
Positivity and Manifestation

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    It has been some time since I began my journey, and as my awareness has grown through awakening to the recognition of my life purpose, I have received a progressive series of guidance prompting to become more public and use my skills (voice, imagination and ability to explain with analogous imagery) for the good of others. I decided recently that the best way I could do this would be to to run guided meditation groups …

    Last week I finally gathered up the self-confidence I needed, and with a lot of positive affirmation I set up a Meetup group to get exposure.  In 2 weeks my first course of 6, bi-weekly guided meditations will be taking place, and there are 2 sets of 6 more in planning …

    So over the past couple of days I have been thinking about the logistics so that everyone has a comfirtable evening .. and one thing occurred to me … We have 10 mixed mugs at home, but not 10 tea cups for me to give everyone a warm drink mid-session … So .. I have been thinking what sort of cups, where from, how much to pay and planning to go shopping at the weekend …

    This morning, after my morning meditation and during beakfast my lovely wife said “I have a present for you” .. and presented me with …

    14 beautiful, glazed, earthenware tea beakers. Not only has she satisfy my requirement without knowing I was thinking about it .. but she did it with pieces of real beauty… they are far more lovely than I would ever have chosen . .. and perfect for the purpose ..

    Spontaneous gesture and expression of love . absolutely … Manifestation of my wishes … also absolutely … I believe that this manifestation is a sign that my session will be successful for me and for the participants (as well as a proof from my angels of their interest in my plans)

    I was so overcome with emotion and gratitude, both to her and to my angels, that I was almost ill with it … literally … upside down heart, wobbly stomach … dizziness … hot flush … I can’t remember ever feeling emotions of such intensity before.

    I give boundless thanks and love to my angels, ny wife and the One which is all, for this example of the connectedness of all things.

    Thank the One

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by Kevin.

    Hi Kevin,

    I’ve been wanting to, considering, planning to do something similar for decades – a mixture of discussing stress, why and how it arises and ways in which we can reduce it, such as meditation.  I have a tea set sitting in my cupboard which I inherited from my mother-in-law which would suit just such a purpose.  You and your wife sound as if you are very much in tune with each other.

    Congratulations for taking that first brave step.  I am sure it will bring you endless rewards.



    Dear Peggy .. Thank you so much for replying. Yes after 47 years my wife knows me like she knows herself 🙂

    As for your cycle of planning and considering … this can go on forever if you let it. Be bold, trust the Angels and the Ascended Masters, and make it happen. Go to meetup.com – Start a group with the right title and description, wait for enough people to sign up, once you have enough, organise your first home sessions and then watch people register to take part.

    IT REALLY is that easy.

    Don’t worry about any lingering “can I do it” doubts. Push them aside. The very fact that you have “come out” and told this forum, and me, of your wishes is sufficient proof to yourself that you are ready .. and that you are ready NOW …

    Put your first foot on the path, take your firat step, and trust your Angels to steer, guide, and support you … if your intentions are pure they will not let you down…

    walk the path of your spirit. Fulfill your soul purpose.

    Much Love and Light


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by Kevin.

    Hi Kevin,

    Thank you so much for your words of encouragement.

    I have been facing certain fears around speaking out – my comfort zone is normally one of ‘listener’, going with the flow, not necessarily contributing in a group situation.  I have recently recited some poems that I’ve written to two small groups of familiar faces, quite personal to me, revealing a deeper level of myself.  Scary!  I also attended a seminar on public speaking, aimed at promoting our business, where we were required to write a 60 second speech on our work.  We were then asked to go round the table containing 5 or 6 people reading our speech and then one person was elected to give their speech to the room.  It was me!  There I was standing up with a microphone in my hand in front of maybe 40 people delivering a less than polished speech.  I survived!

    I will take heart from your heart.  Thank You.



    Great to hear Peggy,

    You are opening to your own possibilities and abilities. It’s good to remember that a small group is much more intimate, and the work you can do with such a group is personal. It’s a process of give and take. working with feedback, both audivle and visible and responding from your intiutuin and sensitivity. Public speaking – delivering a speect – is a much more challenging situation, and if you can manage what you have just described, then you are already more than aable to sit with a group of 6 or so peole and work with them from your heart.

    Just remember, when you do start to do this, keep some back for yourself. Someties the enthusiasm, empathy and desire to hlp causes people to let themselves be drained. Always remember to recharge, and to accept with gratitude the positive responses you receive. They will keep you strong and able as you bring the light to more people.

    Much Love




    Thank you for your words of advice.  Yes, I was challenged but I am much more capable on certain fronts than I generally acknowledge.  Thank goodness it wasn’t a question and answer session – my thought processes take about three days to kick in – not always desirable! Perhaps they’ll speed up through these posts but I am usually more intent on listening than responding.

    I think for me it is mainly in the planning – having a structure to work to which also allows time for feedback.  Being sensitive is the part that can play havoc with me if I let it so, yes, I have to find ways to cut off which for me is going back to nature, walking through wooded areas and restocking my energy reserves.

    Thank you again for your kindness.



    I’ll be sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for news of your first session Peggy … Go for it 🙂



    Hi Kevin,

    Sitting on the edge of your seat is not desirable.  I think my journey with studying stress started somewhere at that point.  The story goes that an upholsterer in a doctor’s surgery noticed that the chairs were worn more on the edge than elsewhere which caused him to flip the question.  Instead of what kind of diseases do the patients have, he began to ask what kind of patients do the diseases have.  Not ones that can relax very easily, is my simple reply.

    During a session of sending and receiving healing earlier today, I had two words enter my consciousness “eternal confidence”.  I just wanted to share that with you.

    I look forward to hearing how your sessions go, also.



    Beautiful anecdore Paggy 🙂 .. I only sit on the edge of metaphorical chairs  🙂 ..

    I’m all there .. right behind you and sending you all the positive vibes I can spare.

    My sessions start officially on Wednesday this week, with a full house (9 plus me) on day 1, but I have had some run-up sessions with my grown-up daughter, which went well, and I did a couple of 1:1 online energy sharing sessions with two other people. I also have an extremely interesting young lady who wants me to work with her on some specific issues as well as the more general work in the group sessions, so my available time is filling up quite rapidly.

    I am feeling very fulfilled and grateful to be doing such good work.

    Love and light



    Hi Kevin,

    Thank you for your positive vibes.  I need them so much right now.  I’ve just been sitting in the sun writing about my childhood years, the first chapter of my life story.  Unfortunately, the motivation has come from a point of extreme anger and is not for the best of reasons.  I’m stuck somewhere between a rock and a hard place and I’m feeling beyond crushed by the dearly departed.

    Anyway, I’m glad it’s all working out for you and look forward to your update after Wednesday, and thank you sincerely for your support.

    Love and light




    Hi Peggy,

    The sessions are now gaining momentum. Because I had such a positive response for the wednesday evening sessions I also scheduled a Sunday afternoon … The first two (wed and Sun) were very poorly subscribed (3 plus me in both cases) but as time has passed the numbers are picking up, and I am getting some very positive comments about their effectiveness. I have also started 1:1 sessions for a couple of people with special needs outside those provided by the general guided meditation group sessinos, and am expanding my energy work as well.

    All in all, things are going very well and ast time progresses I am being pulled deeper and deeper into the work. It might just end up with my giving up my day job and makig this my life work.

    I’m sorry to hear about your setback, but you know .. sometimnes, writing from a position of emotional pain or discomfort can put an edge on your writing .. either a negative twist, or more properly a deeper understanding as you continue to work through it.

    Stick at it Peggy … I want to know all about it …

    Much Love



    Hi Kevin,

    Lovely to hear from you as always – your positive, upbeat messages are a real tonic.   I’m glad the sessions are being well received.  What do you class as energy work?  If you can make enough money (a dirty word in this business sometimes) to sustain yourself, why not put all your endeavors into helping others, thereby helping yourself.  Follow your heart!

    I have been writing poetry to express my emotional joys and sorrows, my life in prose, for several years now but have not quite been able to bring them into collectible form for print – would love to get some of them published in the hopes that my experiences might help someone else along the way, or even to give myself a sense of satisfaction and leave that legacy for my family.

    I don’t know what exactly tipped me over the edge to begin writing the book but I know it has a lot to do with the errant souls in my head who have taken issue with a couple of choices I’ve made along the way.  Twenty years worth of their non-stop bellyaching is enough to send anyone to their demise.  The warrior in me has declared that if they are going to drive me there, then I’m not going quietly.  The world will know ……………

    Wishing you all the best.





    Love your spirit Peggy .. and the idea of “errant souls in your head” was a wonderful image … hehehe .. I find it hard enough just dealing with the one called ego who wants to own mine 🙂 …

    “What do you class as energy work? ” 

    That’s hard for me to really explain. It’s not one of the recognised ritualistic things like Shamanism, or prescribed practices like Raiki. In fact I tried having a Raiki session and it left me unconvinced. In my case I tend to be somewhat modern and unconventional, and very much hands-on .. although I have experimented with sharing energy over long distances .. talking on What’sApp audio whilst guiding a meditation with energy sharing between here in the Netherlands and Ohio USA, Liverpool England, and other places in the Netherlands .. with some measure of success.

    I guess it all came out of something my ex-girlfriend said about my touch. She was always very enthusiastic about the way I touched her, and I recall feeling that I was “reading the story of her body” with my fingers, and “telling it back to her skin”. I kinda just thought that it was a normal thing to be able to touch a lover that way, but it seems not.

    After the breakup and my sudden “awakening” into this spirituality thing, I began to find, more and more, that I could “see inside” people by touching them .. and then much later, that I could redirect and share the healing energy that is “Divine Love” .. the energy of the One that passes through all things.

    I can also, with people who have extremely strong feelings, take some of their concerns away with the same connection. Although I don’t know how it would feel to be empathic, I think it must be a bit like being an emotional empath, but in my case I need to put my hands on someone, and it’s their body I read rather than their emotions … and their body’s response to their emotions leads me to be able to help with emotional issues like Anxiety, Anger, Fear and Depression.

    I’m still beginning to find out what is really happening to me, but as long as I act instinctively and intuitively, it all seems to just work and flow through me .. when I start to think about it, it gets much more difficult. I suppose that was why it was so easy with my ex-g/f in the beginning.

    For the most part, I tend to prefer guiding my meditation groups. That work is helping me to grow quite rapidly, and each time I host a session I seem able to give more next time .. and without giving too much of myself away in the process. This weekend I had a very small group .. only 2 people, and I was a little more adventurous with my guidance … Once they were present and open, lead them both to take their first step outside themselves, and experience infinity from a safe place … I was very happy .. because I took myself out there too .. and bathed in it whilst I guided … such a divine experience. When we explore together, I can feel the minds of these two people opening up wider and letting in more light in every session .. and I cannot be anything but grateful to my angels for being allowed to experience this with them.

    I have experimented with sharing energy over long distances”

    Depending on your location, time difference, energy sensitivity, and trust, I would be happy to engage in a little 30-40 minute online experiment with you some time. Maybe it will work, maybe not … but for me it would be worth a try …


    Hi Kevin,

    Thank you for giving me such a detailed explanation of your energy work.  If I was to give a name to this, I would call you a “sensitive” where you are being guided by intuition (inner knowing) rather than logic.  Your redirecting and sharing healing energy is better known as channelling, where your body acts as a kind of conductor for the healing energy and then gives this out usually through the hands in usable form.  This is spiritual healing.  The One-ness and Divinity is a much rarer occurrence.

    I’m sorry that your experience with Reiki wasn’t particularly good.  As with all professions, some people are more in tune than others.  I usually receive very positive feedback from my recipients, referring to their pain having gone away or they’ve seen themselves in a new light, one person said she felt like she’d been watered.  My father said “it was like being at the dentist – you go to sleep for a while then someone nudges you when it’s time to wake up”.

    I would love to engage in an experiment with you but not sure what you had in mind.  I only have a very basic computer, no speakers and I do not skype.  I live in England and have a high degree of sensitivity.  I think there is about an 8 hour time difference.  Let me know your thoughts around all of this.

    Best wishes






    Hi Peggy …

    Thanks for your analysis of my very embryonic skills now at last, I have an idea of what I am working with.

    I think you will find that the time difference between us is a lot more amenable .. I live in the Netherlands, one hour away from you.

    As for the experiment, I’ve done this sort of experiment by phone before. As long as your phone can be used on speakerphone or you can use a messenger like WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger then we can make the link. We don’t need video, only audio. We basically put the phones down on the table in front of us, each in our own comfy place, and put our hands either side of the phone one hands up and the other hands  down.. like holding hands across a distance … and I guide an energy sharing from hand to hand. Very simple, non intrusive, and often with interesting results.

    The only thing we would need to do is establish a contact time and exchange contact details, which would obviously have to be done outside a public forum. If  you wish to connect in order to discuss more, please email me on radiotrib@gmail.com.

    Love and light


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