeling that I wasn’t able to make good choices, so I needed someone else, someone capable to make choices for me (learned helplessness).
Now back to your post: .. I am reading your words, I get a meaning here and there, but it’s difficult for me to follow (I have ADD: Attention Deficit Disorder) and wordiness (using many more words than what is needed to convey a message, resulting in writing that is not clear and concise) is difficult, and sometimes impossible for me to process. So, I will be skipping most parts that I didn’t understand enough.
“I worked into the depths of everything I could, one’s nature… how bad it is we are not in control of our development, the natural problem between kids and parents being organic and part inorganic… I logicalized everything to such a degree“- seems to me that there were- and are- personal, concrete problems between you and your parents, but you don’t address these problems. Instead, you have been analyzing general problems between parents and kids and in the abstract. I made a comment yesterday in my reply to you about intellectualizing because that’s what I sensed you were doing in your post.
psychology today/ intellectualization: “Intellectualization is a defense mechanism in which people reason about a problem to avoid uncomfortable or distressing emotions. For example… A man who lost his wife may focus all of his energy on funeral arrangements and logistics instead of acknowledging his grief. By channeling mental energy into a logical assessment or abstract discussion, an individual can avoid painful emotions or remain distanced from beliefs that challenge their sense of self”.
Even though it takes intelligence to intellectualize (you are an intelligent young person), intellectualization blocks understanding because it (intellectualization) is about avoiding emotional awareness. There is an equation of sorts that my therapist, a decade ago, presented to me: Wise Mind= Rational Mind + Emotional Mind.
Back to your post: “I cried too much as a kid, to which I hid my pain, even though they made me feel such“- you cried as a boy growing up because you were in pain, and they (your parents, I assume) inflicted pain on you..?
“I invalidated my emotions from having agency by denying their impact… I am struggling to advance further in my knowledge, as that is my dependency, for as long as I find the logic, I can do it, and if not…I can’t“- your emotions need to be validated. You cannot be wise by logic alone: wisdom= logic+ emotions.
“my emotions are chaotic and eating each other, wanting to laugh, to smile, to cry, to scream, to hurt, hurt, and hurt, myself? Others? Don’t know?!“- this is similar to what I experienced when I was your age, before and a long time after. No wonder I was so exhausted, particularly as a teenager and in my early 20s when I still lived with my mother. To have emotions chaotic and eating each other is indeed.. exhausting. (The way I used to relax, to calm the emotions down, was to daydream. It’s called maladaptive daydreaming because I did so much of it, throughout the day).
Looking back, this was what my emotional chaos was about: I was in emotional pain, but my focus was on my mother’s pain. My empathy was with her. She accused me of causing her pain, of being the Problem. So, I was against the Problem= against myself. But I didn’t only feel empathy for her, I also felt anger/ hate for her. I was conflicted (empathy & hate), hence the chaos.
Persistent Conflict=> Emotional Chaos=> Exhaustion.
I felt that I deserved to be in pain for being the Problem, but on the other hand, part of me (the part that felt innocent of her accusations) was fighting for itself, pointing to my mother as the Problem.
My peace of mind, the calming of the chaos, happened after I finally took my side and believed, thoroughly believed, that in the context of my mother- myself, she was the Guilty one, I was the Good one.
Back to your post: “Then there’s the wisdom itself, which I nicknamed ‘Mechanical Morality’, as they are the absolute of truths we struggle to grasp… a child’s two-sided ability to be a bright light of joy, or of cruelty“- I wish I was able to understand this part. Can you/ will you explain this to me as simply and clearly as you can, as if you are explaining this to a young child who cannot follow abstract, complex wording?
As a matter of fact, you can help yourself perhaps, if you simplify your writing and express yourself through words that a child will use. (I used to intellectualize.. a lot. Simplified, direct writing made my healing possible).
“Each counterweight each other to where I can’t be anything, feel like my kindness isn’t genuine”- You can’t place your emotions in rational, intellectualized containers and feel genuine. The emotions placed in the containers (repressed & suppressed) are not calm emotions. They demand to be let out, do they?
“Everything that comes into reality had its reason towards existing, to where nearly, there’s always a reason, even when there’s not one directly, you could be pushed to do the worst of the worst and still be the kindest person out there, you can be disgusting yet like something pure“- yes, there is always reasons why people do bad things. Reasons do not equal justifications. And it is true that every person who repeatedly harms another was once innocent and was harmed himself/ herself by someone else. And so, abuse has been spreading around like fire, since the beginning of times.
I used to think that my thoughts (thoughts that I felt were unacceptable) were indications that I was a bad person, and that my anger- and the thoughts fueled by my anger- were also indications that I was a bad person. I didn’t know that people are neither good nor bad for the content of their thoughts, nor for the quality of their feelings. People are good or bad for what they say/ type and for their actions. This means that even when my feelings are not.. pretty, so to speak, as long as I choose to help/ to do no harm.. I am a good person.
I typed above, “a good person”. A Person, not a Saint. There are no saints in human form. I can’t think of a saint in any form. Only the other day I found myself gossiping about a person whose behavior I disapprove of (objectively, objectionable behaviors), and I am still trying to figure out what I should do about my anger at him. My anger is not at all an indication that I am a good or bad person. What I choose to say and do, as a good (and imperfect/ unsaintly) person, is the question.
“Our world is filled with contradictions, to where almost nothing is just one thing“- when I took my side, some things were.. just one thing. The little girl that I was, was just this one thing: a good little girl that loved her mother deeply, and would have done anything and everything to help her mother. And she did all that she was able to do to help her mother.
“I’m getting better, as in I’m feeling emotions again with more honesty“- good to read that you are getting better, feeling your emotions with more honesty.
“but that whole storm is still there… it’s just arguing, simple, family, arguments, fools hurting each other“- who is hurting you, and how?
“I can’t live without them, yet I so desperately want to, yet I want the family that this one doesn’t feel like it is… not exactly horrible, not the best… I need to do something drastic.. let anger win“- there is a positive, healthy message behind your anger: to live away from your family, a family who has been horrible enough to cause a good, loving boy to desperately want to live away from them..?
November 4, 2024 at 1:50 pm #439148Kane
ParticipantThank you all for your kind words and understanding, each of you, I’ll tackle each one of your questions with the proper accommodations, I’ll try my best to properly describe it into more exact details:
Anita: By practical, do you mean the positive effects of all, this, of my knowledge? Cause I don’t have much in my life besides small visits to family, for events and holidays, and school(which I love), please be more specific, as for the previously mentioned, I had to learn to get to my emotions in another format, I learned to take what little I feel in the emotional aspect and create a sort of replica logically? If that makes sense at all, I’m not sure how to properly describe it, it’s basically removing the intensity for simply understanding how much of it I feel and of what emotion, as I learned emotional regulation naturally, along with not expressing myself as my emotions did nothing for us, and the same went for my family; perfect doesn’t mean nothing from what it is against, for it to regulate, emotion needs to exist alongside it. It’s not there to rid me of emotion, although that is very well what it was doing in the beginning as my problems were shaping when I was too young to properly handle them, just in tears they were handled, and with my wisdom this life granted me. Thank you for your kindness and welcome, I am grateful, really.
Helcat: Happy to also see one, thanks for your care and consideration, I had a therapist when starting a year or two ago, they mostly handled kids, essentially anyone under teenagerhood, however, they mostly just gave a space to be heard along with advice on how to healthfully ignore and mechanisms to stay calm like breathing, tactics like focusing on other things, etc, these tools weren’t useless, but they kind of dulled over the time of my problem advancing with my age. As a kid they were too much, yes, and I let them overwhelm, but now, it’s less the negativity in its nature and more so how it is 10 to 1 a part of my life I just had to learn to tune out, which most people do, but doing that rejects your ability to learn from it and stop it from happening again, although in my situation, that’s not really possible. And the arguing wasn’t towards me, it was parent vs parent, soon it evolved to just any arguing between anyone in my family because of how it’s just their emotions clashing, with little to anything actually communicated at times, which has been getting somewhat better, but that’s all.
Anita: Sorry for the complicated word use, and I’m also sorry you had a hard upbringing as well, hope it’s better now at least somewhat. I have been having trouble communicating the advanced part with the simple part in a matter others will understand, I’ll try my best to condense the points you said: I had to learn to make reasons justification as people did things so easily without care in how they chose to live unconsciously towards what they wanted, both my siblings and my parents although at first, my parents argued, my dad being the aggressive and cursing one.
I couldn’t handle the emotional pain so I looked into the why of them being like that, and I learned more, causing the pain to increase but also dull in a weird sense as the reasoning became smaller in my eyes, and this cycle only grew as I did, I had undecidedly obsessed over it cause family was truly my everything, nothing else I had I could honestly care for more than them, and as a kid, rarely did you ever know something like that you’d want to work towards getting.
I learned they were okay with it on an unconscious level, and I wasn’t at a conscious one, being mindful and aware was me, I knew that I cared too much as that was another factor to why it hurt so bad, as I wanted nothing but to help others achieve happiness, I felt I couldn’t have on my own, that rarely anyone could on their independent self.
I had to learn to be okay with it, even though I’m not, I had to understand that I loved something that hurt me, and that even knowing that, they still continued to do what they did, what I felt wasn’t enough, what level of pain I couldn’t communicate wasn’t enough, and the fact that only later I learned they couldn’t do anything about it, and had learned to be okay with it.
I didn’t, I couldn’t, their lives could continue in this lesser form with little enjoyment because it didn’t take from their lives at all cause that’s the level of their lives they took seriously, I didn’t, I wanted to work to make me, and them, as happy as life could allow.
The pain of my life is essentially at every turn, none of my life is the intention I want for it, I didn’t have a choice to care for them this much, yet I do, and I can’t even do that without feedback of them being in this state of causing problems for each other small and large, getting on their nerves and arguing as a result, the problem of a sole parent and her kids(7, me included), I didn’t choose to have my life held back by all this, but my emotions demand something out of all this, happiness? How could I have that without them when they are my everything? I could barely find contentment on my own, anger? How in the hell is that supposed to be expressed when all that does to them is make them annoyed as they don’t like the situation yet choose to live in it every day, because they don’t know what to do about it, yet make so little effort because my mom doesn’t know what to do to be effective.
These problems festered at a young age and were allowed to grow with them to this age cause that’s the level of parenting they did, and still is.
I had to learn to love them in spite of this, in spite of my anger, animosity, and crazed-
Getting off topic, essentially, I learned all this advanced stuff cause not only did it interest me, but I could utilize it in my mental & emotional battle against this…
I couldn’t be mad at them being incapable to handle the situation, yet they didn’t take it seriously at the start, letting it get out of hand, so I did all I could, adapt.
Fall, cry, adapt, till I knew enough to where the arguing didn’t hurt as much as they did, and my standard of living had become like them…unconscious.
Yet I remain to witness my life forcefully altered because they-don’t-respect the idea that their actions have consequences on others, none of them, not my mom, not my siblings, no one…
Like a spectator watching the string dance.
Your right, I am ignoring this, because it has hit a wall, and no one is “adult” in handling it, and I couldn’t validate my emotions and act on them cause they are too intense now, cause there’s so much, and any time I try, it feels like my body is flooding stress into my body as thoughts become crazed and rushed, trying to make me do something I’ll regret, and I had to learn to make this “system” to handle it.
“Mechanical Morality”, is the truths of the world we tend to miss, for example, the natural conflict between parents and kids I consider to be is that kids represent the incomplete nature of the child, as they validate the bad against them and the good for them to where the parents are more against the bad they have to deal with, creating a natural friction like the natural conflict of good and bad.
I’m getting too tired to explain more, I leave it at this.
November 4, 2024 at 4:25 pm #439154anita
ParticipantDear Kane:
You are very welcome, and thank you for being gracious and expressing your appreciation.
“Anita: By practical… I don’t have much in my life besides small visits to family, for events and holidays, and school (which I love), please be more specific“- I meant just that, which you mentioned: you go to school (away from home, I figure), and you visit your family for events and holidays. I suppose that outside of interacting with your family and with teachers and other students, you don’t have a social life, no hanging out with friends, having parties…? Young people such as yourself need regular positive social connection with others, to not be alone for too long.
“I had to learn to get to my emotions in another format, I learned to take what little I feel in the emotional aspect and create a sort of replica logically?“- I think that everyone who is capable of thinking does this. It’s a matter of balance: to think and to be aware of what we feel and what valid messages are behind what we feel.
“Anita: Sorry for the complicated word use, and I’m also sorry you had a hard upbringing as well, hope it’s better now at least somewhat“- no need to apologize for the words you use, and thank you for your empathy, much appreciated. Yes, things are better now.
“both my siblings and my parents although at first, my parents argued, my dad being the aggressive and cursing one. I couldn’t handle the emotional pain so I looked into the why… I had undecidedly obsessed over it cause family was truly my everything”-
– you loved them so much that you needed them to be happy, but they were unhappy, arguing, your father cursing. Siblings arguing too. Like any kid, you needed a safe, calm happy home. And like so many of us, you didn’t get what you needed. I am sorry, Kane.
“I knew that I cared too much as that was another factor to why it hurt so bad, as I wanted nothing but to help others achieve happiness“- I read this part after I typed the above. Your love for your parents, for your family, is and has been.. Perfect (referring to the perfect in the title of your thread).
This is my experience too, perfectly loving my mother (my parents divorced early and I lived with my mother).
“I had to understand that I loved something that hurt me, and that even knowing that, they still continued to do what they did“- when love hurts.. when loving is a source of pain..
“I wanted to work to make me, and them, as happy as life could allow“- that was my lifetime dream for decades: to work (and.. to get rich) so to make my mother happy.
“Happiness? How could I have that without them when they are my everything?“- I did not allow myself to be happy until I made my mother happy first. I would have felt too guilty to be happy and leave her alone in misery.
“I had to learn to love them in spite of this, in spite of my anger, animosity and crazed“- I think you loved them from the beginning, from the beginning of your life. The anger came later.
“Fall, cry, adapt, till I knew enough to where the arguing didn’t hurt as much as they did, and my standard of living had become like them…unconscious… they-don’t-respect the idea that their actions have consequences on others, none of them, not my mom, not my siblings, no one..”-
– my mother didn’t respect the idea that her actions had consequences on me. She didn’t understand, or care to understand that I was human. Not a feelings-less thing.
“Like a spectator watching the string dance“- if I wrote a book about my life, I would title it Spectator (an unhappy spectator).
“Your right, I am ignoring this, because it has hit a wall, and no one is ‘adult’ in handling it, and I couldn’t validate my emotions and act on them cause they are too intense now, cause there’s so much, and any time I try, it feels like my body is flooding stress into my body as thoughts become crazed and rushed, trying to make me do something I’ll regret, and I had to learn to make this ‘system’ to handle it“-
– I don’t adequately understand this ‘system’, but as long as you need it to handle life, please keep this system going.
I understand what you mean by no one is ‘adult’.
“Mechanical Morality”, is the truths of the world we tend to miss, for example, the natural conflict between parents and kids…. where the parents are more against the bad they have to deal with, creating a natural friction like the natural conflict of good and bad“- the bad is not in the kids, it’s in the previous generation passed on to the next, and the next, each generation contaminated by the previous generations.
It is not your job to fix the previous generation (your parents). Your job is to fix the damage the previous generations caused you. You are not alone, Kane. I hope that we can keep talking, if it makes you feel less alone and.. gradually, more and more understood.
“I’m getting too tired to explain more, I leave it at this.“- rest, Kane.
November 5, 2024 at 3:54 am #439161Anonymous
InactiveHi Kane
Thank you for your kindness as well! 😊
It is important for you to be safe. Your life is very precious. Feeling like you want to hurt yourself is never a good place to be. I hope that you take extra special care of yourself while you feel hurt.
It’s good to hear that you’re open to seeking therapy and that you have previous experience with a child therapist. There is a very large difference between child therapy and adult therapy. I think that now you are an adult you will get a lot more benefit from it. For children, therapists don’t encourage you to do intense work. It is very light. I also had therapy as a child and again as an adult this is why I can say that adult therapy is a lot better. I hope that you will find adult therapy much more helpful!
I think something that might benefit you would be to plan to move out of your family home when you can manage it. The purpose would be to be away from the arguing. What do you think about this idea?
Love and best wishes! ❤️🙏
November 25, 2024 at 9:08 pm #439683Kane
Thank you all, what you all have said means so much more than what these words on your screen could ever encapsulate on an emotional level, and I thank each and every one of you for that, I mean it-
“Thank you.”
If I had to explain in more simplistic, I would say this-
In the world, each person has needs to be met, and how they live not only decides how those things are met, but the how they decide to live it also sets what they want out of it.
A parent sets their meaning on getting through raising their kids till they leave, while a kid explores the world they are a part of and in according to how they are and what they seek, adhering to what they as a person want and take what they can, exploring just what they have in their situation.
A parent gives the things they need to survive, and teaches them what they need to know to become an adult, which falls under the disposition of the parent, the trade there in, basic life skills to find what they want…or sometimes-
Nothing at all, leaving things up for life to teach them.
That’s how my grandmother, grandfather, mother, and father were raised, only figuring it out after their problems took everything they had cause they each were in a bad situation like my own in their families, for my grandparents, they were trouble-children till they took god in as in the religion, and for my parents, one bad situation determined my Mom to handle us alone, as he drifts in and out of our lives, for our young years with our grandparents help, and once we were teenagers without as she moved.
Our problems were never dealt with, just verbally handled by our grandparents, every time something happened, they told us “no” and moved on, my mom never had to or learned to, which when she had to learn to do so with us as teens…it didn’t work.
Thus the mess began, and how our lives got determined outside of our control yet with a part in each of us deciding it, for this was a consequence of how they decided to live, for each let life teach them the consequences once dealt, and never looked back.
They had lived unconsciously, and I would have to cause no one would have told me, my nature as a learner and curious kid saved and doomed me.
For every sibling and parent, they were children who were never set the standard to be taught, and never outgrew the unconscious mindset of a child, just allowed it to grow with them, becoming as small or as big as their lives allowed, for my grandparents it shrunk cause they got their lives on track and luckily were a lucky match, finding love saved them, for my parents…it did nothing but doom them to constantly cycle around each other, not willing to give up what they had but unable to grow to where they can salvage or give it up.
Then there’s us kids, with no one to watch over, no one to teach…and no one to listen, for we also wait for life to kick our asses to gear, for this life is the decision to take it unconsciously, and why I am so different…is that I chose to take it at a conscious level every day, which was stomped on every day till I got in line like them, as the damage prevented my wisdom and knowledge to have any effect outside of myself.
Kids grow unabashed of their nature, be it as a good one, or a troubled one, and if they have a good parent, then they’ll be in good hands regardless of which, but if its a bad parent, then one will only have friction.
There is meaning and value in the good we teach and live by, and in the bad of ourselves, in what we want, in the pain we’re dealt, and in the trouble’s life hands to us, there also lies truth, and being a kid is taking that all in and struggling to find it, most of the time being unable to, and a parent is seeking to teach us only the good, which naturally desynchronizes the two, creating the conflict we are aware of-
A troubled wonders why he should be nice, a teen asks why she can’t have someone to love, to each end a complicated answer arises that is sometimes explained, sometimes not
Of course, there are other problems like the environmental problems as in the generational differences, capabilities of the average parent, and the question of the responsibility of the incapable, be it from kid and parent, but I believe what I understand is the centermost of the issue when it comes to the natural “why” of kids being what they are as problems to parents.
To each end is a truth, a truth I found through constant ‘refining’ of my knowledge and battling it against the reality of my situation and others, be it silly movies or shows, to more real ones, whenever it poses a query unanswered, “Is this ‘value’ okay”, “People shouldn’t be like this.”, I pitted it against my own knowledge, understanding that I could be very well wrong every step of the way; the more I learned, the more complicated the questions I could ask and attempt to grasp, life’s meaning onto ourselves and its diversity, what being human means to a person, the faulty-ness of an individual, why it’s so hard to admit one is wrong, why ‘certainties’ are necessary in our lives to feel stable in what we do, believe, and feel, and how these elements sometimes carry into adult life creating the conflicts escalated from a child’s level to the adult scaled conflicts we have to this day.
A complicated web as each truth gives lee-way into each other, taking part into each other yet demand a certain area to themselves, setting boundaries to be pushed, some to be absolute, and others just to be the gateway into each other.
Like constellations in the night sky, I study them, and rely on them for life, to which I rarely use as these conflicts are rare, but big when they happen, and their relevance to our issues with each other is only a small fraction of it, of course that doesn’t go for all issues, but some of them.
My life is an attempt to apply this beautiful night sky into my everyday waking life in operating towards what I want, what I need, and overall, to the ends of serving my existence from waking, working, improving, feeling, then sleeping.
And my nature, wishes, demand that be helping others as everyone deserves happiness, regardless of their capabilities to reach it, what they are of their own nature, and their mistakes, what was, is, and will be in their control, and what they choose to happen, it doesn’t make it okay by us, and what one can do can very well doom it.
That doesn’t mean there aren’t those that deserve it, one’s nature isn’t a truth but is what guides us to how our life sets out to be.
And it is not our decision what nature we are given, and it very well most of the time isn’t a nature we chose to hone on, only when it falls against others does it determine our lives to what we call bad, incorrect.
My family has adapted to the lifestyle of being okay with how they are cause they know no better, my mother knows no better, and can’t do no better, not only out of the little time she has supporting us, but of her energy and ability to, and my siblings are still lost in their search of finding what they want in life in their search that is hurting those around them, each other, mom, and me as they aren’t aware or choose to think enough to be aware enough.
And I can’t find myself teaching because for everything they had done I had taken in as a child because we do nothing but “Take In” as a child.
The damage, the baggage, is of a mountain’s worth of emotions I can’t find myself guiding my way out of, I had only sealed it behind my wisdom and knowledge along with giving it the contentment that when I help them grow, if that ends up happening, they’ll be healthy enough to understand the pain and torment they have created, and fall under the same testament and tribulation I had…for better and worse, for I had endured it my childhood, and they’ll do so in adulthood.
Will they survive it, surely…right?
THAT… is my conflict, a meld between the good of my nature, the ambiguous-ness of power granted by my wisdom, “Mechanical Morality“, and all the emotional shit they put me through as someone of this intelligence, I could of graduated by now(even though I would’ve wished to stay in regular school longer) fight and mix, creating crazy thoughts of monstrous actions, harming them, using this wisdom to mentally torment them and make them learn like I have, to where their own minds hurt them in my place, to my kindness ebbing into it, and my good memories flood in to bite them back.
Like two starved animals fighting for a diseased rabbit between them, one to save it despite starving, the other for food, with the rabbit itself mindlessly in the middle nibbling on the grass in front it, it’s disease to be determined if it’ll live or die by it.
I’m in continuation school right now, and I have to finish 6 classes worth by my goal which is by the end of December for the end of the semester, I know I could do it with all the free time I have, yet THIS MESS IS EATING MY MIND ALIVE.
Removing the gift and abilities I have because of this damnable situation, its maddening, I can be so happy, I can even settle for a lesser happiness if I were to leave, but I can’t leave this mess of a family I am entangled in because everything I have been put through, what they mean to be despite it all, and my need for a ‘family’ in my life is too much to sacrifice…
I have sacrificed enough.
November 26, 2024 at 9:20 am #439697Anonymous
InactiveHi Kane
Thank you for your kind words! 😊
That is honestly fair if you are not ready and just want to be with your family. I was not ready to move out when I was your age either. Sometimes having a family, even a dysfunctional one is important.
I’m sorry to hear about the difficulties faced by your family. I seem to remember that you have quite a large family too and you mentioned arguments. Please correct me if I’m wrong!
I don’t have a large family myself, but I have lived next to neighbours with large families. 8 children in a two bedroom apartment my neighbours had. Every morning the mum and dad screamed for an hour on school days to try and herd the kids into getting ready. Everything was screaming at the kids, screaming at each other. Not enough to go around. At a certain point it is like herding cats. Absolute uncontrollable chaos.
I think that single parents are heroes even with only one child, it must be hard having your father vaguely coming and going?
Realistically life is inherently traumatic (but there are some good things) and half of couples in the west split up when they have a child. 90% of couples fight when they have a new child.
This is not because of the child, so much as the stress of looking after a newborn. A newborn requires around the clock care for 6 months. Sleep deprivation drives people crazy. Plus hormones from pregnancy and childbirth I like to think of as natures way scaring off unsustainable parents. Hormones go back to normal and people start to regain their sanity you see.
Life is difficult. But you know things are improving with each generation. Back in the day people’s children would die because of lack of medical care and nutrition. And contraceptives are making life better for the younger generations. There are options now, as opposed to back in the day there would be no choice.
I think that your mom is probably aware of the difficulties but simply has given up and feels like she can’t do anything about it. Doing her best to just be there for you all might be all she can manage.
Love and best wishes! ❤️🙏
November 26, 2024 at 9:22 am #439698Anonymous
November 26, 2024 at 9:26 am #439699Anonymous
InactiveDon’t get me wrong, it was hard for the kids too. Especially the eldest. Poor boy became a default adult and expected to look after his siblings at 11. Always got screamed at when they misbehaved.
November 26, 2024 at 11:21 am #439700anita
ParticipantDear Kane:
You are welcome, good to read from you again!
“Removing the gift and abilities I have because of this damnable situation, its maddening”– reads like you feel that your family is stifling your talents and abilities, holding you back, and that is causing you significant distress and frustration.
“I can be so happy, I can even settle for a lesser happiness if I were to leave”– reads like you believe that your current environment/ family is the primary barrier to your happiness, and that leaving your family could lead to happiness.
“What they mean to me despite it all, and my need for a ‘family’ in my life is too much to sacrifice”– you acknowledge the importance of family and the emotional need for familial connections. But this need is preventing you from leaving, despite the negative impact on your well-being.
“I have sacrificed enough”– you express a profound sense of exhaustion and a feeling that you have already given up too much for the sake of connection to your family.
“They had lived unconsciously”– you perceive your family as living without awareness/ intentionality, accepting societal norms and expectations without question.
“My family has adapted to the lifestyle of being okay with how they are cause they know no better”-you feel that your family has settled into a way of life that they have accepted because they are unaware of better alternatives. There’s a lack of aspiration for improvement.
“My mother knows no better, and can’t do no better, not only out of the little time she has supporting us, but of her energy and ability to”– you acknowledge that your mother is limited by her circumstances. She lacks the knowledge, time, energy, and ability to make significant changes, due to the demands of supporting the family.
“My siblings are still lost in their search of finding what they want in life”– your siblings are struggling to find their direction and purpose in life. This search is ongoing and unresolved.
“In their search that is hurting those around them, each other, mom, and me”– your siblings’ quest for meaning is causing harm to those around them, including their mother, their actions and behaviors are negatively affecting family dynamics.
“As they aren’t aware or choose to think enough to be aware enough”– you believe that your siblings either lack self-awareness or choose not to reflect deeply on their actions and their impact on others. This lack of awareness exacerbates the family’s struggles.
You are expressing frustration with your family’s acceptance of their current situation, which you view as stagnant and unaspiring. You recognizes that your mother is overburdened and limited by her circumstances, and your siblings are causing harm in their pursuit of direction due to their lack of self-awareness.
“My nature as a learner and curious kid saved and doomed me… I am so different”– your curiosity and desire to learn were both a source of salvation and suffering, making you different from your family, leading to feelings of isolation and conflict.
“I chose to take it at a conscious level every day”– you made a deliberate decision to live with awareness and intentionality, contrasting with what you see as your family’s unconscious way of living.
“Which was stomped on every day till I got in line like them“- despite your efforts to live consciously, you faced constant pressure and suppression from your family who wanted you to conform to their ways.
“As the damage prevented my wisdom and knowledge to have any effect outside of myself”– the psychological and emotional damage inflicted by your family’s suppression limited your ability to apply your wisdom and knowledge in the world, feeling frustrated about wasted potential, and not being able to make a difference.
You express a common, widespread conflict, a conflicts between Authenticity/ Individual Fulfilment and Conformity/ family Obligations.
How to solve this conflict? First, I suggest the following: identify your core values and shift your loyalty from loyalty to your family to => loyalty to your core values.
Prioritize Principles over Personalities.
Second, decide whether to leave your family. This decision is a deeply personal and complex decision that requires careful consideration. If staying is causing you significant emotional and psychological harm, and preventing you from pursuing your own growth, it might be necessary to leave.
Consider whether there is any possibility for improving the family dynamic through communication and setting boundaries. If efforts to create a healthier environment have been exhausted, leaving might be a viable option.
For the purpose of leaving, if that would be your decision, you’d need to ensure that you have a support network outside the family that can offer emotional and practical assistance during the transition.
If you decides to leave, it’s important to do so thoughtfully and respectfully: (1) Ensure this decision is made with clear understanding and not in the heat of emotion, (2) Have a practical plan in place for where you will go, how you will support yourself, and what steps to take for personal growth and well-being,
(3) Have an open and honest conversation with your family about your decision. Explain your feelings and reasons calmly and respectfully, (4) Acknowledge the positive aspects of your family, and express gratitude for the support and love you have received. This can help preserve relationships and prevent feelings of animosity, (5) Let your family know what kind of contact you are comfortable with moving forward.
I will close this post with a poem I found online. It’s called: ” A Journey to Be Free
In the heart where dreams reside, A spirit waits to soar,
Through shadows dark and wide, To find an open door.
The weight of chains unspoken, Has held you long in place,
But now your heart, awoken, Seeks a new and boundless space.
With courage in your stride, And hope within your eyes,
You step beyond the tide, To where your true self lies.
Though the path may twist and wind, And fear may call you back,
In the strength of heart and mind, You’ll stay upon your track.
For in the journey lies your truth, In every step you take,
You’ll find the wisdom of your youth, And dreams that will not break.
So go, with grace and fervor, Embrace the light ahead,
For in your quest for freedom, A vibrant life is spread.
And know, in every heartbeat, You carry all you need,
A spirit strong and steadfast, In every word and deed.”
November 27, 2024 at 4:43 am #439706Kane
ParticipantThank you for the awareness, but I’ve been understanding that as a given Helcat, as this mess when it started was when the youngest was at least 7, and my mother had my grandparents help as we lived with them…they made conscious mistakes with how they decided to raise us, and the past happened, yes, things were worse, but the very fact that they were worse is why other problems weren’t delved in and also why their impacts were less felt by some and less understood of their place in our history as bigger ones laid in front of them, that isn’t absolute but it’s a part.
As for you Anita, there is no “loyalty“, no “obligation“, everything is unconscious, in smoke, in their pain and unconscious hurting that made it torturous and like a spectator to watch them foolishly hurt each other as a kid, as I understood as such too early, all I could do when I was young was love them, I am not exaggerating when I said I wanted nothing else, and still don’t now honestly because this situation has been so compromising to my sense of self development that at this point, I feel like a baby still with their umbilical cord attached, remove it, and I’m gone, I feel I’ll revert to what I was when I crashed, as in what happened to why I’m in continuation school, basically I had a mental breakdown to where I just slept for weeks on end, stuck in a constant mental state of nihilism, only reason I was able to pick myself back up was because my music saved me, it reminded me I had something in life I wanted to fight for, not just for me, but for others, cause I had nothing about me I wanted to save, I wanted happiness, but just to satisfy my reason to wanting to live.
If I was given the option to take my families place, in their stupid position of hurting each other to take onto myself and replace it with the love I know they could have if this situation hadn’t devolved because of the last 3 generations of my family were problem children that were taught only when life kicked them in the ass and said to get their **** together, I would’ve taken that the first chance I got as a kid, and might still now, cause that’s how little I value myself then, and now, not just because that’s what my situation made of me, but that’s inherently what I am as I honestly struggle to have something to be selfish about.
…sorry, I’m sure you’re aware when someone appropriates how you feel and gets it wrong… I’m sure everyone with problems has felt that once, if not many times, it was really grating on my nerves every time I tried thinking up a response, to why I didn’t respond quickly when I had the chance.
I honestly have no ability to survive on my own nor have the ability to do so, nor the mental capacity to honestly survive without some connection holding me steady, my family is the steady ground I have, the only ground I have to stand on, I can very well do so if I put my mind to it, but the matter of actually doing so will never be possible cause for how much I love life, my knowledge and wisdom leaves me to despise it all the more with how much people shoot themselves in the foot for enjoying it, and that not at all being at their fault for the nature we’re predisposed to as faulty beings, as humans.
I honestly struggle to see them caring if I leave or go, and I don’t want to see their lives fall on their faces and see them struggle to see why when they chose to ignore their problems since the start, it’s like being forced to watch a rom-com, never to see them get together, making your watch for nothing.
Except the two are married, have a family, and your one of their kids.(this is an example, not unsimilar but not exact to my situation)
My emotions are too invested and tied to be able to capable of abandoning them, for myself or them, reared from childhood and refined by this disgusting situation and my gift of wisdom over my aging, yet my emotions refuse to do any more than they have to keep me alive, and my knowledge is useless without power, picking my near mentally dead consciousness back up after multiple occasions of wanting to give up and call it quits, cause for how strong I feel I am, and am in some ways, I know how fragile my life truly is, for the moment my family is taken away, I could easily be one of those kids you see on the news that did something horrific that one can never understand how a kid could come to do such.
And I have to live terrified, disgusted, and hateful with that fact that the most potential I have right now, is not of the promising future I know I can realistically bring into life, but of the damage I can cause understanding human psychology and philosophy to where damaging one can be a snap if my mouth didn’t dysfunction on a regular basis and I actually didn’t give a **** for every life in front of me…
I feed the dog in my home cause no one else does, it feels comfort, hunger pains, and wants love and attention, as we all do, I comfort my mother cause almost no one else will, she is a human being with limits as we all are that shouldn’t be stretched if I want her well-being intact, as I don’t want to test when it’ll be broken-
I’ll be okay because I have to, not because I am.
I’m sorry…every talk I have is angled towards the bad because everyone fights for the good so bad they forget to acknowledge the bad exists, to where the fact you chose not to learn from it is the reason why it has its place in our lives; the less you chose to try and understand, the more you decide to let it propagate and the friction it’ll have on its way out when you try to forcibly close a situation, to acknowledge it’s your memories, its a part of what develops you into what you are, and rejecting it refuses its part of what you are, despite the fact you have experienced what it has done to you, on every level on agency it made you feel, understood and not, from the pain and emotion generated, to everything violated, to creating a gulf between that emotion, and the standard we have to uphold as civil people.
In some situations, that is the case, some do not cause life is merciful, that person involved is a coward, or some other reason.
I really need to get to work.
Sorry if I went too far, I just, it’s thanksgiving break, meaning more time towards myself, and being alone rather in school, where at least I don’t have my family in my face and can pretend I have some semblancy of life outside of them.
November 27, 2024 at 10:09 am #439717anita
ParticipantDear Kane:
Thank you for sharing more, and for sharing so deeply and openly about your struggles. Your words convey a profound sense of pain, love, and conflict, and it’s clear that you have been carrying a heavy burden for a long time.
“There is no ‘loyalty,’ no ‘obligation,’ everything is unconscious, in smoke, in their pain and unconscious hurting that made it torturous”– you express a deep sense of frustration and pain about the lack of conscious awareness and intentionality within their family, which includes a lack of conscious loyalty on the part of your family.
“like a spectator to watch them foolishly hurt each other as a kid, as I understood as such too early”– from a young age, you felt like an outsider, witnessing the family’s harmful interactions, and this early understanding exacerbated your sense of helplessness.
“All I could do when I was young was love them”– Despite the negativity, your primary response was love, showing a deep emotional investment in your family.
“I feel like a baby still with their umbilical cord attached, remove it, and I’m gone”– This metaphor illustrates an intense dependency on your family for emotional support and stability, indicating that leaving your family feels like an existential threat.
“I had a mental breakdown to where I just slept for weeks on end, stuck in a constant mental state of nihilism… music saved me”– you experienced severe mental health challenges, including a breakdown characterized by extreme fatigue and nihilism. Music played a crucial role in your recovery, providing a sense of purpose and something to fight for beyond yourself.
“If I was given the option to take my family’s place… I would’ve taken that the first chance I got… I honestly struggle to have something to be selfish about”– you express a willingness to sacrifice yourself for your family, and you struggle to find reasons to value yourself independently of your family.
“I have no ability to survive on my own nor have the ability to do so, nor the mental capacity to honestly survive without some connection holding me steady”– you feel incapable of surviving independently, both practically and emotionally, emphasizing your dependency on your family.
“I don’t want to see their lives fall on their faces”– There is an underlying sense of responsibility and anguish over the potential negative consequences for your family if you leave.
“For how strong I feel I am… I know how fragile my life truly is”– you feel a paradoxical combination of strength and fragility, recognizing your resilience but also your vulnerability.
“I have to live terrified, disgusted, and hateful with that fact”– There is a profound sense of inner conflict and disgust stemming from both the family dynamics and your own emotional responses.
“My knowledge and wisdom leaves me to despise it all the more… my knowledge is useless without power”– you feel that your wisdom and understanding led you to a deeper disillusionment with life and its inherent flaws.
“I feed the dog in my home cause no one else does… I comfort my mother cause almost no one else will”– acts of care for your dog and mother provide a sense of purpose and validation, highlighting your role as a caregiver within the family.
“I honestly struggle to see them caring if I leave or go”– you feel unappreciated and doubt that their family would notice or care if you left, which contributes to your feelings of worthlessness.
Overall, you feel trapped between a profound sense of duty and love for your family and the immense personal suffering caused by staying with your family. You have a deep emotional attachment to your family, despite the pain they have caused. This attachment is rooted in love and a desire to see them thrive.
Kane, I want to acknowledge the immense love and dedication you have shown towards your family. Your willingness to sacrifice yourself for their well-being speaks volumes about your character. However, I urge you to consider this:Your worth is not determined by the sacrifices you make. It’s crucial to recognize that, while your intentions are noble, sacrificing yourself is not likely to change your family’s situation. They will continue to have their struggles, with or without your self-sacrifice.
It’s essential to understand that you cannot help others effectively if you are not well yourself. Your well-being is the foundation upon which you can build a more fulfilling life and perhaps, eventually, a healthier relationship with your family. By focusing on your own growth and mental health, you might find the strength and clarity to better navigate your relationships. By taking care of yourself, you will be in a stronger position to help others if you choose to, but you should prioritize your well-being first.
Someone needs to love and care for you, and that someone starts with you. It’s evident that you have not received the love and care you deserve from your family. This is not your fault, and it does not define your worth. You have the right to seek happiness, fulfillment, and love.
Consider taking steps towards self-care and personal growth. Seek support from people who can guide you. Investing in yourself is not selfish—it’s necessary. You deserve to experience a life where you are valued and loved for who you are.
Remember, your potential is vast, and your wisdom is a gift. Use it to empower yourself and find the strength to create a better future, not just for others, but for yourself. I believe that psychotherapy/ counseling can very much help you.
Personally, I grew up with a mother who suffered a lot, and she blamed me for some of her suffering. There was nothing that I was not willing to do to make her happy, but all my child-like ways to maker her happy failed. I was never enough to make her happy, not as a child, not as an adult. I grew up, and lived most of my life, as if I have no value unless I make her happy. And because I failed, I consistently lived as if I was worthless. I couldn’t- wasn’t able- to feel worthy as long as my mother was unhappy: unhappy with me, unhappy with life.
I internalize my mother’s unhappiness as my own failure to provide happiness. This created a sense of dependency where my self-worth was tied to my mother’s emotional state. I believed that love and approval from my mother were conditional on making her happy, and felt unworthy for having failed to make her happy. This perception was deeply ingrained in me.
Because my mother also blamed me for part of her unhappiness, I internalized this blame, and felt responsible for my mother’s emotions, leading to a sense of guilt and unworthiness.
In addition, I grew up in an environment where my emotional needs were not met or acknowledged by anyone (father, teachers, family members), as far as I know, and so, I felt that my feelings and efforts were insignificant. This lack of support led to a diminished sense of self-worth, especially when combined with my mother’s ongoing unhappiness and her guilt- tripping me.
Emotionally, as a child, I took on a caregiving role, trying to support or emotionally stabilize my mother. This role reversal (aka parentification) made me feel overly responsible for my mother’s well-being. Failure to succeed in this role can led to deep feelings of worthlessness and failure.
During childhood, self-esteem is highly influenced by parental feedback and emotional climate at home. A consistently unhappy mother/ parent creates an environment where a child feels they can never do enough, leading to poor self-esteem and a constant sense of inadequacy. I didn’t realize- as a child, and long after- that children are not equipped to handle such complex emotional responsibilities as making a mother happy. Even a certified and educated psychotherapist cannot accomplish such a task without a lot of professional work and cooperation from the client.
As a child and onward, I lacked the emotional maturity, the education.. the intelligence, the mental-emotional health and.. the certificate to help my mother, even if she thought of me as worthy and capable, which is a condition to being helped. The person needing help has to value the person trying to help in order to be helped. As much as I tried to help her, I failed.
Like you expressed earlier, for the longest time, I felt that I was attached (to my mother) via the umbilical chord. I felt that I couldn’t breathe without her. I was very conflicted during my teenage years: I wanted to be away from her and I felt like I couldn’t- and shouldn’t- live without her unless she is happy first.
Teenage years are supposed to be a time of seeking independence and forming a separate identity, and I indeed daydreamed about living away from her, but I was trapped by overwhelming emotional dependency on her. I desired independence while feeling unable to detach from my mother. I was emotionally enmeshed with her: the boundaries between me as an individual, and my mother (as I perceived her) were blurred.
I felt that my own existence and well-being were secondary to my mother’s emotional state, strongly believing that I must ensure her happiness before I pursue my own. The conflict between seeking independence and feeling responsible for my mother’s happiness greatly hindered my personal growth and development, and so, I lived most of my adult life feeling- and behaving- like the troubled child I was early on.
If you think/ feel that our experiences were- are similar, and you would like to know about my journey into a sense of individual identity separate from my mother’s identity (her identity as I perceived it), please let me know.
January 4, 2025 at 6:53 pm #441277Kane
ParticipantI thank you Anita for you being personal as well and am sorry you had experienced something like this.
I think I’m in a better state of mind now, however, I believe I didn’t explain something well enough before, which was that there was no perceived value to doing what I did, for all the good I want for them, that I have for them, I didn’t want to be valued or anything of the like.
I wanted to love for the pure value of itself, and I wanted them to be happy as I could be happy alone with the fact that they were.
As much as I felt I deserved it, I felt they deserved it, and I knew it was necessary on a more foundational level, I didn’t want to stress-test how long our dog can go hungry, or my mom from having someone recognize her struggle.
Currently though, I’m in a state of mind where I feel they have to learn to be responsible and not only am I not capable, but they have to be responsible for their own lives as much as anyone could have helped change it, which I guess is a good thing.
I’m now looking for the strength to better my life, as I find the benefits not enough even with a clear road, as I still have little drive due to the stripped meaning I have due to my emotions being suppressed with how much control of them I have, and how little meaning I derive day to day because of my ambitions “returns” are not immediate, and if I am to give up my family, at least partially, I’m going to need new “grounds” to stabilize myself on, which can stand from new self-worth, new relationships, or getting results out of my work, so far, I see the easiest way ironically being the third option.
Just need to kickstart it, as my problem with valuing myself, I felt never like admiring what I accomplished because I never had anything accomplished, be it with my knowledge and wisdom, my beliefs, even if its noteworthy, I simply don’t derive anything more as anything accomplishable is just that.
Didn’t cause many problems, got good grades, wanted to be active with my education, which only appeared too late as that my problems were finally blooming, so I never got to achieve anything.
I always was moving, growing, that I never stood still to organize and work with what I learned, despite definitely preferring to stand still rather than “keep moving” question ironically.
I need to finally take a moment to stop, and allow the change I always wanted, to happen, regardless of the risk or energy I have…
I have to try at some point.