
Problems with my sister

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    Hi, recently I have been having many problems with my sister more frequently. I have had problems with her in the past but lately it has been worse. She used to steal from me here and there and I would forgive her every time because I want a relationship with her. But recently she has stollen numerous times from, lied to me, uses me and has not once said sorry or been apologetic which hurts me even more because I feel like she doesn’t care about me or how she treats me. I’m not the only person either she has stolen from or mis treated. I’m just stuck because I want a relationship with her but I also can’t take being mistreated any longer. I just wish she would see the damage it causes me and I just want or relationship to be back to normal .

    Thank you and advice welcomed!


    Hi Alexis,

    If you are sharing a house with her and have your own room, put locks on your door, closet, chest, and desk (filing cabinet?)

    If you are independent, again, have locks on the door. If she wants to meet at your house say “No” and meet here elsewhere (and watch your purse and lock your car!). Or just say “No I can’t see you now.”

    By having physical locks, you are FORCING her to respect your physical boundaries.

    You also put up boundaries by how many times you’ll ALLOW yourself to be mistreated by saying “No”. Even seeing her once a year is still having a relationship with her. Maybe she’ll use that time to learn how to be better behaved.

    Now, she will probably try to Bust your Boundaries in varied manipulative and annoying ways. Expect it. Hold firm. Or, when she finally sees you, may try to “make up for lost time” by being awful. Again, expect it. Be strong.

    Good Luck!


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by Inky.

    Dear Alexis:

    You wrote that you want your relationship with your sister to go back to normal. Can you share what was the NORMAL relationship you did have with her? When was that (how old were you and her when it was normal)? What constituted normal then? When did normal stop and became what it is now?


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