
Post-cancer whirlwind

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    I am in my early 30’s, and had surgery for thyroid cancer in Spring of this year. It happened as I was completing my last semester of grad school and transitioning into a new career. On a trip away from the city with my family, I had an epiphany that I was unhappy in my life. All the past nagging little doubts all came up to the surface. I had been unhappy with my husband but too afraid to face it. I don’t like living in the city I’m in but it felt too hard, and too expensive, to even think of getting out. And now halfway through the school year in my new job, I’m doubting my ability to work in an urban school. I am constantly sick, frustrated, and stressed out in my life here. There’s a little voice telling me I’m too old to turn everything around, and maybe even worried that my health will suffer.

    I have been having a frustrating inner dialogue with myself ever since the trip where the epiphany happened. I came back from it and told my husband I needed to not only leave him but go away to teach abroad and fulfill my dreams of traveling the world. The problem is that after that, he started to be more loving to me, more open, and in general made more time for me. Now I think he did this, not because our relationship was suddenly “better,” but because he didn’t want me to go. I am still living with him because it’s not tenable for me to move out on my own right now, financially.

    I am back to wanting to go away but am terrified of what others will think of my decision, I don’t want to hurt my partner, our families, or wreck any relationships as a result. I guess I am caught up with doing what is “socially acceptable” instead of what I’m feeling like I need to do to be fulfilled and can’t find a way to get over it… I am close to my parents but they do no support my decision because they love my husband and think he is a good provider. It doesn’t matter to them that I feel unhappy. I have been told by my dad to wait at least a year after surgery to see if I still want to do this but it’s been six months, and the need to go is still there. I feel mostly that if I don’t do it, I’ll regret it much more than if I do it and it doesn’t work out.

    Has anyone else out there experienced something similar? Having cancer has been a great gift to me because it’s given me this amazing clarity that others seem to lack. Maybe that’s a part of it, I’m looking for acceptance from people that have no idea what I’m going through. So I’ve come here looking for some understanding…


    Dear Wanderer:

    You do not have children, correct? You mostly feel that if you don’t leave and follow your dream, you will regret it more than if you do leave and it doesn’t work out. Then go… Be the Wanderer you wish to be. Spread your wings and fly!



    Hello Wanderer!
    Your parents love you and want what’s best for you. I’m sure their concern comes from the fact that you’ve just overcome cancer and surgery….they want you to regain your equilibrium before you make a major life decision. My heart says “Fly! Do whatever you want!”….but realistically there are other things to consider: Will your relationship with your parents be destroyed if you follow your heart? Would that be OK with you? If you wait the 6 months they are asking for, will they support your decision to leave your marriage to travel and find yourself? Are you afraid to wait those 6 months because you think you’ll lose your gumption or just because you are impatient to go? I’m just hesitant to tell you to screw your folks and do what you want if they are important to you. They might know you well and have a valid argument!
    As far as your husband deciding to be nice and helpful after you’ve said you want to leave…..maybe he has realized that he just may lose you and wants to make changes. Only you know that. If so, can your marriage be fixed? Would he be ok with you doing some solo travel if you came back to him after….maybe a separation?
    If you are truly unhappy with your life and circumstances (I’ve had a small cancer so know a bit about how it makes you think) then I say go with your heart and make those life changes! You need to live an authentic life, for sure, and never stay where you are unhappy just to make other people happy. I’m just suggesting, as devil’s advocate, a few questions you might not have asked yourself. My 2¢.
    Best of luck to you and good vibes!


    Thanks so much, Wendy! All of the questions you ask are definitely things I’ve asked myself. Ultimately, my parents will come around and get over my divorce. I suppose I don’t feel like waiting any longer because I already feel like I’ve ignored my nagging doubts about the life I’m living long enough. Perhaps if I had done the hard work of addressing them, of maybe not getting married for example, I wouldn’t be in this difficult situation. Since posting this I’ve realized I need to go. My husband and I are mulling over the idea of a separation. I told him it would be good for us both to have some time and space away from each other to really evaluate our relationship and figure out if being married is really right for us. I think the only issue with this is that my husband gets lonely very easily; yes he loves me but I truly believe he is one of those men that just wants to be with someone. I suppose my philosophy has become whatever is meant to happen will. I can’t control situations or people, only how I react to them. Thanks for your words and taking the time to give me some advice!


    Hi Anita, Correct my husband and I have no children. I do feel like staying will leave me bitter and full of regrets in old age. Either way I will go through a period of discomfort. Leaving will at least give me the chance to be in a better situation in the end. I think it’s time to spread my little wings. Thanks for your advice!


    Dear Wanderer:

    You are welcome and have a good flight. Spreading one’s wings and flying is such a beautiful concept. I used to dream that I was flying, spreading my wings and flying fast, and there was always more and more space to fly through, no ending. I loved it so much that I refused to believe it was only a dream. It felt so real. Freedom is a beautiful thing.


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