
Seeing an ex happy

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    Recently posted on here about my ex breaking up with me out of the blue, most likely being a product of depression that a lot of her friends have noticed in her. She’s changed since the breakup, won’t talk about her feelings, has isolated herself, and hasn’t seemed to process the breakup. We were best friends for 5 years before we dated, but since the breakup she hasn’t wanted to see or talk to me at all, even if she broke up with me. I’m giving her the space she wants and we probably need, and I haven’t talked to her or had any contact whatsoever in 3 weeks.

    We had these big plans for thanksgiving, she was gonna host and she had her mom and cousin (who really wanted to meet me) coming, her cousin who is her roommate, and two good friends of ours. When we broke up just over a month ago I asked if I could still come to thanksgiving and she said “yes, please do”.

    Cut to today, we still haven’t spoken. I miss her a lot. And not just because I miss being in a relationship, but because I genuinely miss her. I miss her presence in my life. I saw some posts about how much fun they seem to be having at this thanksgiving thats still happening, and I’m starting to have a really hard time. I vowed to not look at instagram, but I caved and looked, and now I’m sad. Is it selfish to want her to miss me and hope she is today? I saw the friends yesterday and they said they’ll miss me because I made things fun, and they have also been upset with the way my ex has been acting, and doesn’t like the cousin. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy they’re having fun, I just feel a void and wish I was there. Am I missed the way I miss them? What do I do?

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Jean.

    Hi Jean,

    First of all, of course she is looking happy on social media! Why would anyone post anyone looking sad? Think about it.

    Second of all, she was probably feeling GUILT as you did make plans and had to explain herself to her cousin.

    Seeing recent ex’s happy is the worst. Just keep in mind they’re not as happy as they let on.




    Just spoke with a friend who was there, said it went fine. No drama other than bickering between her and her cousin. I was expecting maybe something from her, is that selfish? I still just wish I knew if I was missed. My friends said they missed me, but I don’t know if she did.

    do you think she misses me how I miss her?



    I also don’t think it was nearly as fun as it was advertised as being, like when I was involved and even after I wasn’t involved. She said it was “fine”, not good or great.


    Hi Again,

    The friend could have said “fine” because she wants to stay out of it and spare your feelings. Who knows?

    Speaking of feelings, we can never REALLY know what your ex was/is/will feel, so best not to torture yourself.


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