Home→Forums→Relationships→Phoniness/Human connection
- This topic has 10 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 7 months ago by
Jessica Lynn.
August 1, 2016 at 9:01 pm #111280
ParticipantOkay so new thread here. How do people deal with phoney people? More specifically, people that act like they are genuine and yet are totally different individual’s when they are around others? I find especially with social media these days, it’s truly hard to connect. I don’t even have Facebook. Yes I think it’s unreasonable to expect to connect with everybody but thats not what I’m after.. Maybe I am just frustrated with the phoniness that happens these days. I don’t care what care you drive or how big your house is. Thats not who you are. I just want to be around real, down to earth genuine people. And really, I don’t think that that is too much to ask. I mean really, how do you know if you are hanging around people that are truly good for you if you, or those people, aren’t being real? I struggle with it so much. I like nature, animals and books because it is so much less BS. But then I also struggle with that because it’s less of a human connection. I am not shy but I am somewhat introverted and struggle with people thinking that I don’t “put myself out there enough” when in reality, I put up my boundaries with those that seem kinda fake.. I have been burned enough times to put my guard up. But I also don’t want to be stuck up because I could be pushing away good relationships. (for the record, I am not a recluse, I have my few good girlfriends but I am talking about new people and co-workers). Thanks!
August 2, 2016 at 8:17 am #111298Anonymous
GuestDear Nina:
Can you give examples of the phoniness you are referring to. It can mean different things to different people, and I would like to be clear about what it means to you.
August 2, 2016 at 1:23 pm #111343john
ParticipantI am totally new to here but this struck me because I have been feeling like a total fraud for ages but I feel this for trying to do right thing and please people all the time? Why don’t I feel good about this?
August 2, 2016 at 3:28 pm #111351Evan
ParticipantHi Nina,
Living an authentic life, means to face your own fears, and live true to your heart. Demonstrating that within your own life is the essence of self love, however it does reveal the false disguise of others. How do deal with this in your life is with empathy and compassion. Knowing they live with fears, and with their mind that does not stop tormenting them.
You are not there to fix them though….. that is there journey. If anything, your presence in their life is to demonstrate how you, yourself are genuine and authentic, and that they can be that also. Demonstrate your self love so powerfully, that they will want to try it themselves.
This also is a trap….. do not get caught in the mind frame that they are less because they are not true to themselves. Their progression is theirs alone. You have yours, and that is your primary focus. Realise your inner divinity, and manifest that in the world.
August 2, 2016 at 4:53 pm #111354Nina
ParticipantHey JohnKnowles1, I definitely don’t mean people pleaser! I often struggle with people pleasing and don’t necessarily feel phoney because I do like helping people. It can get hard though to draw the line though between my needs and caring for others in a healthy way. I know what you mean by that feeling of phoniness in yourself though. Its like a chameleon complex!
This is very true Evan and I am not here to judge anyone, everyone has their struggles!! Lordy knows I do haha. Its that difficult balance of being kind but protecting my space as well. I guess leading by example is a good way to do it. I have a pretty heavy heart with the way the world is now a days. I don’t believe I am some martyr that is out to change the world but its hard sometimes when you see a world with so much potential and yet there is so much suffering.. yah know?
Anita, I guess by phoniness I mean certain people that are almost more concerned with… status? We are all human and it’s difficult when someone treats someone poorly because of their job or their religion or what have it. I know it shouldn’t bother me too much but it sometimes it does. Status is a concept as we are all the same underneath it all. I think I struggle a little bit with idealism. Again, I am not here to act like I know what is the best way for everyone to live (and I am definitely not perfect myself!!) but damn. Every time I turn around, people are sippin the haterade and it seems so phoney to me! It’s almost like putting somebody down to make themselves feel better is the norm. I have certain friends and various colleagues that will be nice as pie to your face until you leave the room. Then watch out. I need human connection as much as the next person but it’s hard to tell who to trust somedays with that. Even family!
The more I write the more I recognize I need to put up some better boundaries haha. That would be new to me! Based off of unhealthy relationships I had with my parents, I believe I have developed some possible co-dependent habits. Im working on figuring out who I am outside of just making other people happy. Its hard to change old habits though, thats for sure!
August 2, 2016 at 5:44 pm #111362Anonymous
GuestDear Nina:
So phony people in your experience, and I am using my words here (let me know if I am correct, are people who negatively criticize others, make fun of others, mock others for their jobs, economic status, looks, national origin, religion, accent, mannerisms.
It is important to not look down at people for these things or for anything at all. There is no reason whatsoever to ever make fun of anyone. For any reason.
And it is what people do to feel better about themselves, giving their inner critic a break by directing it at others. The Outer Critic is the opposite side of the same coin: one side is the inner critic, the other- the outer critic.
The word phony makes sense to me in the context of people behaving as if they like you when you are present and then criticizing you behind your back- that is phony, insincere. One way I figure who is likely to do that is if that person gossips and makes fun of a third person to me. Then I know it is only a matter of time before it is my turn: before I am the subject of that person’s gossip and ridicule.
August 2, 2016 at 6:25 pm #111368Nina
ParticipantYah maybe the word phoney is a bit harsh… but I don’t really know what else to do use? If it is not possible to be like better than somebody else, then why act like it? And its those people that make fun of others and act like they are better than others, they tend to be more gossipy in my experience. I see it a lot with colleagues in my office that are mothers. They are constantly criticizing other peoples ways of parenting. However they are not like that when the person is around to stand up for themselves. it’s pretty unfair in my opinion because to anybody that is listening, they receive a biased opinion of a person that may not even be true. Which is,again, just my personal experience. I definitely distance myself from those people because your right, who knows what they could be saying about me. Its more about the spreading of hate and negativity that bothers me. Everything breeds in kind. Negativity breeds negativity unless you make a conscious effort to not let it bother you and move on to be the better person. Somedays are more challenging than others though. Especially when you work with them and generally required to spend the bulk of your week with these people. Head down I suppose and chin up I suppose haha. But I also admit that I probably care way to much because I have a hard time putting up boundaries when it comes to energy. Especially negative. Its almost a need to fix it before it gets worse and spreads even more.
August 2, 2016 at 8:16 pm #111384Anonymous
GuestDear Nina:
I agree with your sentiment about gossiping. It is definitely a negative social activity. We inherited this behavior from herd/ group animals, I believe. What happens is that individual X feels too weak to confront individual Y, so individual X gathers other members of the herd in the efforts to together, strength being in numbers, expel individual Y from the herd. Hyenas do that.
This behavior is beneficial to the group if individual Y is dangerous to the group, but in everyday human gossip, unfortunately, individual Y is simply displeasing to individual X, not dangerous.
Gossip is gathering numbers in effort to hurt the target individual. Nothing less, and so I share your sentiment about gossip.
August 2, 2016 at 9:19 pm #111390michela
ParticipantHi Nina,
This stuff used to bother me all the time. The great thing is you’re aware of what is happening(!) – and you don’t like what is happening – i.e. it bothers you how people are behaving especially behind others’ backs or doing this to make themselves feel better. What have you tried to do to be at peace with this kind of situation? Being at peace meaning get to the point where you no longer let this bother you or ruffle your inner peace.
Have you tried:
1/ Changing how you feel about it/them – viewing with empathy, compassion
2/ Changing the situation
3/ Reframing the situation
4/ Removing yourself from the situationPeople who talk behind others might be doing so for reasons such as to gain approval, to feel better about themselves, to give themselves some sort of validation, or they might think they are “right” and want to assert that when they disagree with what others are doing. Perhaps they aren’t even aware of the negative repercussions. We are not trying to give them an excuse, but simply to come from a place of compassion, and also to understand we are not here to fix them, like Evan said.
At the same time, keep in mind, stay true to yourself. You don’t have to participate in the gossip. Your presence and lack of participation in gossip might actually be a positive influence. Perhaps you can ask yourself, “what am I learning from this?” “Do I see any of myself in this?” And if you wish, you could even direct the gossip/conversation to something more uplifting and positive.
MichelaAugust 5, 2016 at 5:08 pm #111639Spiritual Gangster
ParticipantI hate phoniness and fakes more than anything in this world!
To be completely honest, I expect almost everybody to be phony at some point or another in their lives. My solution is to be the realest person I can be, recognize when others begin to act in a dis-genuine manner, and avoid them when they are being fake.
Although avoiding people may not be the best solution, I find that it sends a strong message and I find that it is the most effective solution for me.
You can preach and preach and preach about being authentic and real. But at the end of the day, people will do what benefits them most.
I can accept that fact and that is why I will avoid you if you are being fake.
That is why I can say with conviction that I am one of the most honest, sincere, and genuine people you will ever meet!
Have a nice day y’all!!!August 5, 2016 at 5:26 pm #111640Jessica Lynn
Participantsometimes, you can’t avoid them…
you are forced against your will to confront the issue, they will not have it any other way.