
Postpone Hapiness for Stability?

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    hello guys, just came across this blog recently, and as i’m pretty lost for the last months, i wanted to give a try after seeing many posts and how the people here are so nice not just giving fantasies and romance, please i’d like some advice…

    i’m 28 and been working as an IT consultant for 3 years, in one of the big four companies, and after these 3 years i finally got a vacation… i went to japan and south korea, these were the places i really wanted to visit i’m japanese born in brazil, and i really think i don’t fit in here….

    after coming back, i realized that there’s much more to see and that i could find more purpose on my work in life than just working for others and selling my time to them.

    though i built a solid reputation during these 3 years, and still being offered a promotion and courses for improvement i feel like for a long term i will just postpone something that will occur eventually…

    with all that, i came through two possibilities…. travel the world, spend my savings and look for something i would really live off motivated, without the thought that i’m wasting my time and capabilities, also trying to discover myself, i really don’t know me, my passion, my abilities, what i’m excited for…
    i’m sure that doing this i will be happy in the short term… but the problem with this option is that i’m really afraid of when coming back, if… to don’t get anything… how will i survive after that, how i will be able to sustain myself if dropped everything i had to pursue the unknow…

    or stay at this job and build a better resume for security… and get a non-paid license to travel and make the first
    option a reality…

    i wonder if worrying about future when you are not happy now…is just procastinating your happiness today…
    what do you think?

    thank you for your time reading, i appreciate any answer…
    wish you all the best..


    Thanks Tei for your post.

    Hey, we can only live in the present moment. Past is gone and no one really knows the future. However, if your present is fully lived then your future has to be awesome as well as I believe positivity breeds more positivity. I think Dalai Lama believes in the same 🙂

    You should go and live your life. You have got the skills that you can use in any country and in many jobs so job security shouldnt be an issue. However, if you are not fully living today then when will you live ? It seems that you dont have any dependents, which makes living your dreams a lot easier.

    Happiness is a state of mind. If you are happy now with what you have, life is great. If you are not, find out whats lacking and work towards it and do help some others out on the way too. When we help others while enjoying life, others get to enjoy life too 🙂

    Blessings and may you get the strength to follow your heart without any insecurities.



    I think the book “Courage” by Osho will make this decision easy for you. I’d explain a bit about it but I don’t think I would do the book justice. It’s a great read and even though I’m not done with it, it has helped me a lot. It’s given guidance on how to fill my life with adventure.

    I wish you the best Tei.


    @jasmine-3 thank you for your message… and sorry for the long reply… was ashamed that didn’t take any action until then… now I’m in Seoul and making my plans to move forward… thank you for your message it really helped me…

    thank you for your recommendation i read osho and definitely helped me on my decision… his books are really out of thiis world… if it weren’t for tour advice probably i would still be on the same complainig routine… it is btter to face darkness than staying ib safety



    I am so happy for you. Keep spreading your light 🙂


    Nerdy Creator

    @teitan Opps, didn’t read the messages below. Great that you are in Seoul. Love that place! Would want to visit it again. All the best and hope that you find your passion and purpose in life.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by Nerdy Creator.
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